Thursday, November 28, 2019
Introduction to Alcoholism What is it and How Do You Treat it free essay sample
A paper which defines alcoholism and explores various forms of treatment. The paper introduces alcoholism, defining it as a disease that is chronic, incurable and causes the person to need the alcohol in order to function. The paper discusses symptoms of alcoholism and then proceeds to study forms of treatment such as detoxification and AA. Finally, the importance of the social workers role in alcohol treatment is discussed and stressed. One thing that has not been spoken about is how differently a patient will react to treatment if the patient is also suffering from one of the aforementioned conditions. An alcoholic with an addiction to cocaine will certainly react differently in a detox situation than an alcoholic with a nicotine addiction. Not to mention the possible presence of some type of liver damage, or other serious medical problem that could harm the patient far more than the treatment may be prepared for. We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction to Alcoholism: What is it and How Do You Treat it? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Caseworkers face many life-altering decisions when it comes to the management of such cases of alcoholism and their comorbidity. It seems to be so common that research is really needed in order to aid workers recognize all of the possible complications, as well as the more appropriate treatment plan for these patients. (NIAAA, 1991)
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Speech To Persuade Essay
Speech To Persuade Essay Speech To Persuade Essay Olivia Dimas Comp. Purple â€Å"More than half a trillion US dollars are spent on welfare yet poverty levels remain the same†(Cover, Matt). Welfare abuse in the United States is a huge problem and wastes trillions of taxpayer dollars each year. Those who are applying for welfare should undergo a mandatory drug test. This will prevent those who apply for welfare who’s intent is unhonorable from receiving benefits. The welfare system is meant to help out struggling families and to help get them back on their feet, but the welfare system has been mistreated and highly abused. The abuse of the welfare system has become a serious problem in today’s society. Around 34% of US individuals are currently on welfare and receive welfare benefits, many of these individuals or families are abusing the welfare system and taking government money when they do not truly need it (Barron, Roanen). Many people in the United States rely too much on welfare for their sole source of income to support their family, as oppose to finding a job and supporting their family with their own money that they earned. Welfare abuse is often passed on through generations and families have no motivation to ever get jobs or an education. â€Å"Around 20% of Americans rely on government for some kind of economic assistance†(Capitalism Institute). Qualifications for food stamps are lowering and it is becoming increasi ngly easier to get benefits even if they are not needed. Therefore, welfare fraud is a growing problem in the United States and must be put to a halt or at the very least diminished. To help diminish this abuse the United States should require all who apply for any form of welfare (Medicaid, food stamps, etc.) to undergo a mandatory drug test, and be required to take a drug test every month they are still on welfare. This must be done to prevent taxpayers from having to use their money on individuals who abuse the system and don’t truly need financial aid. â€Å"Federal welfare spending in fiscal year 2011 totaled $668 billion, spread out over 126 programs, while the poverty rate that remains high at 15.1 percent, roughly where it was in 1965†(Cover, Matt). This means that although taxpayers are paying a great deal of money to help those in â€Å"need†the poverty levels in the United States remains the same as it did years ago. Some believe that only a few people use drugs who receive benefits but studys have shown the 15 to 25 percent of welfare recipients abuse drugs (Kirst-Ashman, Karen). These are just individuals have been discovered a busing drugs, the actual percentage is likely much higher. Drug testing before providing benefits has already taken affect in many parts of the United States. â€Å"At least 28 states put forth proposals requiring drug testing for public assistance applicants or recipients in 2012. Four states, Utah, Georgia, Tennessee and Oklahoma passed legislation†(National Conference of State Legislators). If all the United States were to require drug testing government spending on financial aid would indefinitely diminish greatly and government would be able to use these savings to improve other components of the nation. Therefore if drug tests were given before benefits were provided the U.S. would save a great deal of money. To stop the abuses to the welfare system many measures must be taken. The welfare system, although flawed, should remain intact because it actually is a big help to those families or
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Dell Computers & Organizational Networking Essay
Dell Computers & Organizational Networking - Essay Example It suggests the inequality of influence between the two groups of internal stakeholders. External Stakeholders are often considered as the secondary and passive stakeholders with little or no direct influence over the affairs of the company. Dell has many strategic relationships with different organizations such as Sony, Microsoft, Citrix System, and Autodesk etc. such external stakeholders are networked through the strategic alliances in which organizations such as Microsoft providing its operating system with every Dell Computer. In a networked organization, employees often become the part of at least two teams and need to have explicit connections with each other. However, the time constraints arising due to multiplicity of processes is not often explicit therefore for Dell, it becomes sometimes difficult to arrange teams in their more efficient way resulting into productivity losses. Further, the time constraints shall also be viewed in terms of the reachability- a measure in which different nodes of the network interact each other. For a networked organization, density defines the interconnectedness of the group of the organizations however, density or the degree of interconnectedness between the members of the team dilutes, and the networked organizations often show vulnerability of loosing the efficiency. This often is the result of poor training in team dynamics which results into ineffective team functioning Creative tension vs. groupthink and group shift needs to be fostered. Team dynamics are such that individual thinking often takes precedence therefore networked organizations often lead to ineffective and conflicting team dynamics. Dell's strategy have been to rely on teams i.e. integrating different teams to achieve different objectives therefore can lead to inefficiencies and culmination of bureaucracies as discussed above. External customers are part of the continuing interdependency. Characteristics of the virtual company relate to the concept of interdependency: Networked organizations are often dependent on different variables or nodes of the network and customers are often referred as the essential nodes of that interdependency. Networked organizations often lead to extended and better customer services because of their approach of considering organizations as a group of interconnected entities. Dell's business model is probably the best model in terms of customer service. This has become possible because of following reasons: Fluid boundaries The radical view of the modern organization suggests that the firms have very flexible and fluid boundaries within which they tend to operate. It is also critical that the fluid boundaries allow organizations to become more responsive to their external customers. Flexible schedules Flexible Schedules allow organizations to manage the stability within the organizations by allowing organizations to develop competencies to manage in volatile environment. Flexible schedules are part of such flexibility drive of the organizations which allow them to view external customers i.e. customers, shareholders etc within a broader perspective and allow organizatio
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Lab report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Lab report - Essay Example Understanding of soil is an essential area of study in civil engineering. It is critically important to carry out the analysis of soil prior to initiate any construction. The analysis of soil yields soil related various important factors that include the interaction of soil with the structure over a time through various weather conditions, types of structure soil can support etc. The analysis of soil composition reveals that there are three types of soil namely cohesion less, cohesive, and organic soils. In cohesion less soil the soil particles remain apart from each other. The example of such soil is sand, gravel and silt. Cohesive soils consist of very tiny particles that have characteristic to stick together in presence of water due to attractive forces present among them. Clay is an example of such soil2. Organic soils have spongy, compressible and crumbly nature and because of because of its unstable nature are strongly undesirable for any scale of construction. Depending of the soil various layers depth, all three types are further divided into various sub-categories and construction is carried out while considering these sub-layers i.e. shallow foundations is located in the first layer below the structure, followed by the individual footing (sub plate) between boundary layers, and uprooting sub paneling that sometimes used extreme environments (tundra )1. As enlarge footing size will increase the area of contact (area = B2), hence it increase the allowable bearing capacity qa of soil. By evaluating all these variables, the column load can be calculated which will be equal to the load on footing. As soil degradation also affect the footing hence the effect is indirectly transfer to columns and hence to the whole construction. In this experiment a specimen of soil with known % of water by weight has been prepared. The mass of sample is determined using an analytical balance
Monday, November 18, 2019
A)The impact of misrepresentation, mistake, duress and undue influence Essay
A)The impact of misrepresentation, mistake, duress and undue influence on the validity of a contract.b)The circumstances in whic - Essay Example For a statement to be actionable misrepresentation, it must satisfy several requirements: it must be a statement by one party of a contract, to the other party. A misrepresentation by a third party, as a general rule, shall have no effect to the contract. The statement must have been of an existing fact or law, but not an opinion (Bisset v Wilkinson). Finally, the misrepresentation must have formed part of the reason why the claimant entered into the contract. The effect of misrepresentation in a contract generally, is that it makes the contract voidable at the option of the innocent party. That is, the contract remains valid, but may be set aside by the innocent party. However, the remedy available to the innocent party depends on the type of misrepresentation. There are three types of misrepresentation: Innocent misrepresentation, negligent misrepresentation and fraudulent misrepresentation. Once one has established presence of misrepresentation, the next course of action is to det ermine the type of misrepresentation in order to determine the remedy available. There are several remedies available. The contract may be rescinded under the common law; damages may be recovered under the Misrepresentation Act 1967: the tort of deceit can provide further avenues to claim damages. Rescission is available for all types of misrepresentation. Rescission involves returning the parties to their pre-contractual position, as though the contract was never entered into; any party that has already gained benefit is required to make it up for the other party. The injured party may rescind the contract by giving notice to the injured party or by any act evidencing rescission. However, rescission is an equitable remedy, given at the discretion of the court. Some things act as a bar to rescission. They include where the injured party affirms the contract by, with full knowledge of misrepresentation, they expressly state they wish to proceed with the contract. Secondly, where the innocent party fails to take action within a reasonable time, the equitable right is lost. Finally, the court will not order rescission if restitution in integrum is impossible: that is, the parties cannot be restored to their original positions. Secondly, the injured party may recover damages under the tort of deceit. This happens if there is fraudulent misrepresentation. Additionally, for negligent misrepresentation, the injured party may recover under the tort of negligent misstatement. In Royscott v Rogerson [1991] 2 QB 297, it was held that the principle of fraudulent misrepresentation under the tort of deceit also applies to negligent misrepresentation. The purpose of damages is to restore the innocent party to their pre-contractual position. The injured party recovers all the direct loss incurred as result of the fraudulent misrepresentation. If there is innocent misrepresentation, the remedies available is rescission or damages in lieu of rescission. The innocent party canno t claim both. Mistake Mistake exists when one or both parties to the contract believe that an event or a condition exists when in reality it does not. One of the key requirements of existent of a contract is that the parties must be at consensus ad idem, that is, both parties must have a uniform understanding on the terms of the contract. Mistake negates the presence of a common mind understanding meaning that
Friday, November 15, 2019
Essay on Maggi
Essay on Maggi Background Maggi Noodles In the last 20 years we have Just asked 2 minutes of your time. The Brand which clearly comes to mind on first recall is Maggi Noodles. Maggi Noodles is manufactured by Nestle under instant noodles portfolio. It was introduced with Maggi 2 Minute Noodles in India in 1982 when the only place to get noodles was Chinese restaurants. Maggi has undoubtedly has been the lifeline of many teenagers when in home or away from home. Maggi, as a brand, has seen many competitions in its Lifecycle. The brand has also diversified itself with launch of product ranges like soups, tomato sauce, seasoning, cup noodles, various flavours of maggi noodles like atta, rice, mized grains etc. Nestle remains its market leader position with 59.84% of retail sales in India,2009 (Source: Euromonitor International). But its market share is constantly eroded by new entrants like GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Health with Foodles,Capital Foods with SmithJones Instant noodles, HUL launching its Soupy Noodles under Knorr B rand umbrella. Brand Identity Kapferers Model Picture of Sender Physique Yellow Coloured Pack, 2 minute Noodles, fast to cook good to eat, Maggi Logo, Healthy Snack between meals Relationship Taste bhi Health Bhi, providing convenient food within 2 minutes with health and hygiene factor, caring and nurturing Reflection Health Conscious individual who is Hard pressed for time, Young and Fun loving, living with family Personality Enthusiastic, simple, uncomplicated, easily accessible, Fun loving, carefree, On the move, busy schedule Culture  Reliable, Innovative, Aspirant Lifestyle for rural areas, Sharing happiness, responsible Self-Image Young, trendy, fun loving, Independent, Healthy inspite of Sedentary Urban Lifestyle Picture of Recipient Stages in PLC Maggi Noodles is currently in growth stage after passing through maturity stage for brief period in mid 1990s. Introductory and Initial Growth Stage Maggi Noodles brand was in introductory and growth stage in 1982 1990s.Maggi took advantage of its early movers advantage in closed economy scenario prevalent in India during 1980s. The brand faced less competition due to few similar products available in the market. Brand Maggi made best use of the time to increase its brand awareness by focussing on product advertisement. The communication which was initially mis-directed towards women was shifted rightly towards children Maggi Noodles sponsored Hum Log, Indias first indigenous soap opera which began telecast on July 7, 1984. Maggi was launched with total advertisement slots of just 5 minutes during the breaks of serial which ran for over 156 episodes. This helped Maggi to establish as a popular breakfast and snack food across the country. This was also one the first instances of introduction of Fast Food in India. Growth Stage Maggi Noodles brand was in their growth stage in 1990s till late 2006 with brief period of declining sales due to faulty product innovation and formulae change from conventional maggi noodles in the form of launch of Dal Atta Maggi Noodles to noodles similar to TopRamen Noodles, noodles from stable of IndoNissinFoodLtd. Maggi was quick to revert back the original formulae to minimize damage. Product: New Product Variants like Atta Noodles, Mixed Grain Noodles and Rice Mania were introduced Source: There was change in packaging for different variants of the noodles and launch of new variants Image Source: Image Source: Price Price was kept competitive with other launches in the market like Nissins Top Ramen Promotion Maggi was launched in different packages of 50 and 100 gms to increase the consumer base and attract the first time consumers Variants like Cuppa mania was launched to cater to mobile population, office goers Source: Offering freebies like collectible foreign stamps, other freebies with maggi packs Maturity Stage Post 2009, there has been host of new entrants in the instant noodles market in India. ITC Launched its instant noodles under Sunfeast brand. GlaxoSmithKline consumer health and HUL also introduced instant noodles in 2010. The communication from Maggi has shifted from 2 minute noodles to Taste bhi Health bhi through introduction of variation in instant noodles. The competition has led to gradual fall in market share vis-a-vis other new entrants. New players are innovating in product packaging like launching noodles in circular shape so as to enable users to enjoy their noodles in full length. Market Scenario/Challenges Major challenge is to maintain the market leadership of Brand Maggi in increasing market with varied new entrants having strong market presence in other product variants. To be increasingly viewed as the most preferred snack by new generation Strategy to increase Rural market share through launch of Maggi Rasile Chow targeting low income population Change of consumer taste from taste to health conscious Masala Flavour is the leading flavour in instant noodles in India All new players have also introduced masala flavour in their brand Chicken is the second favoured flavour followed by vegetable and tomato Horlicks Foodles claim to provide five essential vitamins in their noodles which forces the major market players to stress heavily on the health factor associated with their brands HUL Knorr Soupy Noodles claim to be healthy snack between meal for children Need for elaborate Market research for Maggi Brand on attributes like Brand Image, Prefered Price, Taste, packaging, Health, Availability, Ingredients, product variety etc. Steps taken at different stages Extensive media advertising to increase the consumers familiarity with new product launches Wider flavours/varients being offered to cater to wide range of consumers Increased product penetration through availability in supermarkets, hypermarkets and kirana stores Product line extensions and repositioned products launched to engage new and changing consumer demographics Market Research was conducted to understand the General promotional strategies were implemented to increase brand visibility Events Online Maggi recipe Challenge, innovative entries were compiled into e-cookbook Launch of Me and Meri Maggi Campaign enable consumers to share their experience with Maggi and creating a nostalgic effect by letting them share their moments with Maggi . Launching Maggi goodies like Computer Wallpapers and ScreenSavers to increase Brand recall , Website- Preity Zinta was roped in for brand endorsement. Maggi was tried to position it as lively brand with zing Summary The Brand Maggi is strongly established as a Family Brand with crisp brand equity in Indian market. The brand has always been known to have the first movers advantage in the portfolios like noodles, ketchups, soups, sauce, etc. The parent brand Nestle has been the strong symbol of family, shelter and warmth which brand Maggi has innovatively capitalized. Evolution in communication Brand Maggi has changed its communication from convenience factors ie Bas 2 Minute to Taste Bhi Health Bhi to stress on health factors along with taste and convenience. There was a shift from TG from women to children as their consumers. To increase the Point of Purchase Sales, Maggi innovated in Shelf placing by placing Maggi in lower shelfs to increase the visibility by Kids who accompany their mothers to shopping. Maggi has launched Chota Maggi worth Rs 5/- to increase product trail. Maggi was positioned as snacks for between meals to boost sales and attract new customers without changing their conservative food habits during meal time. Maggi also introduced contests for posting best recipes to be made with Maggi. The future of noodles sectors seem good with growth in retail sales of 19% in 2010 in value terms and forecasted to grow at12% CAGR over next few years.Being a sector with low entry barrier, the segment share is vulnerable to new entrants like in-house brands of BigBazaar retail chains of Future group, More of Birla Group, Star Bazaar from TataGroup etc. and host of foreign players entering the market lately. Major Noodles manufacturing firms market share: (Source: EuromonitorInternational Report) Figure : Market Forecast for Noodles market in India Recommendations for Brand Maggi Proliferation into untapped rural markets through strong distribution channel available in India Product line extension with variants for varied markets Innovation in Product, packaging and pricing of Maggi Noodles through investment in Market Research Launching health awareness campaigns, publish health information, sponsor health camps etc. to educate the customers about benefits of health foods To engage customers more through evolving mediums like social networking sites etc.This would enable the Maggi Brand Managers to listen to reviews from their customers and improvise any other suggestions if needed.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Foucault and the Theories of Power and Identity Essay example -- Fouca
Foucault and the Theories of Power and Identity Foucault believed that power is never in any one person?s hands, it does not show itself in any obvious manner but rather as something that works its way into our imaginations and serves to constrain how we act. For example in the setting of a workplace the power does not pass from the top down; instead it circulates through their organizational practices. Such practices act like a grid, provoking and inciting certain courses of action and denying others. Foucault considers this as no straightforward matter and believes that it rests on how far individuals interpret what is being laid down as 'obvious' or 'self evident', institutional power works best when all parties accept it willingly. Foucault's notion of power is a difficult notion to grasp principally because it is never entirely clear on who has the power in the first place, once the idea is removed that power must be vested in someone at the top of the ladder e.g. the company director, it becomes much more difficult to ident ify what power is or where and whom it lies with. Foucault believes that we are so used to thinking about power as an identifiable and overt force and that this view is simply not the case, because it is taken for granted that the above statement is true then it is much more complicated to comprehend power as a guiding force that does not show itself in an obvious manner. According to Foucault we take it upon ourselves to regulate our own conduct, even though we are free to do and say as we please we choose to constrain our behaviour and the reason for us doing so it that we know what is expected of us, we do not need someone in a position of ?authority? to do this for us, we all take responsibility for our own lives. It is in this sense that power works as an anonymous force, provoking free agents to act in ways that make it difficult for them to do otherwise. Foucault?s theory of power ?revolves around indirect techniques of self-regulation which induce appropriate forms of behaviour.?1, we are free to govern ourselves. In the absence of an authority figure we will automatically restrain our behaviour, there is no ?hand? of power that pushes us all into line, only an acknowledgement that we all work within a framework of choices, that are ultimately subjected to influence and direction, but that we ourselves have the fina... ...ogist Kathy Woodward, she also points out that our identity would need to change depending on whom it is we were interacting with and the situation that we were in, ?subtle and not so subtle variations of identity may well be called upon for each of these roles.?8 Butler describes modern notions of identity as ?being made up of regulatory ideals?9, these regulatory ideals provide ?idealised and reified norms which people are expected to live up to.?10 These types of regulatory ideals are sustained or undermined through performance. Performativity is not a singular act, ?it is always the reiteration of a norm or a set of norms, and to the extent that it acquires an act like status in the present, it conceals or dissimulates the conventions of which it is a repitition.?11It is through this repeated action that that these norms are created and lived up to. This idea can also be related to discourse; Butler argues that performative acts are statements that also produce that which they say. Discourse promotes specific kinds of power relations, in other words to know is to participate in complicated webs of power. Thus perfomative acts are a domain in which discourse acts as power.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Government Security Classifications Essay
In light of the growing controversy surrounding the former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, the Republican Party is claiming that she used her personal email account to send classified information. The United States classification system is currently established by Executive Order 13526 and has three levels of classification – Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret. The lowest level of classification is Confidential. Confidential material is defined in Executive Order 13526 as, â€Å"Any information that would cause damage or be prejudicial to national security if it were made available.†A variety of markings are used for material that is not classified, but whose distribution is limited administratively such as, For Official Use Only (FOUO), or Sensitive but unclassified (SBU). Although these items are marked unclassified, they are not to be sent via personal email. No special investigation is needed at this level for the individual other than â€Å"a need to know basis.†The second highest classification is Secret. Secret material is defined in Executive Order 13526 as, â€Å"Any information that would cause ‘serious damage’ to national security if it were made public.†Most information that is classified is held at this level. In order to have a secret clearance, you must have an investigation into your back ground to ensure trustworthiness. This is usually conducted by a government agency. The highest level of classification is Top Secret. Top secret as defined in Executive Order 13526, â€Å"Shall be applied to information, unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause ‘exceptionally grave damage’ to the national security that the original classification authority is able to identify or describe.†It is believed that 1.4 million Americans have top secret clearances. Top secret clearances are usually given to specific individuals who pass a very stringent security background investigation. Individuals with this level of classification work at the top levels of our government. As you can see we have a government system in place to ensure that classified information is distributed accordingly throughout the government to protect national security. In regards to Mrs. Clinton, do you think that she broke the rules by using her personal email account? The jury is still out on that investigation.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Vietnam War (1955-1975) essay part 2Essay Writing Service
The Vietnam War (1955-1975) essay part 2Essay Writing Service The Vietnam War (1955-1975) essay part 2 The Vietnam War (1955-1975) essay part 2The Vietnam War (1955-1975) essay part 1Moreover, the importance of the Vietnam War can be assessed by the impact of the military conflict on the wider world. As the war took place during the 1960s, there were considerable changes in social politics, the emergence of the Civil Rights movement, which led to weakening of the American body politic (Wiest 5). As a result, there were serious military consequences. The war affected American behavior not only at home, but also abroad. The major military consequences of the Vietnam War that influenced the wider world and the course of the Modern World History include the transformation of international balance of military power at the global level, the establishment of Pentagon to solve issues connected with American involvement in military conflicts without getting into a disruptive war. It is crucial to get public support in military involvement of the country in order to avoid severe criticism an d weakening of military power internationally. Thus, the United States has turned into a very thoughtful and careful imperial power. The role of the United States in the world politics remains significant, although the effects of the Vietnam War’s defeat are obvious, including both physical and psychological effects.The representation of some aspects of the event that helped to shape Modern World HistorySome aspects of the Vietnam War helped to shape Modern World History. The relationship between the causes and consequences of many historical events in Modern World History influence social, economic and political development of societies. The causes and consequences of the Vietnam War can be used to assess the effectiveness of the presidencies of the U.S. presidents, and the role of media in shaping public opinions. The Vietnam War protests had a strong impact on the formation of foreign policy. In other words, public opinion could shape public policy.There are several as pects of the event that helped to shape Modern World History, including anti-war protests, media coverage and the effects of the Vietnam War. Antiwar protests were organized by those Americans who opposed the U.S. military intervention in Vietnam. The first protests began in 1965, when the first groups of American soldiers were sent to Vietnam. The anti-war movement had a strong impact on the lengths of the war and its outcomes. The U.S Presidents believed that anti-war protests hurt the U.S. efforts in Vietnam, encouraging the enemy forces to win the war. In addition, media coverage had a strong impact on the war outcomes. These aspects of the event could shape Modern World History, providing examples of the powerful role of the public in finding solutions to the military conflict.Moreover, the various aspects of the Vietnam War had a strong impact on domestic relationships. The economic situation in the United States was influenced by the needs of the military forces to conduct mi litary operations in Vietnam. The costs of the military conflict made the U.S. economy weaker.Discussion: Would Modern World History be different if not for the occurrence of the event?Modern World History would be different if not for the occurrence of the Vietnam War. There would be no military experience, Vietnam syndrome and other effects caused by the military conflict in Vietnam in the 1960s-1970s. The U.S. citizens would never change their beliefs and values regarding the effectiveness of government foreign policy if not for the occurrence of the event. America’s war in Vietnam can be revealed as an important international event that influenced all other countries of the world – â€Å"in domestic settings of numerous nation states, combatants and noncombatants alike, as well as in transnational relations and alliance systems†(Daum, Gardner Mausbach 1). In addition, the reputation of the United States would not be ruined if not for the occurrence of the Vietnam War. The United States would not look weak of not for the involvement into the military conflict with such a small country as Vietnam. In other words, the Vietnam War brought the first modern military defeat for the United States (Daum et al. 1).     Moreover, Modern World History would be different if not for the U.S. military experience in Vietnam. The Vietnam War was based on the spread of guerrilla combat, as well as the use of military hardware including helicopters, which were utilized by soldiers in difficult terrain. Due to the spread of guerrilla combat, the Vietnam War was the people’s war, which did not provide strict division between the civilians and the military. In other words, the military experience in the Vietnam War influenced the tactics of other military interventions and wars, including the Gulf War (1990) and Iraq invasion (2003).Furthermore, Modern World History would be different if not for the media coverage of the Vietnam War . The role of media was crucial in agenda setting and propaganda distribution in other military operations, including the Gulf War (1990), Iraq invasion (2003), the 9/11 attacks and invasion in Afghanistan.Finally, Modern World History would be different if not for the role of public opinion in the establishment of foreign policy. Americans proved that public opinion could shape public policy. Although the Vietnam War was not declared because it started as a military conflict between France and North Vietnam, public opinion could stop the military intervention of the United States, providing new approaches to solving international problems.ConclusionThus, it is necessary to conclude that the Vietnam War plays an important role in Modern World History. The Vietnam conflict changes the beliefs of American people regarding the effectiveness of their country’s policy. In fact, the entire nation felt upset and wary of being involved in the long-term military engagements, which took the lives of thousands of American soldiers. The significance of the Vietnam War in historical and historiographical context can be explained by the effected of the military conflict in further actions, strategies and policies of superpowers. The War in Vietnam influenced the formation of public opinion regarding foreign policy. The Vietnam War had two significant effects on Modern World History. First, people who believed in strong executive power’s influence on public opinion had to change their beliefs. Public opinion served the interest of the nation and global stability. Due to reexamination of their views, people could influence the development of future public policies. Second, American policy in Vietnam can be used in assessing the effectiveness of current foreign policies. The military experience of the United States in Vietnam influenced the nation’s confidence in the military power of the state. Modern World History would be different if not for the oc currence of the military conflict in Vietnam because the causes, consequences and effects of the war played an important role in further military operations.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
war of 1812 worst fought war1 essays
war of 1812 worst fought war1 essays The War of 1812 also know as "The Second American War for Independance" (Bailey pg. 233) was fought between the meeger forces of the American government and the supreme power of Great Britain. The war ended in 1815 with the treaty of Gehnt, this treaty wasnt really a treaty but an armastice or surrender of arms. The American military suffered from defeat after defeat during the begining of the war, these loses could be contributed to by the lack of citizen support in the time of war, also the lack in size and power of the American military. These factor validate the statement that the War of 1812 was the "Worst fought American war." At the begining of the war America was fighting with Great Britain for regress of greivances such as forcefull impressment of sailors, and seizure of American cargos. Plus the extraction of British troups from the Ohio valley which was previously promised in two former treaties, Jays treaty and the Treaty of Paris. The regress of grievances was just a stepping stone for American ambition, after the start of the war Americans thought wouldnt it be great if we could add Canada and Spanish Florida to our ever expanding bounderies. But the backing of the war wasnt there politicaly the northern merchants were affraid of the deletion of trade options with Britain because of the war. The southern farmers were also against the war because Britain was there main purchaser of cotton and indigo. On the other hand you have to Backcountry farmers who need more room to expand there farms or find better soil for crops who wanted to the war to expand there expansion areas. Support also came from t he deep southern farmers who wanted Florida for there own. The ideas between both of these groups created political disunity between the states, making them quarel among themselves weakening the national government. As we travel back a little in time we come to Jefferson's ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
There is no set topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
There is no set topic - Essay Example The little Paul is inspired to experiment his luck in gambling because of his mother’s opinion that â€Å"if you’re rich, you may lose your money. But if you’re lucky, you will always get more money†. Once, during the conversation between Paul and his uncle, he speaks about horse races and gambling explicitly and reveals that the gardener is his partner. When the uncle comes to know it instead of correcting Paul, he too becomes a partner. The central point of the story is a wooden horse which Paul believes has some magical effects to make him a winner. Paul gives five thousand pounds of his winnings to his uncle in order to arrange a birthday gift for his mother who always used to blame her misfortune. The story ends with the tragic death of the poor boy that always had a strong affection to his parents. When the uncle asks Paul what he would do with the winning money, he says that he needs to change his mother’s bad luck. This short story best illustrates, how or to what extent family environment affects a kid’s mind. He always hears the desperate words of his mother that can only imbue him with deceptive ideologies. The young boy was disturbed by the incessant whispering he heard even from vacuum; â€Å"there must be more money! There must be more money!†Even though he doesn’t know how to make money, this strong desire to acquire money is deep-rooted in his inner soul. This is the situation when the boy comes to know about horse gambling which gradually perverts him the whole way to the tragic end. The character of Paul’s mother also conveys a great message to the readers of this beautiful story. She is the image of people who always blame others or fate for their failure. They often think that money is the sole factor that brings happiness; and it usually comes due to one’s luck. She expresses this notion openly when Paul asks why they didn’t have a car. Her answer has an adverse effect on Paul as he begins to think that only money can
Friday, November 1, 2019
International marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 5
International marketing - Essay Example The process of international marketing engages targeting of the consumers for a particular product in the international market, approaches to enter in the particular country, marketing mix strategies along with strategic business plans to compete in the international market (Onkvisit & Shaw, â€Å"International Marketing: Analysis and Strategy†). From the perspective of American Marketing Association (AMA), international marketing is the global practice of planning and manipulating the inherent strategies of an organization along with the pricing strategies, strategies of promotion and allocation of products, services or ideas that satisfy the consumers along with the organization goals (Onkvisit & Shaw, â€Å"International Marketing: Analysis and Strategy†). The paper intends to study about the various aspects of international marketing which will affect TATA Motors’ cars in the United States market. The study of market analysis with various aspects, such as general information of the US market, social and cultural analysis of the US consumers, economic analysis of the US market as well as political and legal situation of the US has been focused upon through this paper. Market entry strategy of TATA Motors including situational analysis, target market and product positioning along with different features of marketing mix have also been highlighted through this paper. In the present globalised market scenario within the automobile sector, the US car market is one of the most sought after places for the international car manufacturing companies. However, the car market segment of the country has faced deficits in terms of selling units. The sales of personal cars or light weight vehicles were previously 11% in the year 2010 and increased by 10% in the year of 2011. The fluctuating scenario of the US car market signifies the increasing
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