Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Personal statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Personal statement - Essay Example I am keenly interested in business and am studying for my BSc. (Honors) degree in Accounting and Finance, considered to be the stepping stones to a career in business. The studies are challenging and I can literally feel my knowledge grow. I am happy that I am laying the foundation of my career. To add structure to a strong foundation, I am applying for a place at Hult International Business School to study towards a Masters degree in International Business. I am perfectly aware that business is conducted in different ways in different cultures. Dictated by regional nuances, business develops certain characteristics and practices unique to that region. Knowledge of these customs, practices and etiquette can prove invaluable to someone wishing to have a career in international business. Coming from a culture that is very different from this one, I can fully understand the importance of having the ability and the skill to interact with multiple cultures. After finishing with my degree, I intend to gain practical experience by working for a respected multinational company. Knowledge gained from books and through a study environment is perfect to begin with. However, it needs to be put to the test in the real world. This is how old and incorrect theories and practices are corrected and new theories emerge. I am already familiar with good business practices and am good at interacting with people, valuable skills for any aspiring businessman. I have held an internship spot at Ernst & Young in the summer of 2009. Working in a real business environment was challenging yet fun. I learned many aspects of real world business, such as the workings of the Omani Labor Law, survey preparation and performance management practices. I also learned how to present my research professionally by preparing and delivering presentations. These skills have greatly helped me in my studies and have given me an understanding of what effective business policies are. Putting into practice th e project management skills I picked up during my internship, I organized an open day event at my college. It was hard work, organizing and arranging and marketing and sending out invites. The open day was a huge success and a large number of companies participated. I received tremendous appreciation from my fellows and teachers and it was overall a very thrilling experience for me. The idea of hard work bearing fruit is highly stimulating and inspires me to learn more to subsequently put into practice. Working at a higher level in a similar organization, either in Oman or somewhere abroad, after acquiring a master’s degree, I believe I will have access to more knowledge and information as well as the position to put that knowledge and information into practice. If working abroad, I will be able to feel more at home with the different customs and ways of doing business, thanks to my university degree. My long term plan is to be CEO of a large, successful multinational firm. W ith the tools and skills gathered during the specified five years, I hopefully will be fully capable of landing and then shining in such a role. The CEO of a company that continues to flourish under him is one who not only understands how to conduct good business but also has good people-skills. With my interest in other cultures, my own
Monday, October 28, 2019
Rich man Essay Example for Free
Rich man Essay Slavery is alive and well in the 21st Century. Ever wondered, as you slipped on your trainers or pulled on a pair of jogging bottoms what life would be like for the person who made them? Nike promotes sport and healthy living but the lives of workers who make Nike shoes and clothes in Asia are anything but healthy. Independent research indicates that they live in extreme poverty and suffer stress and exhaustion from over work. Around the world there are millions of people whose lives depend on global trade. Many are small children between an age of nine and seventeen, working in factories trying to earn just a little money for their families. But working in these factories isnt living. Its sweating. Its exhaustion. Its two meals of rice and vegetables a day. Its two twenty-four hour shifts a week. Its food or medicine, not both. Its a mat to sleep on in a nine by nine cell. In short ninety pence, the daily rate at Nike factories and the mandated Indonesian minimum is more a dying wage than a living wage. We are the reason that the poor get poorer and the rich get richer. Demand here effects lives there. Poor people are being kept poor, thanks to companies like Nike. People have to work overtime, and if they dont, they either get the sack or they get abused both physically and mentally. Workers are so poor that they cannot take the risk and say no, because they need the money so much. Even children have had to work in order to earn money because of their poverty. Child labour is one of the most serious human rights abuses in the work place. They are being denied something all children should have an entitlement to, a childhood. A right to play, a right to grow up without the worries and responsibilities of survival. A right to an education without which they can never aspire to a better quality of life. Should such huge responsibilities be placed on such little shoulders? In the U. S. A. and Europe a Nike shirt costs thirty pounds, yet the workers may only get about a quarter of that price per week in wages. The third world kids are victims of poverty. We the consumers are victims of high prices and ignorance. Every time we wear an item of clothing produced by named brand manufacturers we advertise their products. We have been given false hopes, the way that Nike gives false hopes to the workers in their factories. The clothes we buy from Nike are made in factories from China to El Salvador. These factories can only be called sweatshops. The conditions people are expected to work in are nothing short of appalling. Wages are abysmal; hours are long and welfare non-existent. Workers who remained anonymous for fear of loosing their jobs were interviewed by Sarah Strickland in Phonom Penh and are quoted as saying, Some only earn i 20 a month. They have to get their card stamped when they go to the toilet and sometimes they faint from exhaustion and the heat. One particular worker who said he had worked for two years without a holiday told her, When I asked for two days off, they cut my salary. The manufacturers were also approached for their comments on the state of the garment industry in Cambodia. Van Sou Ieng, chairman of the Garment Manufacturers Association told Ms Strickland Some of the workers have unrealistic demands, like asking for forty hour, five day weeks. I wonder how many hours per week he works and for how much pay? I would be very surprised if he wasnt entitled to holiday pay, sick pay and a substantial pension. I think the workers in these factories should be paid more because they are being kept poor and its unfair. The children working in these factories should not have been there, they should have been in school, playing and having fun not receiving pain in a factory. However this is a complex issue, consider this, if you buy Nike products, those factory workers will be kept poor. If you dont buy them they will still be poor, maybe more so. So what can we do about it? Well, we could try protesting to companies like Nike. A letter of disapproval might be a start, but will these multi-million pound companies listen to us? I think we should protest to the world trading organisations and persuade them to set standards for all companies around the world. Standards that are fair to everyone; the factory workers, the companies and you the consumer. A world trade mark could then be a sign of quality without cruelty, a guideline for the unsuspecting buyers around the world that the product didnt cost someone more than a fair days work for a fair days pay, and doesnt cost us our peace of mind. Rich man The executives of the large companies who make their money from us all  Poor man The consumer who is being conned by these companies and kept in the dark about the way in which their products are produced.  Beggar man The people in third world countries who have little or no rights in the workplace, slaves to their rich masters.  Thief The Multi-million pound companies, the fat cats of society, making their money from exploiting others.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Comic Books are not Trash :: miscellaneous
Comic Books are not Trash Comic books are cheap entertainment that trash the minds of our children. How often have I earned this. And I’ve disagreed with it every single time. If people were willing to go beyond that old stereotype, they would see that comic books are not that much different from other books. The thing is, as for many books, to choose wisely the ones we let our children read. Thus, you will see that comic books aren’t so bad. First, let us all remember that the authors, regardless of what type of writing they do, can always influence the minds of their young (and not so young) readers. After all, if you look at the storybooks written a few decades (and more) ago, you will find that a lot of them were sexist. For example, it was always the prince who saved Snow White, Cinderella and all the other princesses. Even if that is less true now, there are still some books that can negatively influence children. So if it is true that some comic books are sexist or violent, it is also true that some of them are, to put it simply, fine. It would be wrong to accuse all comic books of prejudice and violence, like it would be wrong to do the same with novels. In the same line of thought, one of the great things about books is that they can teach you a lot of things, whether it is about deep things or facts that you did not know; they broaden your horizon. Well, that is also true of some comic books. And it is not so surprising, when you think about it. For example, I had never heard of the country of Tanzania before I read a comic book in which that was the birth place of one of the main characters. As for more deep, philosophical things, even though it is less obvious, that can also be found. In a particular comic book title (but also in many others) the main subject in the stories is no understanding those who are born different from us. It can easily be related to racism. Thus, comic books, like books, can teach us great lessons. On a different note, it has often been said that literature is a form of art and that the writer is an artist and should be looked upon as such. Comic Books are not Trash :: miscellaneous Comic Books are not Trash Comic books are cheap entertainment that trash the minds of our children. How often have I earned this. And I’ve disagreed with it every single time. If people were willing to go beyond that old stereotype, they would see that comic books are not that much different from other books. The thing is, as for many books, to choose wisely the ones we let our children read. Thus, you will see that comic books aren’t so bad. First, let us all remember that the authors, regardless of what type of writing they do, can always influence the minds of their young (and not so young) readers. After all, if you look at the storybooks written a few decades (and more) ago, you will find that a lot of them were sexist. For example, it was always the prince who saved Snow White, Cinderella and all the other princesses. Even if that is less true now, there are still some books that can negatively influence children. So if it is true that some comic books are sexist or violent, it is also true that some of them are, to put it simply, fine. It would be wrong to accuse all comic books of prejudice and violence, like it would be wrong to do the same with novels. In the same line of thought, one of the great things about books is that they can teach you a lot of things, whether it is about deep things or facts that you did not know; they broaden your horizon. Well, that is also true of some comic books. And it is not so surprising, when you think about it. For example, I had never heard of the country of Tanzania before I read a comic book in which that was the birth place of one of the main characters. As for more deep, philosophical things, even though it is less obvious, that can also be found. In a particular comic book title (but also in many others) the main subject in the stories is no understanding those who are born different from us. It can easily be related to racism. Thus, comic books, like books, can teach us great lessons. On a different note, it has often been said that literature is a form of art and that the writer is an artist and should be looked upon as such.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Drugs: A Major Problem In Canadian Society :: essays research papers fc
Drugs: A Major Problem In Canadian Society A major problem that exists within Canadian society is the abuse of mind- altering substances. Such narcotics cause not only health problems, but also violent and potentially criminal acts. A mind-altering narcotic can be defined as both the legal and illegal type. The four main categories of drugs are: narcotics, CNS depressants, CNS stimulants, and hallucinogens. Most of these drugs are highly addictive and are usually obtained by prescription or are considered a banned substance and must be purchased illegally. Users of many of the "harder" drugs being abused today also face the possibility of an eventual overdose. An overdose is the ingestion of a lethal or mind- damaging amount of drugs. Once an full addiction of these drugs occur, the user faces withdrawal symptoms when a discontinuation of a drug transpires. This is due to a reduction of the natural pain-killers that exist in the body of non- drug users. These symptoms include chills, sweating, cramps, headaches, diarrhea and excessive vomiting. The treatment of drug addicts includes an extensive program of detoxification. Medical drugs, such as Naloxone, are sometimes given to patients to aid in overcoming these addictions. These drugs occupy opiate receptors in the brain to block all effects of the damaging drugs, however the Naloxone is not an addictive drug, as the others are. The downfall to the medical drugs being used to help addiction are that there effects are very short-term and cannot cure the patient, but does assist in attaining the goal of substituting a more controllable, less lethal drug as opposed to the original narcotic . The key to preventing substance abuse in Canada is to educate the public, preferably at a young age, never to experiment with potentially life-threating drugs. This education can be attained within the pre-secondary schools. In 1988 prime minister Brian Mulroney announced proposed Canada's Drug Strategy. Laws were enacted, which prohibited the sale of drug paraphernalia and increased the power of police to seize the assets of arrested drug offenders. The Strategy allocated the sum of $210 million in its first five years (and an additional $270 million in 1992) mainly to the prevention, education and treatment of drug use, while 30 per cent of this money was intended for the traditional area of law enforcement. The goal of education within the school system should be to support those students who are non-users with recognition and social activities that will encourage them to remain non-users and to facilitate a belief and value system that incorporates concern for fellow students and residents of the community. Drug education should emphasise the negative aspects of drugs to give the
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Macbeth coursework Essay
We know that lady Macbeth is not calm in the beginning of act 2 scene 2 because of all the factors used to create tension and an eerie surrounding, these are it is dark, some one has just gone to murder the king and the owl shrieking. She will also be on edge and continually watching her back, this will be because Macbeth has just gone to murder the king, and if it goes wrong everything points to them and they will be executed for treason. To calm her down she has a drink, ‘that which hath made them drunk hath made me bold†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ this shows she has had a drink to make her courageous. To add even more tension to this already tense scene the speech speed dramatically increases, ‘When?’ ‘Now.’ ‘As I descended?’ You can tell the speed increases allot because they don’t say more than three words to each other in this banter at this point in the scene. When the two actors playing this scene are acting they should be moving around in synchronised circles around the stage and express their speech in hand movements. After this they move onto a different subject, Donaldbain, the king’s son. The whole of this scene should be spoken not to loud but not to quiet because it is so early in the morning that it is dark, and everyone in the castle apart from them two is asleep. Macbeth then starts to tell Lady Macbeth that he heard the two guards and other voices praying and talking to him, ‘There’s one did laugh ins sleep, and one cried murder!’ he is telling Lady Macbeth about his hearings in this quote. Lady Macbeth believes him but does not want him to develop on these thoughts and move on, ‘consider it not so deeply.’ She is now telling him to move on to another subject and carry on as normal. She could be a bit worried about her husband Macbeth, ‘these deeds must not be thought†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ she is worried that he is dwelling on this subject too much for his and her own good,’ it will make us mad. ‘ This sentence is very ironic because in the later stages of the play it comes true, this comes true because lady Macbeth goes around washing her hands thinking there is blood on them but there actually isn’t. This ends in her committing suicide. She could also be trying to comfort him, ‘What do you mean?’ she could be trying to get all of his bad feelings out of him and out in the open so she can deal with him. This could also lead to it being easier for her to manipulate him by exploiting his weaknesses. The stronger character in this scene and the whole time she is in the play is Lady Macbeth in the way she controls her whole surroundings to the way she wants, ‘these deeds must not be thought†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ in this part of the play she is in controlling she is literally telling him what to think. There is a great warrior who has killed many in battle is putty in his wives hands, she can mould him into feeling and doing what she wants. Macbeth starts to show a little amount of backbone in the middle of the scene, ‘Ill go no more.’ This is when he confronts her and tells her he won’t do anymore when she tells him to put the daggers back and smear the blood on the guards. Earlier at the beginning of the scene when Macbeth returns from the murder of the king he brings back two crucial pieces of evidence that links them to the murder. The plan was to kill the king with the guard’s daggers and return the daggers after smearing the blood on the two guards to frame them. He does all of this apart from the returning the daggers. When Lady Macbeth realises this she is furious,’Infirm of purpose!’ She raised her voice severely, to prove how angry she is. She is saying to him that he can’t do the simple job he was told to do. So because of this fault it looks like the guards are innocent and they wanted to frame them. When Lady Macbeth goes to return the daggers this shows us she is not a normal women in accordance to those times,’ I’ll gild the faces of the grooms withal†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ this shows us she is not afraid to stare In the face of death and smear the faces of the guards which she has manipulated her husband to do. This is very strange because when this play was made the country was a very Christian and to murder a man in cold blood was a very serious offence let alone blame the murder on his own guards. Lady Macbeth is not a normal as we know because earlier in the play when we first see her in act 1 scene 5 she calls upon evil spirits to make her more of a man than a woman. When Lady Macbeth returns from smearing the blood on the guards she says,’ A little water clears us of this deed.’ She is basically saying that all it needs is a little bit of water to clean their hands then they are in the clear of the murder. This sentence is also ironic because when Lady Macbeth gets mentally ill in the later stages of the play she thinks her hands have blood on them so she continually washes them thinking the blood is still there even though there is none there. The way that Lady Macbeth is portrayed throughout the whole play from Act 1 scene 5 till she commits suicide is she is an opportunist; she sees the opportunity that Macbeth can become king so she pushes him and manipulates him to think he is the rightful king. She will also do anything to be crowned queen alongside him. She is also shown as very devious and a manipulator this is shown as she controls the best Scottish warrior is like a dog and she is the owner she tells him what to do and he does it, or a puppet master and the puppet. She also manipulates the noblest warrior to kill in cold blood. She is shown most of the way through the play as the more prominent and powerful character of all the characters in the play. I think that Shakespeare tried and succeed in personifying the devil in Lady Macbeth in the way she controls her environment to her advantage. What I thought of Lady Macbeth in the first time we see her when she reads the letter from Macbeth was that she was an elegant woman nothing like she turns out to be. But after she hears the prophecy about Macbeth becoming the king it is like an on/off switch to turn on or off the evilness inside of her. She believes,’ He is too full of the milk of human kindness.’ Meaning he is too kind to do any of the deeds he has done so far. Straight away she is scheming and wanted him to hurry home so she can,’ Pour my spirits in thine ear.’ Basically she wants to poison his mind.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How to Improve Your SAT Reading Score 8 Strategies
How to Improve Your SAT Reading Score 8 Strategies SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you struggling with an SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) score between 300 and 500? You're not alone- hundreds of thousands of students are scoring in this range. But many don't know the best ways to break out of this score range and get a 600 or higher. Here, we'll discuss how to improve your SAT Reading score specifically and why it's so important to do so. Unlike other fluffy articles out there, we'll be focusing on actionable strategies.Put these eight strategies to work and I'm confident you'll be able to improve your SAT Reading score. Brief note:this article is suited for students scoring below 600 on EBRW. If you're already above this range, my perfect SAT Reading score article is more appropriate for you. Also, the current SAT (as opposed to the old SAT)has a single 800 Reading and Writing score, which combines your individual Reading and Writing test scores. So technically, when I talk about a 600 Reading test score, I'm referring to a30/40 Reading test score,which combines with your Writing test score to get you 600. In this guide, I'll use 600 and 30 interchangeably to mean the same thing. We won't talk about Writing here, but if you want to improve your Writing score, too, check out my guide on how to raise your low SAT Writing score. In this article, I'm going to discuss why scoring high is a good idea, address what it takes to score a 600, and then go into specific SAT Reading tips andstrategies. Stick with me- this is like building a house. First, you need to lay a good foundation before putting up the walls and pretty windows. In the same vein, we need to understand why you're doing what you're doing before we dive into our top tips and strategies for SAT Reading. Note that I will talk mainly about getting to 600, but if your goal is 500 or lower, these concepts still equally apply. Before we begin, here is the table of contents for this article in case you want to come back to this later or jump around: Raising Your SAT Reading Score: Understand the Stakes Know That You Can Get a 600 SAT Reading Score What It Takes to Get a 600 (or 30) in SAT Reading Strategy 1: Save Time on Reading Passages by Switching Your Reading Strategy Strategy 2:Learn to Eliminate the 3 Wrong Answers Strategy 3:Find Your Reading Skill Weaknesses and Drill Them Strategy 4: Only Use High-Quality SAT Reading Sources Strategy 5:Don't Focus On Vocab Strategy 6:Skip the Most Difficult, Time-Consuming Questions Strategy 7:Understand All Your Reading Mistakes Strategy 8: Guess on EveryQuestion You Don't Know Raising Your SAT Reading Score: Understand the Stakes At this SAT score range, improving your low SAT EBRW score to a score in at least the 600 range will dramatically boost your chances of getting into better colleges. Let's use Penn State University as an example. The average SAT score for admitted applicants to Penn State is 1270. Its 25th percentile score is 80, and its 75th percentile score is 1370. Furthermore, its acceptance rate is 51%. In other words, a little more than half of all applicants are admitted. But the lower your SAT scores are, the worse your chances of getting in will be. In our analysis, if you score around 1000, your chance of admission drops to just 27%. But if you raise your score to 1200, your chance of admission goes up to 60%- that's a really good chance of admission! So improving your score by just 200 points makes a huge difference in your chances of getting into your target colleges. For the SAT Reading section, this is especially true if you want to apply to humanities majors and programs, such as English or communications. These programs expect your Reading score to be strong. If you score low, they'll doubt your ability to do college-level humanities work. Even if you're a math superstar and are applying to a science major, colleges still want to know that you can process difficult texts at a college level. A low Reading score will cast huge doubt on you. It's really worth your time to improve your SAT Reading score. Hour for hour,it's the best thing you can do to raise your chance of getting into college. Curious what chances you have with a 1200 SAT score? Check out ourexpert college admissions guide for an 1200 SAT score. Know That You Can Get a 600 SAT Reading Score This isn't just supposed to be a vague, happy-go-lucky message you see on a juice carton. I mean, literally, you and every other student can do this. In my job here at PrepScholar, I've worked with thousands of students scoring in the lower ranges of 300-500 on EBRW. Time after time, I've seen students beat themselves up over their low scores; they think improving them is impossible and say things such as the following: "I know I'm not smart." "I just can't read passages quickly, and I don't know how to improve my SAT Reading score." "I was never good at English, and my English teachers never told me I did a good job." This breaks my heart. Because I know that more than anything else, your SAT score is a reflection ofhow hard you work and how smartly you study. Not your IQ and not your school grades. Not how Mr. Anderson in 10th grade gave you a C on your essay. The truth is that SAT Reading is designed to trick you- and you need to learn how. Here's why: the SAT is a weird test. When you take it, don't you get the sense that the questions are nothing like what you've seen in high school? I bet you've had this problem: with SAT Reading passages, you often miss questions because of an "unlucky guess." You try to eliminate a few answer choices, but the ones left all sound equally good to you. So you throw up your hands and take a random guess. The SAT is purposely designed this way to confuse you.Literally millions of other students have the exact same problem you do. And the SAT knows this. Normally, in your high school English class, your teacher tells you that all interpretations of a text are valid. You can write an essay about anything you want, and English teachers aren't allowed to tell you your opinion is wrong. This is because they can get in trouble for telling you what to think. But the SAT has an entirely different problem. It's a national test, which means it needs to create a level playing field for all students around the country. It needs to fairly compare students with each other. As a result,every question must have a single, unambiguously, 100% correct answer. There's only ever one correct answer. Find a way to eliminate the three incorrect answer choices. Imagine if this weren't the case. Imagine each Reading answer had two answer choices that might each be plausibly correct. When SAT scores came out, every single student who got the question wrong would more than likely complain to the College Board that the test is flawed.The College Board would then have to invalidate that question, ultimately weakening the power of the SAT. The College Board wants to avoid this nightmare scenario. Therefore, every single Reading passage question has only one correct answer. But the SAT disguises this fact by asking questions with the following cryptic phrases: The author would most likely agree with which of the following statements? The first paragraph primarily serves to: In line 20, "dark"most nearly means: Notice a pattern here? The SAT always disguises the fact that there's just one unambiguous answer. It tries to make you waver between two or three answer choices that all sound plausible. And then you guess randomly. And then you get the question wrong. You can bet students fall for this. Millions of times every year. Students who don't prepare for the SAT in the right way don't appreciate this. But if you prepare for the SAT in the right way, you'll learn the tricks the SAT plays on you.And you'll raise your score. The SAT Reading section is full of patterns like these. To improve your score, you just need to do the following: Learn the types of questions the SAT tests, such as the ones above Learn strategies to solve these questions, using skills you already know Practicewith a lot of high-quality questions so you can learn from your mistakes The point is that you can learn these skills, even if you don't consider yourself a good reader or a great English student.I'll go into more detail about exactly how to do this later. But first, let's see how many questions you need to get right in order to get a 600 on SAT Reading. What It Takes to Get a 600 (or 30) in SAT Reading If you have a target score in mind, it helps to understand how many question you'll need to get right, which is known as your raw score, in order to hit your target scaled score (out of 600). Since SAT Reading combines with Writing to give you a single EBRW score out of 600, we're going to be looking at Reading test scores instead. In this case, we're aiming for a Reading test score of 30,out of 40 total points. Here's a rough raw-score-to-SAT-Reading-test-score conversion table - the exact conversions will depend on the test, but this chart will give you a close approximation of how many questions you can miss and still get a 30. (If you could use a refresher on how the SAT is scored and how raw scores are calculated, read this guide.) Raw Scaled Raw Scaled Raw Scaled Raw Scaled 52 40 38 31 24 24 10 17 51 39 37 30 23 24 9 16 50 39 36 30 22 23 8 16 49 38 35 29 21 23 7 15 48 37 34 29 20 23 6 14 47 36 33 28 19 22 5 13 46 35 32 28 18 22 4 12 45 35 31 28 17 21 3 44 34 30 27 16 21 2 10 43 33 29 27 15 20 1 10 42 33 28 26 14 20 0 10 41 32 27 26 13 19 40 32 26 25 12 18 39 31 25 25 18 Source: SAT Official Practice Test #4 Notice that if you're aiming for 600 overall and 30/40 on Reading, you'll need a raw score of about 36/52. This is a 70% score. This fact has serious implications for your testing strategy. In essence, you only need to answer about 2/3 of all Reading questions right.We'll go into more detail below about what this means for your testing strategy. Whatever you're scoring now, take note of the difference you need to get to 30. For example, if you're scoring 23, you'll need to answer about 15 more questions right on Reading to get to 30. Once again, even if your goal is something like 500 (i.e., 25/40), the same analysis applies. OK, so we've covered why scoring a higher SAT Reading score is important, why you are capable of improving your score, and the raw score you'll need to get in order to hit your target score. I hope a lot of this was useful and changed how you think about SAT Reading prep. Now, we'll look at actionable strategies you should use in your own SAT prep to maximize your Reading score improvement. 8 Strategies to Improve Your Low SAT Reading Score In this section, we give you our top eight SAT Reading strategies guaranteed to improve your low Reading score. Strategy 1: Save Time on Reading Passages by Switching Your Reading Strategy Based on my experience working with thousands of students, by far the most common problem test takers have with SAT Reading passages is this:they keep running out of time before they can get through all the questions. This is a problem because unlike SAT Math, passage questions aren't arranged by level of difficulty. Therefore, by not completing all the questions in time, you might miss some easy questions at the end that you would have gotten right, if only you'd had enough time. What's the cause of this? The most common one I see is that students are reading the passages far more closely than they actually need to be.Once again, this is a result of homework and what you learn in English class. In English, you've probably gotten (stupid) tests that quiz you about what Baron Meistoff said in a particular scene, or what color Tom's T-shirt was. So of course you've learned to pay attention to every single detail in a text. The SAT is different, though.For a passage that's 80 lines long, there might only be 10 questions. Many of these don't even refer to specific lines- instead, they'll talk about the point of the passage as a whole or the tone of the author. The number of questions that focus on small, line-by-line details is low. Therefore, it's a waste of time to read a passage line by line, afraid you'll miss a detail that a question might ask you about. The best way to read a passage? Skimming it on the first read-through. This is why I recommend thatall students use this SAT Reading passage strategy: Skim the passage on the first read-through. Don't try to understand every single lineor write notes predicting what the questions might ask. Just get a general understanding of the passage. You'll want to try to finish reading the passage within three minutes, if possible. Next, go to the questions. If the question refers to a certain line number, go back to that line number and work on understanding the text around it. If you can't answer a question within 30 seconds, skip it. (More on this strategy later.) This strategy is important because the questions will ask about far fewer lines than the passage actually contains. For example, lines 5-20 of a reading passage might not be relevant to any question that follows. Therefore, if you spend time trying to deeply understand lines 5-20, you’ll just waste time. Some students take this strategy to the extreme: they read the questions first before the passage. If a question refers to any specific lines, they then mark those in the passage, which they can later use as a guide to know what to focus on when they read the passage. Different strategies work for different students. You need to try out a lot to see which strategy leads to the best results for you. But by and large, I'm confident that you're spending way too much time reading the passage. Strategy 2:Learn to Eliminate the 3 Wrong Answers I spent some time above talking about how there is always one unambiguously correct answer. This has a huge implication for the strategy you should use to find the right SAT Reading answer. Here's the other way to see it: out of the four answer choices, three of them have something that is totally wrong about them.Only one answer is 100% correct, which means that the other three are 100% wrong. You know how you try to eliminate answer choices and then end up with a few at the end that all seem equally likely to be correct? Well, you're not doing a good enough job of eliminating answer choices. Remember, every single wrong choice can be crossed out for its own reasons. You have to learn how to eliminate three answer choices for every single Reading question. "Great, Allen. But this doesn't tell me anything about how to eliminate answer choices." Thanks for asking. There are a few classic wrong answer choices the SAT loves to use. Let's look at an example. Imagine you just read a passage that focuses on how human evolution shaped the environment. It gives a few examples. First, it talks about how the transition from earlier species likeHomo habilus to neanderthals led to more tool usage like fire, resulting in wildfires and shaping the ecology. It then discussesHomo sapiens 40,000 years ago and their overhunting of species, such as woolly mammoths, to extinction. After, we run into a question asking, "Which of the following best describes the main subject of the passage?" Here are our possible answer choices: A: The transition between Homo habilus and neanderthals B: The study of evolution C: How the environment shaped human evolution D: The plausibility of evolution E: The influence of human development on ecology Note that we're using five answer choices for illustration purposesonly- in reality, the SAT only has four answer choices per Reading question. As you're reading these answers, a few of them probably started to sound really plausible to you. Surprise! Each of the answers from A to D has something seriously wrong with it. Each one is a classic example of a wrong answer type given by the SAT. Let's look at just what these are. Wrong Answer 1 (A): Too Specific A: The transition between Homo habilus and neanderthals This type of wrong answer focuses on a smaller detail in the passage. It’s meant to trick you and make you think to yourself, "Well, I saw this mentioned in the passage, so it’s a plausible answer choice." Wrong! Ask yourself: can this answer choice really describe the entire passage? Can it basically function as the title of this passage? In the end, you’ll find that it’s just way too specific to convey the point of the overall passage. Wrong Answer 2 (B): Too Broad B: The study of evolution This type of wrong answer has the opposite problem as the one above in that it’s way too broad. While theoretically the passage concerns the study of evolution, it focuses on just one aspect of it, especially as it relates to the impact of evolution on the environment. To give another ludicrous example, say you talked to your friend about your cell phone and he said your main point was the universe. Yes, you were talking about the universe in that you both live in the universe, but this was clearly only a tiny fraction of your conversation. In short, answer choice B is simply far too generalto be a good answer to this question. Wrong Answer 3 (C): Reversed Relationship C: How the environment shaped human evolution This wrong answer choice can be tricky because it mentions all the right words. But of course the relationship between these words needs to be correct as well. Here, the relationship is flipped: the passage focuses on how human evolution shaped the environment, not the other way around. Students who read too quickly often make careless mistakes like these! Wrong Answer 4 (D): Unrelated Concept D: The plausibility of evolution Finally, this kind of wrong answer preys on students' tendency to overthink questions. If you’re passionate about arguing about evolution, for example, this answer might be a trigger answer for you since any discussion concerning evolution becomes a chance to argue about its plausibility. Of course, even though this concept appears nowhere in the passage, some students just aren't able to resist choosing this answer choice. Do you see the point? On the surface, each answer choice sounds as though it could possibly be correct. But possibly isn't good enough. The right answer must be 100%, totally right. Wrong answers might be off by even just one word, so you need to know how to eliminate these. Carry this thought into every SAT Reading passage question you do. Next strategy: find your weak links and fix them. Strategy 3:Find Your Reading Skill Weaknesses and Drill Them Reading passage questions might look similar, but they actually test very different skills. Here at PrepScholar, we believe the major skills tested in SAT passages are as follows: Big Picture/Main Point Little Picture/Detail Inference Vocabulary in Context Function Author Technique Evidence Support Data Interpretation Analyzing Multiple Texts Whew, that's a lot of skills! More than is obvious when you're reading passages on SAT Reading. Each of these question types uses different skills in how you read and analyze a passage.They each require a different method of prep and focused practice. If you're like most students, you're probably better at some areas in Reading than you are at others.For instance, you might be good at getting the big picture of a passage but not so good at getting inferences. Or you might be really strong at pinpointing the author's tone but struggle with interpreting data correctly. If you're like most students, you also don't have an unlimited amount of time to study. You have a lot of homework, possibly sports and other extracurriculars, and friends to hang out with. This means that for every hour you study for the SAT, it needs to be the most effective hour possible. In more concrete terms,you need to find your greatest areas of improvement and work on those. Too many students study the "dumb" way. They just buy a book and read it cover to cover. When they don't improve, they're shocked. But I'm not. Studying effectively for the SAT isn't like painting a house. You're not trying to cover all your bases with a very thin layer of understanding. What these students did wrong was that they wasted time on subjects they already knew, and they didn't spend enough time on honing their weaknesses. Studying effectively for the SAT is like plugging up the holes in a leaky boat. You need to find the biggest hole and fill it. Then, you need to find the next biggest hole and fill that, too. You'll soon find that your boat isn't sinking anymore. How does this relate to SAT Reading? You need to find the sub-skills you're weakest in and then drill those until you're no longer weak in them. Fixing up the biggest holes. Within Reading, you must figure out whether there are patterns to your mistakes. Is it that you're running out of time with reading passages? Or that you don't get Inference questions? Or that you're really weak at interpreting details? For every question you miss, identify what type of question it is. When you notice patterns to the questions you miss, you must then devote extra practice to those sub-skills. Say you miss a lot of Inference questions (this is typically the hardest type of question for students to get on SAT Reading). You need to somehow get focused practice questions for this skill so you can drill your mistakes. Bonus: If all of this is making sense to you, you'd love our SAT prep program, PrepScholar. We designed our program around the concepts in this article, because they actually work.When you start with PrepScholar, you’ll take a diagnostic that will determine your weaknesses in over forty SAT skills - in Critical Reading, Math, and Writing. PrepScholar then creates a study program specifically customized for you. To improve each skill, you’ll take focused lessons dedicated to each skill, with over 20 practice questions per skill. This will train you for your specific area weaknesses, so your time is always spent most effectively to raise your score. There’s no other prep system out there that does it this way, which is why we get better score results than any other program on the market. Check it out today with a 5-day free trial: Strategy 4: Only Use High-Quality SAT Reading Sources SAT Reading passages are very specific in how they work. And SAT Reading questions are very specifically phrased and constructed to have bait answers. If you want to improve your Reading score, you have to use realistic SAT Reading sources.If you don't, you'll develop bad habits and accidentally train the wrong skills. Think about it like this: say you're trying out for the baseball team. Instead of practicing with real baseballs, you decide to practice with Wiffle balls.It's alot cheaper and easier, and hitting the ball makes you feel good about your skills. So you train and train and train with a Wiffle ball. You understand how the Wiffle ball curves when it's thrown, how to hit it, and how to throw it. Eventually, you try out for the baseball team. A pitch comes, but it's way faster than you've ever practiced with. It doesn't curve like a Wiffle ball does. Swing, and a miss. You've trained with the wrong thing, and now you're totally unprepared for baseball. This is not real baseball. SAT Reading works the exact same way. Train with poorly written tests, and you'll develop bad habits and unhelpful strategies. Far and away, the best sources for SAT Reading passages areofficial SAT practice tests.This is why we include these official practice testsin our SAT prep program- so that we can accurately gauge your progress and provide you with quality training. The problem is that there aren't that many official SAT practice tests available. Because you want to use these to train your endurance for the full-length test, it's best to try to conserve them. This means that to get enough SAT Reading practice, you'll need to use other materials, too. Our first suggestion is to use prep resources specifically geared toward the SAT.Be careful, though, sincemany test-prep companies tend to release poor-quality passages and questions (most books you see on SAT Reading are pretty terrible, too). Check out our picks for the best SAT prep books here. This is especially harmful for SAT Reading because the style of its passages and questions are quite complex, as opposed to SAT Math whose questions are more straightforward. To write realistic questions, you need to understand the SAT inside and out. That's why we've created what I believe are the highest quality Reading questions available anywhere. Here's what we've done: We've deconstructed every official SAT practice test- question by question, answer by answer. We've statistically studied every question type on the test and understand exactly how questions are phrased and how wrong answer choices are constructed. As head of product, I'm responsible for content quality. I hire only the most qualified content writers to craft our test content. This means people who got perfect SAT scores, who have hundreds of hours of SAT teaching experience, and who graduated from Ivy League schools. All of this results in the most realistic, highest quality SAT Reading questions. Even if you don't use PrepScholar, make sure that whatever resource you do use undergoes the same scrutiny we exercise.If you're not sure how helpful something is or notice lots of negative reviews, it's best to avoid it. Strategy 5:Don't Focus On Vocab Vocab gets way too much attention from students. It feels good to study vocab flashcards because it seems like you're making progress. "I studied 1,000 vocab words- this must mean I improved my Reading score!" This is why other test-prep programs love teaching you vocab- you feel as though you're learning something and it's worth your money. But the truth is that learning vocab isn't really helping you. Fortunately, vocab doesn't play a big role in your SAT Reading score anymore. This is especially true for the current version of the SAT, which no longer hasSentence Completion questions. (On the old, pre-2016 SAT, these were the questions that required you to fill in blanks with vocab words.) The reasoning behind this decision was that the College Board received a lot of criticism for forcing students to memorize advanced vocab that wasn't that useful in college or for future careers. (And students rejoiced everywhere!) That said, there are still some SAT Reading questions that ask about vocab, such as this one (taken from an official SAT practice test): As used in line 68, "hold" most nearly meansA) maintainB) gripC) restrainD) withstand Wait- "hold"? They're asking a question about the simple word "hold"? Yes, it's a common word- but the key to this question lies in understanding how a word is used in context.Hold can mean all the things listed in the answer choices, but only one of them is correct. Here are examples of words you'll need to understand in context for the SAT: ambivalent convey lament postulate These are somewhat advanced words, but they're nowhere near the level of the words you used to have to know, such as "apportionment" and "expropriated." If you have a pretty typical vocabulary of an American teen, there will be at most two to three SAT Reading questions that'll really stretch your vocabulary. But like I mentioned above, you can miss 16 out of 52 questions and still get a 30 on the Reading section. Don't go crazy studying vocab- most likely, it's not the best use of your time. That time is far better spent learning how to deal with Reading passages better.There are so many more questions about passages that it's a better use of your time to learn passage strategy and how to answer reading questions than it is to memorize vocab words. Strategy 6:Skip the Most Difficult, Time-Consuming Questions Here's an easy strategy most students don't do enough. Remember what I said above about raw score? To score a 30 (600) on SAT Reading, you only need a raw score of 36- that's just 36 correct answers out of 52 questions. But what does this mean for your strategy exactly?You can completely guess on 20 questions, get five of them right by chance, and still score a 600 on Reading. Once again, you can completely guess on 40% of all questions and still hit your goal! Skip questions carefree, like this woman does. Why is this such a powerful strategy? It gives you way more time on easy and medium difficulty questions- the questions you have a good chance of getting right. If you're usually pressed for time on SAT Reading, this will be a huge help. Here's an example: on the Reading section, you get 65 minutes to answer 52 questions. This is usually pretty hard for most students to get through, as it's just 75 seconds per question. The average student will try to push through all the questions. "I've got to get through them all since I've got a shot at getting each question right," they think. Along the way, they rush and make careless mistakes on questions they should have gotten right. And then they spend five minutes on really hard questions, causing them to make no progress and waste time. Wrong approach. Here's what I suggest instead.Try each question, but skip it after 30 seconds if you're still not getting anywhere.Unlike math, Reading questions aren't ordered by difficulty, so you can't tell right away which questions are harder or easier. This is why you should try out each one but move on if it's costing you too much time. By doing this, you can raise your time per easy/medium question to 100 seconds per question or more. This is huge! It's a 30% boost to the time you get per question.As a result, this raises your overall chances of getting easy/medium questions right. And the questions you skipped? They're so hard you're honestly better off not even trying them. These questions are meant for 700-800 scorers. If you get to 600, you have the right to try them out- but not before you get to 600. How do you tell which questions are going to take you the most time?This varies from person to person, but here are two question types that commonly take more time than others: Questions without line numbers that make you hunt for details: You can spend a lot of time rereading the passage looking for where Virginia Woolf mentioned a staircase. Questions that ask you to compare two passages: If you really struggle to understand passages, paired passages will be twice the trouble. Do your SAT Reading prep with all of this in mind. If you get stuck on a question, think about what type of question it is, and figure out whether there's a pattern to the questions that consistently trip you up. Strategy 7:Understand All Your Reading Mistakes Every mistake you make on a test happens for a reason.If you don't understand exactly why you missed a question, you'll make the same mistake over and over again. Too many students scoring at the 400-600 level on SAT Reading refuse to study their mistakes. It's harsh. I get it. It sucks to stare your mistakes in the face. It's draining to learn difficult concepts you don't readily understand. So the average student will skip reviewing their mistakes and instead focus on the areas they're already comfortable with. It's like a warm blanket. Their thinking goes like this: "So I'm good at Big Picture questions? I should do more Big Picture problems! They make me feel good about myself." The result? No score improvement. You don't want to be like these students. So here'swhat you need to do instead: On every practice test or question set you take, mark every question you're even just 20% unsure about. When you grade your test or quiz, review every question you marked and every incorrect question. This way even if you guessed a question correctly, you'll make sure to review it. In a notebook, write down the gist of the question, why you missed it, and what you'll do to avoid making that mistake in the future. Have separate sections by subject and sub-topic (e.g., Big Picture, Inference, Vocab, etc.). It's not enough to just think about it and move on. It's not enough to just read the answer explanation. You have to think hard about why you specifically failed on a question. For Reading questions, you must find a way to eliminate every single incorrect answer. If you were stuck between two answer choices, review your work to figure out why you couldn't eliminate the wrong answer choice. If you don't do this, I guarantee you will not make any progress. But if you do take this structured approach to your mistakes,you'll now have a running log of every question you missed as well as your reflections on why you made the mistakes you did. No excuses when it comes to your mistakes. Strategy 8: Guess on EveryQuestion You Don't Know You might already know this one, but if you don't, you're about to earn some serious points. TheSAT does not have a wrong answer penalty. On the old SAT, each wrong answer deducted 0.25 points from your raw score. This required you to have a smart guessing strategy. But no longer! Now, there is no penalty for getting a wrong answer. This means there's no reason to leave any question blank. So before you finish the Reading section,make sure every blank question has an answer filled in. You don't want to look at your answer sheet and see any blank questions. For every question you're unsure about, make sure you guess as best you can.If you can eliminate even just one answer choice, you'll have a much better shot at getting it right. If you have no idea, just go ahead and guess! You have a 25% chance of getting it right anyway. Most people know this strategy already, so if you don't do this, you're at a serious disadvantage. Overview: Tips for Raising Your Low SAT Reading Score Those are the main strategies you should use to improve your SAT Reading score. If you're scoring around 350, you can use these to get to 500. If you're scoring around 470, boost your score to 600. I guarantee it- as long as you put in the right amount of work and study as I suggest above, you're bound to hit your goal score on test day. The main point, though, is this: you need to understand where you're falling short and drill those weaknesses continuously. You also need to be thoughtful about your mistakes and leave no mistake ignored. This is really important for your future. Make sure you give SAT prep the attention it deserves- before it's too late and you get a rejection letter you didn't want. Finally, if you want to go back and review any of the above strategies, here's a quick listing: Strategy 1: Save Time on Reading Passages by Switching Your Reading Strategy Strategy 2:Learn to Eliminate the 3 Wrong Answers Strategy 3:Find Your Reading Skill Weaknesses and Drill Them Strategy 4: Only Use High-Quality SAT Reading Sources Strategy 5:Don't Focus On Vocab Strategy 6:Skip the Most Difficult, Time-Consuming Questions Strategy 7:Understand All Your Reading Mistakes Strategy 8: Guess on EveryQuestion You Don't Know What's Next? We've got a lot of useful guides you can use to raise your SAT section scores. For Math, read my detailed guide to improving your SAT Math score. You can also learn how to raise your SAT Writing scoreoryour SAT Essay score. What's a good SAT score for you personally?Useour step-by-step guide to figure out your SAT target scoretoday. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep classes. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our classes are entirely online, and they're taught by SAT experts. If you liked this article, you'll love our classes. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step, custom program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Try it risk-free today: Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Allen Cheng About the Author As co-founder and head of product design at PrepScholar, Allen has guided thousands of students to success in SAT/ACT prep and college admissions. He's committed to providing the highest quality resources to help you succeed. Allen graduated from Harvard University summa cum laude and earned two perfect scores on the SAT (1600 in 2004, and 2400 in 2014) and a perfect score on the ACT. You can also find Allen on his personal website, Shortform, or the Shortform blog. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Monday, October 21, 2019
Epilepsy essays
Epilepsy essays Robert J. Gumnit, a M.D., writes in his book Living Well With Epilepsy that all people suffering from seizures feel like that they are outcasts of society. They feel different than other people. They are scared to interact with others in public for fear of having a seizure and being made fun of. Some of the greatest people had seizures, such as Socrates, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and Thomas Edison. People should not have to deal with this insulting everyday or even at all if possible. If people were more educated about epilepsy then they would not taunt epileptics, much less care that they even have seizures. To bystanders, convulsions look to be life threatening. The first time a person sees another have a grand mal seizure, which consists of lost of consciousness and convulsive movements of the body, they more than likely think that the person is dying. Then again, some seizures are life threatening. In a book entitled Epilepsy and the Family by Richard Lechtenburg, yet another M.D., there is a story of a woman who has a seizure while driving. The police find her dazed and confused, as well as uncooperative in the middle of a traffic jam. She was so confused she could not follow their instructions to leave the car. As a result, she was handcuffed, forcibly removed, and then booked for resisting arrest. She was injured in the struggle and lost several thousand dollars worth of cash and checks that she was carrying with her on her way to the bank. All of this happened because she wanted to conceal the fact that she had seizures, so she wore no identification saying that she had the dis order. Even with a physicians letter, she was still required to appear in court to answer to charges brought against her. She was ashamed of her disability and that is what it got her. Over a thousand dollar loss and charges brought against her just because she was too embarrassed to tell people that she had seizures. ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Review of Speilbergs Amistad essays
Review of Speilbergs Amistad essays AMISTAD Director: Steven Speilberg Screenwriter: David Franzioni Amistad is a film that shows the beginning of slavery and how it all began. To my surprise, the African Americans started slavery themselves, because they traded themselves for guns, materials, food, and many other things. Slaves were brought over on the ship, La Amistad from Cuba and tried to free themselves from their owners. The slaves killed all of the whites on their ship except for two. They did not kill these two whites because they hoped that these whites would help them find their way home, but in fact, they were still bringing them to Spain, to be used there. However, these two men led to them to the United States, where there this whole story begins. Two prominate men in New Haven, one African American, one white, finds a young lawyer willing to help them, for a low fare, try to win the slaves freedom. A difficult task to say the least, the young lawyer, Roger begins his job. The task is most difficult becaus e there are documents to say these men belong to Queen Isabella II of Spain, and they are property of Spain because they originated in Havana, Cuba. Roger must prove this is a lie, and prove they came from Africa. Because according to the people in the United States, they were sold to and are from Spanish territory, meaning they were Spanish slaves. How strange it is that they dont speak Spanish? Throughout the story there is constant ambition from the lawyer and these two prominent men, as they try to free these slaves who have been terribly abused by whites. To me, Roger is the one critical character to the movie. Roger is an abolitionist, who fights for the freedom of slaves. He defines communication with the slaves, finds out their true story and helps them to be freed from rule and gives them justice. He uses his mind as well as his heart to help free the slaves. He found a way for communication between himself and the Mendee tribe, and before hi...
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Definition of Addiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Definition of Addiction - Essay Example Actually, addiction is rampant challenge in the world especially among the young people and has adverse effects on human life. There have been many arguments and researches on addiction with various scholars and researchers drawing diverse definitions and explanations on the reference topic. Philip Stater is one of such scholars that seek to explain addiction. Indeed, in his article, â€Å" Want-Creation Fuels Americans Addictiveness,†Philip Stater argues that addiction is a state of wanting and that it is a condition in which the individual feels he or she is incomplete, inadequate, lacking, not whole, and only the addition of something external can solve satisfy it (Stater 391). Philip Stater argues his point by first drawing us to the probable effects of illegalizing cigarette smoking. He argues that even though tobacco would become expensive in America, people would still smuggle tobacco to the country via Miami and New York because they cannot live without it. Moreover, he argues that even if the federal government ban growing and advertising tobacco, many Americans would consequently try smoking cigarette for the first time since Americans love making laws but hate implementing them. He further argues that Americans are self-centred, restless, dissatisfied, and innovative and love trying new things that will give them comfort with speed and no hustles.
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Advancement of Technology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Advancement of Technology - Research Paper Example On the other hand, at the present, Internet tools and techniques are transforming and modernizing the ways through which business operations are performed. In addition, these tools and techniques are also modernizing the basic technical frameworks on which various corporations are developing their domestic or internal business structures. This paper presents an overview of the developments in technology. This paper outlines the advancement of technology that has been playing a significant role in today’s world. Introduction New advancements in technology are brought through the knowledge of crafts, tools, methods and techniques or special scientific and technology systems. In addition, the technological developments play a significant role in resolving diverse kinds of issues and problems. Basically, these technological developments can be seen different areas such as in information technology, construction technology, space technology, medical technology, communication techno logy, art technology and so on. Moreover, the advancement in the technology refers to the development of all the areas connected with technology. The technology normally influences animal species, human and society. In fact, a lot of researches have been carried out on this subject shown that the advancement in technology plays a significant role in the improvement of human life. Before the 20th century this idea was rare in English. In this scenario, the earlier technology was taken as the explanation of art that was helpful. However, the description of â€Å"technology†has been changed with the development of technology (Advancements in Technology, 2012; Turban, Leidner, McLean, & Wetherbe, 2005). This paper will discuss the advancements in technology. In this scenario, this paper will discuss some of the important developments in the technology that helped the human race to become much faster, competent and more developed. Advancement in Technology in Different Sectors De velopment in technology performs a significant role in a number of areas/fields. In this scenario, one of the main technology based developments is seen in political sectors. With the advancement of technology a wide variety of war tools, guns, bombs are made. Though, they are bad for mass people who are not concerned with the war. On the other hand, the communication technology has narrowed the issues and barriers to the human communication. In fact, the history of developments in technology is both rich and long. Additionally, many researchers have made technology based development in space technology (astronomy), science and mathematics. In addition, the traditional herbal medicine, medicine and acupuncture are at the present replaced by the modern technology. With the improvement of technology shadow clock was created by the scientists, which was the first progress in technology. With the passage of time inventors invented a lot of scientific tools that are extremely large in nu mber and cannot be counted (Advancements in Technology, 2012; Turban, Aronson, & Liang, Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, 7th Edition, 2004; Laudon & Laudon, 1999). The majority of business organizations are at the present making use of the Internet tools and techniques to develop a private internal network which is acknowledged as the
Rhetorical_analysis_assignment_description Essay
Rhetorical_analysis_assignment_description - Essay Example Benjamin states that the conflicting idea between works of art is an indication that art is thriving in the economy and he uses some persuasive strategy to make his points clear. The rhetorical elements used in Walter Benjamin’s analysis shall be established in this paper in terms of logos, ethos and pathos. Benjamin’s Appeal to Logos Walter Benjamin’s use of solid theoretical background, which paves the way for his forthcoming arguments, is a clear indication of how he appeals to logos. Benjamin did not just make points without giving concrete evidence to back these points and his ability to do this shows that he tried to persuade his readers through his use of logical reasoning that would induce some sort of cognitive response from readers. Thus, Walter Benjamin’s analysis is effective in the sense that it appeals to logic. Benjamin makes his hypothesis as clear as possible as he uses it as a basis to develop a solid theory on the subject matter and this shows the effectiveness in his writing. Benjamin’s appeal to logos is also clear from his explanation of the theoretical framework that his study is built around. The fact that Benjamin explained the reproducible nature of a work of art, how it is reproduced in a capitalistic society, and what the meaning of this whole process of reproducing a work of art in the beginning of his essay is a clear sign of how he appeals to logos in his writing. Benjamin’s ability to differentiate between the replicas of art works made by craftsmen and replicas made by mechanical reproduction and his use of these theoretical frameworks to form the basis of his argument shows his appeal to logos. Thus, Walter Benjamin’s analysis is effective in terms of its appeal to logic. Benjamin’s ability to draw from historical analogies gives his audience the required information they need and clears the way for him to develop his arguments and concepts on the subject matter. By this a ct of rhetorical induction, a logical infrastructure is laid down by the writer which would ultimately lead the readers into a new realm of thought. All the historical facts presented by him are established facts and the only thing that he has done to prove his point is to put them in their places as if unraveling a mystery. This further emphasizes the effectiveness of Benjamin’s analysis as it is logical in all ramifications. Benjamin’s Appeal to Ethos Walter Benjamin’s open-minded presentation shows the author’s credibility as he is unbiased in his presentation and this is one of the ways that his analysis appeals to ethos. Benjamin uses a language that is appropriate to the audience and the subject alike as he is careful enough not to use words that would be too complex for the audience to grasp their real meaning. This is an essential rhetorical element that Benjamin uses in his analysis and it would make the readers willing to read what Benjamin has to say. The difference in value that exists between the works of art and its mechanical reproduction is something that the readers are also aware of and this is actually one of the ways that Benjamin respected the values and ideas of his esteemed readers. Benjamin could
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Scenario - Essay Example Symond’s case will be discussed. First, it will be discussed what the teleology and deontology areâ€â€followed by the definitions for assault, battery, false imprisonment, and negligence. The teleology of what occurred, or what was the end process, was abuse. The deontology of what occurred, or what was the duty of obligationâ€â€were principles that were violated. Assault is defined as a tort of violence against someone. Battery is defined as unlawful physical contact (Staunton & Chiarella, Pp. 25). False imprisonment is being held against one’s will. Negligence is failing to act upon one’s duty of care. III. Theory and Principle (300 words) Ms. Symond’s case is a classic case of elder abuse. According to Green (2003), â€Å"Despite growing concern about the problem, most countries have not passed specific elder abuse legislation†(Green, Pp.118). In theory, and in principle, there are so many things wrong with this situation that the list i s seemingly endless. Regarding the theory and principles to be set forth, there were so many things wrong with this scenario. The patient’s rights were violated in many ways, which is the main principle or theory that, based on a moral model, would have been inexcusable had this happened in real life in any type of care settingâ€â€whether it be in the home, in the hospital, or in a nursing home. Allison left no written directives with her organization. According to Breen et al. (2010), â€Å"In all instances†¦verbal instructions must be confirmed in writing within 24 hours or as soon as is practicable†(Breen & Plueckhahn, Pp.288). Using the moral model, one sees that the various ethical dilemmas that are involved in this entire schema which was set up to analyse. Of course, it is not practical that one nurse should have had to deal with a woman who was a bit unstable as Ms. Symond. However, that was no excuse to leave the woman’s home, leaving her basi cally helpless, while she (the new nurse, Allison) went to lunch and expected someone else (a neighbour) to take care of poor Ms. Symond. In any case, based upon the moral model, Ms. Symond was done an utter injustice. In principle, everyone who can be blamed for her negligence should be sued with every last stripe of the law that applies to her situation. She was a victim of elder abuse, and no one should have to weather such a horrible experienceâ€â€as it stands (Skene, Pp. 123). IV. Torts (900 words) Regarding torts, first of all, the nurse named Allison should be charged with neglect due to her lack of duty of care on the part of Ruth, the patient. She should not have forced any kind of treatment on Ruthâ€â€even if she thought it was best for her to do a compression dressing. Instead, Allison should have followed Ruth’s directives or wishes unless she did not have the power of attorney. It was very careless of Allison to simply tell Ruth that she would leave her w alker out in the hallway till someone came back around lunchtimeâ€â€a neighbour, no lessâ€â€to check up on her. That nurse was so careless that she should be stripped of her licensure due to that foul-up. As a result, when trying to go to the bathroom, Ruth slipped and received a lacerationâ€â€which is a deep cutâ€â€on her head. Not only this, but Ruth was also attended to by careless paramedics who didn’t transfer her over to the appropriate care unit until she was discovered some time later, not having been attended to yet. Both on the parts of Allison and the
Methods of research that warrant the use of qualitative research Essay
Methods of research that warrant the use of qualitative research methods in Criminal Justice - Essay Example Qualitative research is deemed as the more superior way with which to conduct important and meaningful research in the field of criminal justice/security management. Qualitative research methods provide several advantages which enhance the intensity of understanding with regard to the operations of justice system; criminals and crime as well as allowing for data processing that supersedes statistically oriented conclusions arrived at through the use of quantitative research methods. This mainly because of the difference in information due to the means of data collection applied, data analysis which generally provides a wealth of information on subjects being studied. Knowledge gained therein provides more information, is richer and allows for more concrete understanding. In this paper, I intend to discuss and analyze the types of research that warrant the use of qualitative methods in criminal justice/security management research.... myriad of intellectual techniques so as to effectively and efficiently facilitate for the organization, management, analysis and interpretation of data collected. Researchers in criminal justice/ security management use qualitative research which accords them the challenge to look for meaningful ways with which the acquired data can be produce workable trends and patterns required for meaningful research (Copes, Brown & Tewksbury, 2011). It is important to note that there are of course generally accepted guidelines in qualitative research which offer guidance as to how researchers can apply qualitative data information, actual tasks, and undertakings of data and information gathering, analysis as well as interpretation while ensuring an acceptable degree of innovativeness and creativity. Data collected and applied in qualitative research is sourced from a variety of data collection methods. These types include individual interviews, observing people, social interactions and place, an alysis of various forms of media, content guided conversations with regard to focus groups and personal engagements with respects to research sample settings in an effort to better understand how, where, when and what social interactions and social structures affect criminal justice/security management research studies (Copes, Brown & Tewksbury, 2011). Each and every one of these types of data collection differ, more so with the source and origin of data as well as in the means with which researchers carry out real time tasks towards the collection of raw data while also comparing these with similar and regularly realized events things and or situations. Interviews Interviews are in a nutshell structured conversations carried out by researchers with individual members of society in an
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Scenario - Essay Example Symond’s case will be discussed. First, it will be discussed what the teleology and deontology areâ€â€followed by the definitions for assault, battery, false imprisonment, and negligence. The teleology of what occurred, or what was the end process, was abuse. The deontology of what occurred, or what was the duty of obligationâ€â€were principles that were violated. Assault is defined as a tort of violence against someone. Battery is defined as unlawful physical contact (Staunton & Chiarella, Pp. 25). False imprisonment is being held against one’s will. Negligence is failing to act upon one’s duty of care. III. Theory and Principle (300 words) Ms. Symond’s case is a classic case of elder abuse. According to Green (2003), â€Å"Despite growing concern about the problem, most countries have not passed specific elder abuse legislation†(Green, Pp.118). In theory, and in principle, there are so many things wrong with this situation that the list i s seemingly endless. Regarding the theory and principles to be set forth, there were so many things wrong with this scenario. The patient’s rights were violated in many ways, which is the main principle or theory that, based on a moral model, would have been inexcusable had this happened in real life in any type of care settingâ€â€whether it be in the home, in the hospital, or in a nursing home. Allison left no written directives with her organization. According to Breen et al. (2010), â€Å"In all instances†¦verbal instructions must be confirmed in writing within 24 hours or as soon as is practicable†(Breen & Plueckhahn, Pp.288). Using the moral model, one sees that the various ethical dilemmas that are involved in this entire schema which was set up to analyse. Of course, it is not practical that one nurse should have had to deal with a woman who was a bit unstable as Ms. Symond. However, that was no excuse to leave the woman’s home, leaving her basi cally helpless, while she (the new nurse, Allison) went to lunch and expected someone else (a neighbour) to take care of poor Ms. Symond. In any case, based upon the moral model, Ms. Symond was done an utter injustice. In principle, everyone who can be blamed for her negligence should be sued with every last stripe of the law that applies to her situation. She was a victim of elder abuse, and no one should have to weather such a horrible experienceâ€â€as it stands (Skene, Pp. 123). IV. Torts (900 words) Regarding torts, first of all, the nurse named Allison should be charged with neglect due to her lack of duty of care on the part of Ruth, the patient. She should not have forced any kind of treatment on Ruthâ€â€even if she thought it was best for her to do a compression dressing. Instead, Allison should have followed Ruth’s directives or wishes unless she did not have the power of attorney. It was very careless of Allison to simply tell Ruth that she would leave her w alker out in the hallway till someone came back around lunchtimeâ€â€a neighbour, no lessâ€â€to check up on her. That nurse was so careless that she should be stripped of her licensure due to that foul-up. As a result, when trying to go to the bathroom, Ruth slipped and received a lacerationâ€â€which is a deep cutâ€â€on her head. Not only this, but Ruth was also attended to by careless paramedics who didn’t transfer her over to the appropriate care unit until she was discovered some time later, not having been attended to yet. Both on the parts of Allison and the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Creative Marketing and Critical Thinking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Creative Marketing and Critical Thinking - Essay Example Combination of all these elements will give the best results in marketing processes. Wireless advertising offers potential to target markets; creativity stimulates creating new ideas and ideologies; broadband technologies allow marketing experts to deliver large amounts of data and make this process even faster and simpler. Due to creative thinking wireless advertising gives the opportunity to implement online newsletters, virtual storefronts, interactive brochures, and web(Frame 2003). Marketing process is sometimes called as "getting stuck". People need fresh and effective marketing ideas in order to promote new products and services. But very often person's mind is failing back to old ideas. People are tired of them, because they want and need new marketing approach that will be exciting and full of surprise, vividness and life. (Nunley 2004) And marketing expert resort to the help of critical thinking and creativity in order to give people what they want and really need(Smith 2004). For example, if to ask people to determine the main driving force of advertising, they will most likely tell that it is creativity. Creativity is very important, but it is one of the three legs upon which successful marketing is standing. The four legs are: If to ask the same peo... Creativity is very important, but it is one of the three legs upon which successful marketing is standing. The four legs are: Message Medium Creativity(Hercky 2005) If to ask the same people to define creativity, they will most likely tell that it is something "of which they themselves would not have thought". It is a matter of fact that creativity and creative thinking are the vital components of marketing strategy and planning. They help expert to develop new approaches to attract new customers and to retain the power on the old ones. Marketing has to be creative in its thinking and deliver whether in creating unique promotional plan, finding technical solution to existing problem, designing new web site or devising a differentiating channel distribution model. Hercky (2005) admitted that every marketing expert can be creative if the environment is right and favorable. Marketing has to build on such environment where marketing creativity and creative thinking will flourish, "manage that creativity, and still deliver on budget and on time". Creative thinking helps marketing experts to understand how different people work, how to have creative fun during working process and how to make everybody perform at their creative peak. It is important to deliver a real boom to the organization or company(Hercky 2005). There is a question: are creativity and creative thinking innate talents reserved only for selected ones or they can be learned like, for example, riding a monocycle or juggling But before answering this question it is necessary to define creativity in marketing and advertising. Creativity in marketing differs significantly from creativity in arts. Hercky (2005) defines creativity in marketing as "the melding
Penn Foster Exam Essay Example for Free
Penn Foster Exam Essay Paragraph 1 I’m replying to your career opportunity posted on your website. I understand that you are actively seeking to hire a Medical Coding and Billing Specialist at one of your Dartmouth Hitchcock locations. This position is responsible for reviewing medical records of discharged patients to ensure that diagnoses and procedures have been recorded; collect, code and compile medical record data for future retrieval, reports and reimbursement purposes. My granddaughter passed away about a year and a half ago. She was air-lifted to one of your locations upon birth where the doctors and nurses tried everything they could to save her; however she died. Through that experience, though, I saw how your employees, handled a very difficult situation, and the nurses and doctors inspired me with their compassion. The Health Care industry has always been a dream of mine, and I decided to pursue a career in Medical Coding and Billing with Penn Foster University. As a Medical Coding and Billing Specialist within your company, I am confident that I could make a valuable contribution to the medical team serving your patients and insurance companies in a timely and professional manner. Paragraph 2 My boss, Ms. Levine has a position available for an assistant here at Northeast Propane. I think this would be an excellent job opportunity for you. From your previous experience, I know you are more than qualified for this position from your interaction with customers in the retail field, you have excellent written and verbal communication skills, you work independently, you are organized and you are great at multitasking. You are always willing to offer help and assistance with coworkers and you have a good rapport with your past employers. This position pays very well and is a Monday-Friday position with no weekends. I honest think you should apply for the position. Please give it some thought and if you decide to apply let me know and I will put in a good word for you.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Finance in an SME Context
Finance in an SME Context In this vast realm of corporate entanglement across the world, people all over the world are getting their various ways to earn their livelihood (Berk, DeMarzo, 2017). This entanglement to the corporate world takes different forms of which the SME (Small Medium Enterprise) is one. Alike the other forms of business organizations, SMEs have their own types of accounting finance analyses. Through different investment appraisal techniques, an SME firm can evaluate choose investment projects. The financing of the projects is done generally by the internal financial sources. SMEs encompass the whole business world. They are the largest economic sector in the UK. Because of the SMEs popularity, more people are coming up with newer ideas to start an SME. When it comes to analyzing the performance of any business for a specific accounting period, the ratios or the accounting ratios are the most widely used tools (Cassedy, 2014). Among the various ratios, the most common ones are those that are used to figure out liquidity, profitability, efficiency etc. From the given data of the concerned company Trainline, the following six ratios have been used to analyze the performance of the company: Net Profit Margin: Profitability of a firm shows, to some extent, the firms performance position throughout any particular period (Cassedy, 2014). To figure out profitability, there can be many ratios, out of which Net Profit Margin (NPM) is a reliable one, since the NPM takes into account all the operating expenses all the operating income thus resulting in the net profit figure the firm has at the end of any period. Trainline company enjoyed the highest profit in 2014. NPM can be calculated through dividing the net profit of any period by the net sales of that period. Following is the position of Trainline as calculated using NPM formula: Date March 03, 2012 March 02, 2013 March 01, 2014 February 28, 2015 March 05, 2016 Net Profit Margin 0.13 0.10 0.18 0.15 0.12 Gross Profit Margin: The Gross Profit Margin (GPM) is also a ratio for calculating the profitability of any firm. The difference between the NPM the GPM is that the latter one does not consider operating expenses (Cassedy, 2014). Gross profit margin shows the performance of the firm based on the firms capacity of first level activity or the main way through which Trainline earns profit. Though not that much reliable as net profit margin, it is easy to calculate. Trainline experienced similar percentage of gross profit over the years. The formula to figure out gross profit of Trainline is given below: Date March 03, 2012 March 02, 2013 March 01, 2014 February 28, 2015 March 05, 2016 Gross Profit Margin 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% Inventory Turnover: According to Clark, Baker, (2011), There are several accounting ratios that help investors, creditors or any other stakeholders to figure out how much a company is efficient in selling its products in stock or inventory, i.e. inventory turnover period shows the companys ability to use the inventory perfectly. The fact of multiplying the ratio with 365 is that it shows in how many days the firm is able to go on a cycle of inventory management (Clark, Baker, 2011). Through this measure, stakeholders are also able to find out the return on assets. Trainline company shows consistent performance in the years 2012, 2013, in 2014, but the company faced declining results in 2015 2016. Date March 03, 2012 March 02, 2013 March 01, 2014 February 28, 2015 March 05, 2016 Inventory Turnover Period 0.598039216 0.591800494 0.561754521 0.329632384 0.24692301 Return on Capital Employed: The Return on Capital Employed is measure that shows a companys productivity in making appropriate use of the assets net of long term liabilities or the capital employed. The ratio provides information of the firms ability to use the invested amount (Clark, Baker, 2011). ROCE, often times, is the most popular tool to see potential in any company. It is calculated through dividing net profit of the company by capital employed. Here, for the calculation of Trainlines ROCE, the intangible assets have been deducted. The following table graph show the results of Trainline over the years in terms of ROCE along with the formula: Date March 03, 2012 March 02, 2013 March 01, 2014 February 28, 2015 March 05, 2016 Return on Capital Employed 0.169982548 0.422774021 1.141914376 1.092703315 1.518949954 Current Ratio: When it comes to finding out the liquidity of any business organization, the Current ratio is one of the prominent ones (Clark, Baker, 2011). It shows how much capable Trainline company is in paying back its current liabilities using its current assets. Suppliers are the most frequent users of this ratio. Current ratio is calculated through dividing current assets of any accounting period by the current liabilities of that particular period. Current ratio is calculated by dividing the current assets by the current liabilities. The standard benchmark for current ratio is 1. If the current ratio is above 1, then its good, but if the ratio falls below 1, then its not good the firm should focus on dealing with this. Trainline was consistent performed well over the years in paying back its short-term liabilities using its current assets. Date March 03, 2012 March 02, 2013 March 01, 2014 February 28, 2015 March 05, 2016 Current Ratio 1.59 1.86 1.18 1.41 1.21 Acid Test Ratio: The Acid Test Ratio is also a measure to figure out the liquidity of any firm. It is more reliable than the current ratio, since it deducts stock or inventories from the current assets. Since inventories cannot be converted into liquid asset, they are deducted in acid test ratio. The ratio is calculated through dividing current assets net of inventories or stock by current liabilities (Shields, 2011). The ratio is also known as the quick ratio. Trainline company was performing good in 2012 in 2013 faced a decline in 2014, but was able to increase the ratio (Shields, 2011). The standard benchmark for acid test ratio is 1.5. Date March 03, 2012 March 02, 2013 March 01, 2014 February 28, 2015 March 05, 2016 Acid Test Ratio 1.59 1.86 1.18 1.41 1.21 Assuming a sales growth rate of 10.05% an expense growth rate of 5.02% (one-half of the earnings growth rate), the following cash budget is forecasted: Cash Budget For the Years from March-2016 to March-2019 March 05, 2016 March 05, 2017 March 05, 2018 March 05, 2019 Opening Cash Balance 44408 2040477 4254439 Share Capital 1131 1245 1370 1507 Ticket Sales 1938116 2132883 2347222 2583101 Collection from receivables 153121 153121 Total Cash Available 2092368 2331656 4389069 6839047 Cost of Sales 45824 48126 50545 53084 Administrative Expense 61375 64459 67698 71099 Interest Payable Similar Charges 9994 10496 11024 11577 Tax on Profit 4863 5107 5364 5633 Payment to Creditors 162990 162990 Total Disbursement 285046 291179 134630 141395 ClosingCash Balance 1807322 2040477 4254439 6697653 Analysis on Sources of Cash: Issuance of Shares: Trainline collects cash from issuing different kinds of shares such as primary, preferred shares etc. Foer the purpose of issuing shares, must enlist in the regulatory body controlling issuance of shares, the London Stock Exchange. The company decided to float shares through London Stock Exchange with a prospective figure amounting  £500. It had a capital amount of  £1131000 in 2016 (Shields, 2011). Issuance of shares is most often a common source for collecting cash in short-term period. Sale of Tickets: Since the company stands for it, i.e. selling tickets is the main source of income of, it is the most important source through which the company collects cash. deals in train tickets. This facilitates the clients through booking seats in train. The company reported a sales figure of  £1938116000 in 2016 from selling tickets the websites (Shields, 2011). Receivables: Collection from receivables is not actually a different source than that of the main source, that is, selling tickets, it is the due amount that the company owes to customers. Trainline provides services on credit as well. By Shields, (2011), in 2016, the company recorded an amount of  £15312100 for receivables. Retained Earnings: Companies dont pay all of the profit earned in any particular accounting period to their shareholders. The portion of net profit held by the company management is called retained earnings (Shields, 2011). The general thought behind this notion is that company management wants to keep cautious measure in order to prevent future uncertain issues. Trainline also retains part of its net profit every year in order to raise cash when needed. In 2016, the company reported  £55027000 as retained earnings (Vence-Deza, Metcalfe, 2012). Retained earnings is a part of trainline.coms equity a good source of collecting cash. These sources are primarily seen on these help to continue the business operation. Besides these there is the need of the proper management of the business operation on the basis of the accurate financial information. These sources of collecting cash helps run its day to day operations. The management of the company emphasizes on these sources in order to ensure solution to future uncertain issues as well. Critical analysis of anything is done through evaluating the advantages disadvantages of that particular thing (Siegel, Shim, 2010). There are different sources available for The company prefers does use the sources of finance based on their advantages. Followings are some of the common sources identified for Capital through Issuing Shares Debentures: For a company like, the issuance of shares or debentures is a better easy source, since this source ensures short-term quick financing (Siegel, Shim, 2010). Trainline is an airline ticket selling company the base income source is ticket-sales. The company needs to ensure short-term financing to run its daily operations. Besides, there are not that much regulatory requirements for secondary share issuance as a result lesser costs to incur. Sale of Tickets: The main source of finance for is the sale of airline as mentioned in its charter (Siegel, Shim, 2010). The company earns its basic income from selling tickets. Whether short-term or long-term, the company is ought to carry on going with this source of finance. The costs associated with this source is the collective costs of operating expenses. Receivables: Trainline sells air tickets to its customers on credit as well (Rosenberg, 2013). Even though, this is not a different source than sale of tickets, the management of the company thinks in other way round, since this source ensures financing for future operations. This source doesnt have any cost unless there is issue of granting discount on timely payment. Retained Earnings: Retained earnings is the that portion of net profit which is retained or withheld by the management of the company in order to prepare for future uncertainties (Rosenberg, 2013). Retained earnings is the most popular source of finance for companies like, since this source makes sure of short-term quick financing. Bank Loans: Different term loans granted by the banks are also a very common source of finance used by companies (Rosenberg, 2013). Trainline have affiliation with several banks, since the customers pay for the tickets through bank accounts. The company can ensure financing through borrowing loans from banks. There are costs such as interest, borrowing costs etc. There are also some regulatory requirements as well. The above-mentioned sources are some of the most common sources of finance. Trainline is suggested to understand the relative advantages of each source then choose the best one considering given situation opportunities. Evaluation of Investment Techniques: Trainline can think of undertaking investment project through evaluating the benefits of the projects. For the evaluation purposes, there are several investment appraisal techniques. Among the various, the very common techniques are payback period (PBP), accounting rate of return (ARR), net present value (NPV). The payback period shows how many years or periods an investment project will take to recover the invested money. It doesnt consider the time value of money. Accounting rate of return how much accounting profit would earn from the average assets invested (Rosenberg, 2013). This technique doesnt consider cash flows. Net present value is the most popular significant investment appraisal technique, since it considers all the related cash flows time value of money. This approach discounts the future cash flows from any project under consideration. Trainline is suggested to choose the best investment technique, the NPV to choose the investment project that shows th e highest positive net present value. Entrepreneurial ecosystem is the lead frontier for the development of any kind of business organization (Rosenberg, 2013). There are some basic constituents that collectively form the entrepreneurial ecosystem which, in turn, is responsible for developing businesses. This rule works across the whole world, but very little that we are aware of this enormous fact. The fundamental elements that contribute to the development of an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem are Market Situation, Cultural Traits, Policies, Capital, Financial Position different supporting elements. The general constitutional framework for Entrepreneurial Ecosystem is shown through the following figure: Capital: Without capital, no one can think of going for business (Rosenberg, 2013). It is called the life blood of businesses. Capital can be of, in general, two types such as the financial capital the human capital. Both of these are significant. Human capital or resource is the most important constituent of an organizational setting. Human resource is the precondition for any organization stand by. Trainline needs to ensure proper management of its human resource. Market Situation: Market situation generally means the current position of the demand supply altogether of any market the interrelation of the driving forces that create the situation (Hussain, Scott, 2010). Train line must comply with the market situation provide service accordingly to gain sustainable competitive advantage to ensure goal achievement through making sure of consistent growth. The company needs to conduct researches make analysis to have a thorough understanding of the current market situation. Policies: Throughout the globe, due to several human organizational needs, policies have been being developed renovated across generations (Hussain, Scott, 2010). These policies are developed to deal with the situations associated with different human needs. There are policies for businesses as well. Since is a business organization that bases its operations through internet, the policies so enactedby the government of the UK are ought to be complied with by Financial Position: Since finance is the base for capital, it is also referred to as the life blood of businesses. Firms need to look for different sources to finance. Trainline needs to cope up with the basic management of financing for any project (Hussain, Scott, 2010). The company needs to figure out where to get the funds from, where to invest the collected funds, how to deal with interest settlements in order to develop the business situation. Cultural Traits: Cultural traits, norms, beliefs, values add greatly to the entrepreneurial ecosystem (Hussain, Scott, 2010). The organization setting highly depends on the way people around the organization behave, perceive interact with each other. Trainline needs to understand the cultural traits of the customers to get along with sustainable development. Entrepreneurial ecosystem through its culture component influences the business environment both in terms of emergence development. Supporting Elements: According to Rosenberg, (2013), Different supporting elements such as legal infrastructure, reporting (bookkeeping accounting) systems, corporate social responsibilities, social marketing etc. are also responsible for the development of entrepreneurial ecosystem surrounding a business. These elements may be favourable or unfavourable. Trainline needs to make appropriate analysis derive meaningful conclusions to deal with these elements to ensure improvement. The above discussed elements or constituents are responsible for entrepreneurial ecosystem. Through these collectively structured constituents, the entrepreneurial ecosystem is responsible for the development of businesses across the world. When a company has the scope abilities to go from private limited to publiclimited, it has to go through making Initial Public Offering (IPO), i.e. issuing primary shares through enlisting registration into the regulatory authority of that particular country or region (Fardon, Cox, 2014). For to go for IPO, it must enlist into the London Stock Exchange, UK. Along with the scope abilities, there are some ethical considerations as well to go for IPO. The ethical considerations are as follows: Ensured Forecast Result: If can ensure that the forecast so made by the accountants or the professionals associated will be feasible in the long run for the development of the company will not bring about any severe challenges for the stake of all the shareholders, the company may wish to go for making initial public offering (Fardon, Cox, 2014). It can be said that this is the first foremost stage where any firm can think of going public limited. Reported Income Financial Position: Even though reported income figure financial position as shown in the financial statements are not completely an ethical requirement for a company to go for IPO, the relative values associated with these requirements sometimes add greatly to the ethical considerations for going public. An expression of this fact is the need for full disclosure principle of accounting. Trainline must provide information of reported income, financial position to the stakeholders full extent. In 2016, reported equity value of  £56158000 liability amounting  £162990000 (Dean, Schwindt, 2015). The amount of accounts receivables is  £153121000 that gives the notion of income in that accounting period amounting  £32931000 (Dean, Schwindt, 2015). Shareholders Consent: Before going for IPO, the needs to arrange statutory meeting with the shareholders (Dalton, 2013). It will be considered unethical, if the company goes for IPO without letting the shareholders know about the issue. Not only does have to let the shareholders know the issue of going for IPO, but also the company has to have strong agreement from all of the members. Employment of Independent Auditor: To ensure bias free situation, needs to appoint independent auditors who would check analyze the financial situation of the company through auditing financial statements (Dalton, 2013). If the auditors provide positive opinion about the reliability of the financial information so provided through the financial statements, then only then is allowed to go for IPO. Even though this requirement is a legal one, contributes to the ethical consideration in the sense that the fulfilment of this requirement reduces legal obligations of both shareholders the government. The company should not disrespect the rights of shareholders or stakeholders as a whole before going public. These are the some of the core ethical considerations that the concerned firm is suggested to comply with in order to go for IPO (Dalton, 2013). After making analysis of the situation so brought up here by the given information of Trainline, it can be said that the company is able to go for Initial Public Offering. The effort to evaluate a firms performance based on ratios with the objective to make investment decisions is appreciable. There are several key factors that collectively ensure the success of the business. The Trainline company has been able to cope up with the drastically changing business environment. The company had its different sources of finance. The company evaluated, analyzed different investment appraisal techniques to get along with projects with opportunities which, in turn, ensure growth. By getting through the business line with consistent constant growth, the Trainline can obtain sustainable competitive advantage. The certain ethical issues that have the full privy to influence the decision to go for IPO. Accounting financial analysis is necessary, since right decision comes out of right information. These analyses provide decisionmakers with the right information. Berk, J., DeMarzo, P. (2017). Corporate finance. Harlow, England: Pearson. Cassedy, P. (2014). Finance. San Diego, Calif.: Lucent Books. Clark, R., Baker, D. (2011). Finance. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Dalton, H. (2013). Principles of Public Finance. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis. Dean, J., Schwindt, R. (2015). FinanceI. Durham: Eno River Press. Fardon, M., Cox, D. (2014). Finance. Worcester: Osborne. Hussain, J., Scott, J. (2010) Research handbook on entrepreneurial finance. Rosenberg, S. (2013). Finance. New York, N.Y.: Facts on File Publications. Shields, D. (2011). Finance. Oxford: ISIS Large Print. Siegel, J., Shim, J. (2010). Finance. New York: Barrons. Vence-Deza, X., Metcalfe, J. (2012). Wealth from Diversity. Boston, MA: Springer US.
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