Sunday, September 29, 2019
Gathering and Evaluating Sources
Associate Program Material Appendix E Strategies for Gathering and Evaluating Sources |Source |What makes the source credible or what does not make it |Explain in at least two to four | | |credible? Consider the following when addressing the |sentences what information you can | | |source: |gather from this source? | | | | | |What is the author’s affiliation to any organization | | | |related to the subject of the article? Does he or she have| | | |an ulterior motive? | | | | | | |What is the author’s experience with the subject, | | | |including academic or professional credentials related to | | | |the subject of the source article? Does she or he have | | | |what it takes to understand the complexities of the | | | |subject? | | | | | | |Does this article report on information that the author | | | |experienced personally, or is it a summary or retelling of| | | |information from other sources? How close is the author to| | | the actual information? | | | | | | | |Is the information current? When was the information | | | |published or last updated? Might there be resources with | | | |more current information? | | | | | | |In general, does the information in the source article | | | |match the information found in other sources? Or is the | | | |information different or unique? Can this information be | | | |confirmed by more sources than just this one? | | | | | | | |Does the source make any claims without having evidence to| | | |support them? | |Source name |What makes this source credible is that the author |The information that I can gather | |Modernismo and Modernization. |questions some of the central assumptions of cultural |from this source is the past | |Authors: Mazzucchelli, Aldo; |studies and looks for the proof or evidence that supports |traditions and costumes. This source| |Novel: A Forun on Fiction |the facts. The author has an articulate approach to |will give me a more in depth look on | | |current discussion of elements of modernity-material, |how or in what aspects has the | | |technological and cultural objects, which the author |traditions changed and the | | |presents both sides of the subject. This source is not up|modernization of Spanish America. | |to date it was published in 2006, it is however the most | | | |recent article I could locate. | | |Source name |This is one of my favorite sources because it is not bias |This source has everything that I | |Everybody’s HERITAGE. |but it does contain opinions but they are backed with |want to include in my paper from the | |Authour: Dahlson,Conrad |evidence and facts. This source is not up to date but it |food to the religion to the arts and | |Source: Hispanic, sep2005, vol. 18|does have important information in it that has lead to the|music This source will give me | |Issue 9, |changes in Latino or Spanish culture. |information about the food, music, | | | |holidays and other aspects of the | | | |religious beliefs. | | | | | | | | |Source name |I find this online source to be credible by the amount of |This is one of my most recent sources| |http://ohioline. osu. edu/hyg-fact/5|research that has been done. I have researched the |that will include up to date facts | |000/5237. tml |references that this cites lists on the reference page and|and information on the Spanish | | |the facts have the right amount of evidence. The sources |culture. I will be able to find | | |that were used to create the page are form government |information about this cultures | | |websites and articles that have been published. family value, rituals and religious | | | |preferences, eating habits and | | | |celebrations and holidays. | | | | | | | | |Source name |The Americano is an online source that offers a top source|This source will give me the | |http://theamericano. com/2009/08/27|for Hispanic news and commentary. The article that I am |information of what aspects of the | |/hispanic-influence-in-the-united-|using was last updated in 2009. This source has a lot of |Spanish culture have influenced the | |states/ |statistics and has credible sources that have been |United States. This site also gives | | |researched. The website also offers up to date news from |information on architectural | | |all over the world. |influences as well as political | | | |influences. | | | | | | | | |Source name | | | | | | | | | | | |Source name | | | | | | | | | | |
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