Sunday, December 29, 2019
William Shakespeare s Julius Caesar - 1082 Words
â€Å"Et tu, Brutà ©? Then fall Caesar†(III.i 179). The fatal stabs of the conspirators did not kill the all-mighty Julius Caesar, for the sharp butcher of Brutus pierced his heart and condemned his life to cessation. This dramatic, mood changing affair serves as the pivotal platform in William Shakespeare’s, Julius Caesar. It is a compelling novel that recounts the unjust murder of Julius Caesar, an ancient Roman general. Oblivious to this conspicuous foreshadowing, Caesar fails to distinguish his true fellow men from plotting slaughtermen. Amongst his most intimate acquaintances, Brutus reveals his true love, that is for Rome, at the expense of a lifeless Caesar. Conveyed a hero, but assumed a villain, Marcus Brutus displayed a convoluted rationale for his murderous scheme. No selfless- hero forsakes one without negative intentions, and no traitorous villain executes for the well being of others. For this reasoning, Brutus was nothing less than a heroic villain. Marcus Junius Brutus was idolized as an honorable and impartial Roman nobleman, during the reign of Julius Caesar. He bled the blood of Rome, for he would go to any extent, to secure its prosperity. Although he was highly ranked and sustained a commendable reputation, he fell short of Rome’s glory when he became influenced to strike against Caesar. As a leading conspirator, Brutus displayed his loyalty to Rome and contempt against his ally. This is evident in his statement, â€Å"It must be by his death , and for my part/ IShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Julius Caesar Essay1833 Words  | 8 Pages INTRODUCTION The seemingly straightforward simplicity of â€Å"Julius Caesar†has made it a perennial favourite for almost 400 years. Despite its simplicity, almost Roman in nature, the play is rich both dramatically and thematically, and every generation since Shakespeare’s time has been able to identify with some political aspect of the play. The Victorians found a stoic, sympathetic character in Brutus and found Caesar unforgivably weak and tyrannical. As we move into the twenty-first century, audiencesRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Julius Caesar Essay2414 Words  | 10 Pages Christa Kiesling AP Lang Block 1 Mr. Snider 6 Nov. 2016 RA1 William Shakespeare, in his historical play Julius Caesar, makes the characters Brutus and Antony utilize rhetorical strategies in order to win the favour of the Roman people for their own purposes. These two speakers try to convince the audience of different things: where Brutus, who speaks first, was trying to subdue the passions of the mob and use logic to win acceptance for his murderous actions, Antony, who had to follow Brutus, wasRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Julius Caesar760 Words  | 4 Pagespeople of Rome. In Julius Caesar written by William Shakespeare, Brutus and Antony address the people over Caesar’s dead body. The body is brought to the town square shortly after he was murdered by the Senate. Brutus, one of the murderers, appeals to the people’s fear and patriotism. Antony speaks after and puts doubts of the justification of the murder and plays to the people’s hearts. Brutus addresses the crowd by using his reputation to support his reasons for killing Caesar. He starts his speechRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Julius Caesar804 Words  | 4 Pagesthe phenomenal, as well as tyrannical, Roman rulers throughout history, Julius Caesar is by far the most prominent. This fame is due in no small part to William Shakespeare and his play that bears the same name. However, although Caesar is the play’s namesake, the story’s central focus is on Brutus and Caius Cassius and their plot to assassinate Caesar. When discussing Antony’s fate in Act II scene 1 of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Brutus argues against what he perceives as the unnecessary and brutalRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar919 Words  | 4 Pageschoices that eventually bring about their demise. At first glance, Caesar may appear to be the tragic hero, when the real tragedy actually lies in Brutus’s story in William Shakespeare s p lay The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. One tray a tragic hero must posses is that they are relatable. The play may be named for Caesar, but the reader simply knows more of Brutus and his motives, which help to make his story a tragedy more so than Caesar s. Brutus’ thoughts, actions, and history are made more apparentRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar1508 Words  | 7 Pages William Shakespeare’s play, â€Å"The Tragedy of Julius Caesar†was mainly based on the conspiracy to assassinate Julius Caesar. â€Å"Julius Caesar†is a play based on rhetoric and politics. Rhetoric is the science of manipulation. Marcus Brutus, a Senate and a beloved friend of Caesar stood as the face among the conspirators leading the assassination of Julius Caesar. Aristotle said, â€Å"A man doesn’t become a hero until he can see the root of his downfall†. He defined a tragic hero as someone who is highlyRead MoreThemes Of William Shakespeare s Julius Caesar 2063 Words  | 9 Pages Theme, Mood and Conflict in Julius Caesar Savannah Baine â€Å"Come I to speak at Caesar’s funeral. He was my friend, faithful and just to me. But Brutus says that he was too ambitious, and Brutus is an honorable man .†Mark Antony (Act 3,Scene 2,Line 85). â€Å"Julius Caesar†by William Shakespeare, is a classic play depicting the death of Caesar and the chaos that ensues afterwards. One theme in this play is fate vs. free will, the mood is seriousRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Julius Caesar1721 Words  | 7 Pagesusually stems from their own deep rooted hatred of a person and is often in some way personally benefiting to themselves. However, this is not the case of Brutus in Shakespeare’s play, Julius Caesar. Brutus’s plan to murder Julius Caesar does not make him a villainous man but a rather noble one. Despite his plot against Caesar, Brutus’s intentions were always one-hundred percent honorable. The first instance in the play where the reader learns of just how honorable a man Brutus is, is in Act 1, SceneRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Julius Caesar1201 Words  | 5 PagesDellinger English II 4/18/17 Julius Caesar There are many people you may have heard of that lived during 100 B.C.- 10 A.D. in Rome. Some of those people include Marcus Brutus, Cleopatra, Mark Antony, and Julius Caesar. In this paper I will be talking about Julius Caesar. And while doing so I will be talking about his early/personal life, his career, and his assassination. Julius Caesar was born July 12. B.C. as Gaius Julius Caesar, to Aurelia Cotta, and Gaius Julius Caesar. Julius was born with the NeurologicalRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Julius Caesar1119 Words  | 5 PagesOration in Julius Caesar, and Why It Wouldn’t Stand in Court â€Å"Circumstantial evidence is a very tricky thing. It may seem to point very straight to one thing, but if you shift your own point of view a little, you may find it pointing in an equally uncompromising manner to something entirely different.†– Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. What does circumstantial evidence have to do with a speech, you may ask? In a manner of speaking, everything, for the evidence maketh the speech. In William Shakespeare’s
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Andrew Jackson And The Indian Removal Act Of Native Americans
Tyler Roush American Literature I Professor Wallace 06/29/17 Major Essay #2 The Cherokee Indians are one of the most well-known American Indian tribes here in the U.S. However, once the Europeans came to the new world and started to expand their territory, this did not bode well for them. Many tribes were enraged by the expansion into Native American lands. Even when the Europeans had promised that they would not encroach onto their lands. Gold was said to be on the lands of the Cherokee and this made the Europeans want to break their promise to the Indians even more so now that they knew that gold was said to be there. Andrew Jackson became president in 1829. Now, many people knew that he was a notorious Indian fighter and†¦show more content†¦In 1828, The Cherokee Buck Watie (who took up the name of Elias Boudinot) founded and edited The Cherokee Phoenix, which was used to state the Cherokee view of the problem. They also wrote a number of letters, briefs and petitions to the government. These appeals did not have their effect, as the government kept insisting that the Indians voluntarily leave the territory. In 1835, a number of leaders signed the Treaty of New Echota after concluding that any further attempts to fight against the government were futile.†Once the Cherokee agreed to the removal act, federal troops had come in to enforce it. This was known as the Trail of Tears. The troops made the some 12,000 Cherokee Indians walk to their new home west of the Mississippi River. Along the way around 4,000 Cherokee died. Even though the government at the time wanted to remove a ll of the tribes to west of the Mississippi River, the Cherokee had fought them in court. They stated that their lands were sacred and that they had been there for generations. The Cherokee fought their removal through the many court systems in the United States at the time. Their case went all the way up to the Georgia Supreme Court. Once at the highest court available in the State, the Cherokee had kept with their rhetoric that they were not wishing to attack the Europeans or those living near them. They only wished to have the promise of the government that they made to not encroach onto their lands and then everyone canShow MoreRelatedAndrew Jackson And The Removal Policy820 Words  | 4 PagesStates; Andrew Jackson, was not only notorious for his success as a general but also for his actions as president. The Removal Policy is still discussed today because of the question of whether or not the removal of Native Americans benefited them or not. The intent of Jacksons actions is controversial because it is not clear if he acted in the best interest of Native Americans or for white settlers. Robert Reminis writing Andrew Jackson and his Indian Wars he concludes that Jacksons removal act wasRead MoreNative American Perspective on Indian Removal Act807 Words  | 4 PagesIn May 1830, Congress passed the Ind ian Removal Act which forced Native American tribes to move west. Some Indians left swiftly, while others were forced to to leave by the United States Army. Some were even taken away in chains. Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United States, strongly reinforced this act. In the Second State of the Union Address, Jackson advocated his Indian Policy. There was controversy as to whether the removal of the Native Americans was justified under the administrationRead MoreThe Indian Removal Act of 18301123 Words  | 5 PagesTHE INDIAN REMOVAL ACT OF 1830 Migdalia Tuero HIST101: American History to 1877 Professor Kathleen Davis February 13, 2014 There are several historical events and issues that have impacted the contemporary political development among American history. In the history of America one of these groups are the Native Americans. The white man throughout the South called for a removal of the Indian peoples. They wanted the Native Indians to be resettled to the west because their presence createdRead MoreAmerican History: Native Americans 829 Words  | 3 Pageswhat it would be like to be Native American during the European invasion? In American history Native Americans were treated unfairly. The American government mistreated the Natives by lying to them and treating them as foreigners. After years of fighting for freedom the Natives did not achieve their goal for freedom. The Trail of Tears, being the most tragic event in American history, was due to the Removal Act in the 1830s, the misguidance of President Andrew Jackson, the discovery of gold, andRead MoreThe Indian Removal Act Of 18301299 Words  |à ‚ 6 Pagesearly American history, there has been a constant battle between Native Americans and the earliest European settlers. There were many diverse, and complex views when approaching this subject matter; however, in 1830 President Andrew Jackson passed the Indian Removal Act, which forced Indians to relocate from their homelands in south east to land west of the Mississippi river. This granted the U.S. a large portion of new rich land, unfortunately it was at the expense of the Native Americans. WhenRead MoreAndrew Jackson s Indian Removal Policy1379 Words  | 6 PagesAndrew Jackson’s Indian Removal Policy Known as a highly regarded military general, Andrew Jackson was justified in his signing of the Indian Removal Act of 1830, because it allowed for the expansion of America by land acquisition and economic growth while at the same time protecting the culture of the American Indian tribes from total extinction. During the early 1800s, America, a newly born nation, was growing in a hurry. In order to compensate for this growth, America neededRead MoreAndrew Jackson Indian Removeal Policy Essay1197 Words  | 5 PagesWas Andrew Jacksons Indian Removal Policy Motivated by Humanitarian Impulses? Authors: Anthony F. C. Wallace, Robert V. Remini, A Summary By: History 2111 Summer 2011 A summary comparison of views regarding the Indian Removal Act of 1830, Was it an act of humanitarianism intended to help and save the Native American culture from the white settlers, as Robert V. Remini has argued? Or was his intent to destroy the tribal culture and to get rid of the Native Americans, as Anthony F.C WallaceRead MoreDifference Between Andrew Jackson And Native Americans820 Words  | 4 PagesAndrew Jackson vs. Native Americans For what possible reason could our 7th president: Andrew Jackson has in his right mind to extrude the Natives from their home in the 1830s. Most historians say that Americans feel the need to emancipate westwards for the sake of the economy. Therefore the movement broke the promise that George Washington made with the Iroquois; which was generated to get the Iroquois to ally with the Parliament to fight against the French in the French and Indian War in the 1700sRead MoreIndian Removal Act Essay848 Words  | 4 PagesThe Indian Removal Act signed by the president of the United States, Andrew Jackson, caused controversy and the brutal and merciless suffering of the Native Americans during The Trail of Tears. The beginning of the 1830’s was a time when the Native Americans occupied The Deep South. This, however, was problematic for the white farmers who were in need of farmland in order to increase their production of cotton. Nevertheless, Andrew Jackson, the seventh presiden t of the United States, coerced theRead MoreDid Andrew Jacksons Removal Act Benefit the Indians? Essay1677 Words  | 7 PagesRobert V. Remini shows that Andrew Jackson’s Indian Removal Act benefits the Native Americans. Andrew Jackson made notice of the issue with the Indians in his inaugural speech on March 4, 1829. He declared that he wanted to give humane and considerable attention to the Indian’s rights and wants in respect to the government and people. Jackson knew that meant to get rid of all remaining tribes beyond the Mississippi River. He (Jackson) believed that the Indians would be better off in the west; without
Thursday, December 12, 2019
The Iguana Tree Summary free essay sample
The novel The Iguana Tree describes what a person might go through to come to the America. There are many different reasons to want to come to the America such as a job, to attend school, and a better life, etc. A reason to come over Illegally would be not having the money to be able to afford the legal fees to come legally. In this novel, the man wanted to come to the America to find a Job, to make more money for his family. Once he had enough money he was going to have his wife and child brought over to be with him.When the man started his journey to come across to America, he as taken to an old, run down, dark house. When Hector arrived at the house another man (Miguel) was already there waiting to be hustled across the border. They would spend several days and nights together in the house not knowing what was to come next. We will write a custom essay sample on The Iguana Tree Summary or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They had to go with limited food and drink for days. Then one night the coyote came and took the two men to a warehouse, there at the warehouse were many men. Eventually all the men were loaded Into a hole that had been cut out of the bottom of a truck. After all the men had been loaded into the hole It was welded back shut.After hours of riding In a closed, cramped space that smelled of urine and vomit, Hector was losing hope of ever making It out of the truck. Finally, the truck came to a stop, the hole was reopened, and the men were hustled out of the truck into a second warehouse (25). From the second warehouse all the men was took into a office where they was given an new identification card, the start of their new life as an illegal American (26). Hector went to South Carolina with Miguel the man he met in the old house, they waited on a bench for Misuses cousin Pablo to come and pick them up.Finally Pablo arrived and they started their Journey to South Carolina where Paulos lives and works. The farmer that Pablo worked for also gave Miguel a Job. Paulos boss called his neighbor to give Hector a Job. Hectors wife Lila and daughter were In Mexico living with Alliss mother. Within days of Hector, leaving Lasss grandmother passed away. While going through a hard time of her husband being gone and he grandmother passing away, Lila wanted so bad to cross Into America to have her family together. An old friend of Lasss from school offered to help get her and her child across to America.Seeing that she trusted the man she decided to allow him to help her. Lila and her baby had to go with different coyotes. She went to the house of the man that was to be her coyote; he took Lila too woman coyote that would bring the child across. After leaving her baby with the woman, Lila and her coyotes started their journey in a truck. She was to ride on the back that was covered with the man that was not driving; along the journey, the coyote raped her. They arrived at a river, which she had to swim across. Once across the water, she had to wait in a Junk yard in the back of a car for someone o show up and call for her.She was taken too house, where she would get her new identification, a new life. This Is where she awaited for her child and her husband. While she was waltzing she had to cut and dye her hair, she also watched a man being murdered. Days passes and her child never arrived, but Hector did. Hector was grateful to see his wife, but very upset that his child had not arrived. Hector, Lila, boss and his wife to help but they also had no luck. One day Miguel asked to drive Hectors truck he had gotten from his boss to the store.Hector knew the breaks was ad on the truck, but he had been so worried about finding his daughter he had not fixed the breaks. Miguel did not get far before he had a wreak in the truck. Hector and his wife went to the wreak site, this is where the Americans found out that they were illegal. They were taking to the station where all the illegal immigrants are sent to wait deportation. Hectors boss and wife tried everything that they could to keep Hector and his wife from having to go back to Mexico, but there was little that could be done. They were sent back home across the board and never found their child.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Case Study about the Capital Gains Tax
Question: Case study on capital gains tax. Answer: In the given case, Dave Solomon age 59 is planning to get retired at an age of 60. He has decided to plan out his assets in the best possible way so that he has enough money at the time he gets retired. With an intention to save maximum amount available with him at the time of retirement, he decides to collect $1,000,000. HE decides to rent a city apartment and withdraw the tax free amount that he has saved in the superannuation fund for the retirement purposes. He was living in St Lucia from the past 30 years. He in order to raise the money that he has decided he plans to sell out his home through an auction. He conducts and auction and sells the house for $850,000 which has cost him $70,000, 30 years back. During the auction process, Dave has forfeited $85,000 from one of the customer, who first agreed to buy the house but after he fails to meet out his commitment. In this process Dave has paid $15,000 to the agent who has helped in fetching the right customer for the process. Cons idering all these points, Dave has made profit of $850,000 for the sale transaction. A person is not required to pay any capital gain tax on the profit that the person has earned on the sale of his residence. The exemption that has been given in the Australian tax laws is applicable only on the property in which the person is living or residing into. Thus, a person is required to pay the capital gain tax only on the property that has been earned by the person only on the property that has been held by him as an investment. In the given case, Dave has been living in his house located at ST Lucia which he has sold for $850,000. Being this property is the only in which Dave is living from past 30 years. Thus, in light to the above provision, being a property which has been used by the person is his own residence does not attract capital gain tax. Thus in that case, the capital gain earned by Dace worth $850,000 is not eligible for capital gain tax. As per the Australian tax laws, a person is not eligible to pay any capital gain tax liability arising on the profit that he has earned on sale of personal and collectible assets. In case of personal and collectible assets we have a separate classification which would be used for such taxation and thus the same in no case should be mixed with the provision of normal capital gain tax laws. The collectable and personal asset in this case includes art work such as drawings, paintings, photographs etc., jewellery, antiques, coins etc. In the given case, the painting of pro hart that has been sold by Dave would be covered in the definition of personal and collectible assets and thus the profit worth $110,000 that he has earned on such sale would be covered under the separate category other than capital gain. A person is not eligible to pay any tax liability on the gain that he has earned on sale of personal assets. The personal assets in this case includes car, resident property etc. In the given case, the assessee sold motor cruiser for $60,000 which he has purchased for $110,000. In light to the above provision, Dave is not likely to bear any capital gin tax from sale of his personal assets. Although, Dave has incurred loss on the above transaction, thus being the gin is not taxable, the loss so incurred by Dave would also not be carried forward or set of from any taxable capital gain. Dave during the year has taken a loan of $70,000. He has utilized the sales proceeds on purchase of shares which he has sold during the year for $80,000. On this sale, Dave is required to pay brokerage and stamp duty worth $750 and $250 respectively. In case of sale of shares, a person if carrying out the same a business, he would be eligible to bear the tax on ordinary income basis; else the income so earned would be taxable as capital gain. Dave in the above case has to bear interest cost worth $5,000 on the loan amount. While calculating the capital gain tax all the expenses that have been incurred in earning the profit on such sale would be allowed as deduction. However, the interest that the individual has paid on the loan amount that he has utilized for purchasing the shares, would not be allowed as deduction being the same does not have any direct link with generation of income. In this case, Dave made a profit of $9,000 on the transaction. The interest amount of $5,000 would not be allowed as deduction. Particular Amount Sale of shares $80,000 Purchase price -$70,000 Brokerage -$750 Stamp duty -$250 Net profit $9,000 Considering the above points, Dave during the period has earned the following as capital gain: Particular Amount Profit on sale of house No taxable capital gain Profit on sale of motor cruiser No taxable capital gain Profit on sale of painting $110,000 Profit on sale of shares $9,000 Total profit $119,000 Dave in the last year has a net capital loss of $10,000 that he has earned on sale of shares. The capital loss so incurred by Dave can be carried forward and will be reduced from the gain made in the current year. The amount that has been earned by Dave during the period would be used by him for meeting his retirement needs. References ATO. Gov, Statutory formula method for Car FBT taxation, viewed on 1st June 2016. ATO. Gov, FBT Tax rate 2016, viewed on 1st June 2016. ATO. Gov, Market Interest Rate 2016, viewed on 1st June 2016. ATO. Gov, Collectables and personal use assets, viewed on 1st June 2016.
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