Friday, May 31, 2019

Use of the Female Gothic in Beloved Essay -- Toni Morrison Beloved Ess

Use of the Female Gothic in Beloved Toni Morrisons novel Beloved is a slave narrative, but it encompasses much more than slavery. Unlike many slave narratives that focus on the male perception of slavery, Morrisons novel portrays slavery from a feminine point of view. The main characters are Sethe, her daughter, Denver, and the shadowy Beloved. In the beginning of the novel, Sethe and her daughter live alone in 124, a house that is haunted by the ghost of Sethes first daughter. Sethes two older boys, Howard and Buglar, had rivulet away by the time they were thirteen years old. Soon after the sons have fled, Baby Suggs, Denvers grandmother, dies. The novel centers on Sethes past, in particular, the death of her first daughter. This type dominates the book and the action of the novel revolves around this terrible incident. In Beloved, Toni Morrison utilizes characteristics of the female gothic novel such as mothering, living within enclosed spaces, and the two-base hit of chara cters, coupled with dilemmas involving memory and repression, to address the issue of slavery. Beloved illustrates the notion of the gothic mother through the character of Sethe. Her motherly love is turned into a fearful image of mercy, one that many find difficult to understand. At the time, slaves were valued as property. They were bred as if they were horses, with their young snatched away from them, often at birth, and no break of having a family. Many children were permanently separated from any other family members, and did not know if or when they would ever see their mothers again (King 527). Sethe describes her own childhood acquire with the woman she knew as her mother and it is typical of the experi... ...illions of lives and Morrison gives those lives names and faces. The narrative form is an effective tool to bring the reality of slavery and all its misery into perfunctory life. Works Cited Goddu, Teresa A. Gothic America. New York Columbia UP, 1997. King, Wi lma. Within the Professional Household Slave Children in the Antebellum South. The Historian 59.3 (1997) 523-540. Kristeva, Julia. Powers of Horror. New York Columbia UP, 1982. Morrison, Toni. Beloved. New York Penguin Group, 1987. Samuels, Wilfred and Clenora Hudson-Weems. Ed. Toni Morrison. capital of Massachusetts Twayne Publishers, 1990. Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky. The Coherence of Gothic Conventions. New York Methuen, 1976. Smith, Valerie. Circling the Subject History and Narrative in Beloved. Toni Morrison. Henry Gates, Jr. and K.A. Appiah. Ed. New York Amistad Press, 1993.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Main Cause of Mental Illness Essay -- Health Care, Diseases

The main cause of psychical infirmity has been confusing because there are multiple components of causes with various correlates. In invest to make clear of this confusion, the present essay explores the causes of mental illness in general found inside the individual, awayside the individual and is a combination of the two. It is concluded that the causes of mental illness are primarily found a combination of the inside and outside causes.Mental illness is the condition that significantly impede with an individuals emotional, cognitive or societal abilities (Savy and Sawyer, 2009). According to (Savy and Sawyer, 2009) neurological, metabolic, genetic and psychological causes are contributing factors for various types of mental illness like depression, schizophrenia, substance abuse and approach of condition. An elaborate system known as DSM-IV-TR gives a classification system that acts to separate mental illness into diagnostic categories based on the description of symptoms o f illness (Savy and Sawyer, 2009). The exact primarily causes of mental illness are complicated, however, it seems to occur in a psychologically and biologically prone individual, in the trigger of environmental and social stress (Elder, Evans and Nizette, 2007). In some cases the causes of mental illness primarily found inside the individual. Some of them have been associated with an abnormal balance of neurotransmitters in the brain. If they are out of balance the communication between nerve cell in the brain disrupted (Royal Australian and New Zealand College of psychiatrist, 2005). Hence, leading to symptoms of mental illness like depression, schizophrenia. On the other hand, genetics also plays a significant role to acquire mental disorder, which is passed... ...e in the neurodevelopment cycle, such as increased neuronal dysfunction with change magnitude connectivity and increases in loss of neuropril and extrinsic factor like substance abuse, developmental stress, relationsh ip problem(Elder, Evans and Nizette, 2007).All in all, the cause of mental illness can be summarised as a complex combination of psychological, social and biological response to environmental stressors, responding behaviour, physiology and connected to social context (Savy and Sawyer, 2009). Mental illness has been developed primarily due to the cause of circumstances around the individual and way of individuals action to tolerate the situation. Hence, the combination of causes outside and inside the individual results in mental illness. Individual preference such as drug and alcohol use also develops and worsens the mental health problems, in some cases.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The End of Oppression for Jamaican Women Essay -- Oppression Feminism

The End of Oppression for Jamaican WomenWomen shoot been oppressed in many places and in many different ways over the years, but in Jamaica this continuing trend is finally to be broken. Sexual or gender inequality represents as essential and integral feature of social relations and culture construction in Jamaica, where for the past four hundred years colonial and imperialist ontogenesis has governed the development of economic, political, and sociocultural patterns and structures.(Harrison Women in Jamaicas Urban Informal Economy pg. 12)Women form different roles in politics, economics and religion than their counterparts. It is important to know not on the button the general role of women, but it is also important to know where they come from. Women have not played a big role in politics, have been oppressed economically, and have not received equal pay. In the Rastafarian culture women are subservient, this is slowly changing. Where does this leave Jamaican women? A race feel ing for strong women role models.Black women do not lack heroines or role models. They do though, need to rescue them from the shadows of selective history. (http// /marymain.htm) Throughout the history of Jamaica there have been great women leaders and musicians, such as, nanny of the Maroons, Queen Omega, Mary Jane Seacole, Marcia Griffith, Judy Mowatt, and Sister Carol. Currently it is very important today in Jamaica for young girls to have role models. Not only has Jamaican society and Rastafarian culture suppressed women, but other countries have as well. Going way can in history to the 1700s one can find a strong woman who is still talked about today. Nanny of the Maroons lived in the 1700sm when people living in Ja... ..., 1997, URL http// Steffens, Roger, Rita Marley, URL http// 4/3/00. Timm, Bob, Interview with Sister Carol, Nov 3, 1999, URL http// ertainment/ska/library/1999/aa110399b.htm. 4/11/00. unify Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Consultation on Gender and Industrial Policy, Aug. 1995, URL http// 4/3/00., Excellent Nanny of Maroons, 1999, URL 4/3/00., Jamaica Gender and Development, Jan 10, 2000, URL http// 3/25/00. Whitemanm, Burchell, Nanny of the Maroons, Feb. 1998, URL 4/3/00.

Relationship between the Individual and Nature in The Open Boat :: Open Boat Essays

Relationship between the Individual and Nature in The Open Boat From the beginning, the four characters in the backwash of a shipwreck do not know the colour of the sky but all of them know the colours of the sea. This opening strongly suggests the emblematical situations in which human beings are located in the universe. The sky personifies the mysterious, inconceivable cause of reality , which humans cannot understand, and the sea symbolizes the earthy, mundane phenomenon, which humans are supposed to perceive. The symbolic picture generated by the above conflict implies the overall relationship between the individual and nature. In fact, the daily life of human beings is at the mercy of the contumacious waves of the sea while, at the same time, the essential part of reality remains unknown to feeble, helpless humans. The human voyage into life is basically feeble, vulnerable, uncontrollable. Since the crew on a dangerous sea without hope are depicted as the babes of the sea, it can be inferred that we are likely to be ignorant strangers in the universe. In addition to the danger we face, we have to also overcome the new challenges of the waves in the daily life. These waves are most wrongfully and barbarously abrupt and proud, requiring a new leap, and a leap. Therefore, the incessant troubles arising from human conditions often bring about unpredictable crises as shipwrecks are apropos of nothing. The tiny open gravy boat, which characters desperately cling to, signifies the weak, helpless, and vulnerable conditions of human life since it is deprived of other protection due to the shipwreck. The open boat also accentuates the open suggestion of despair amid the wild waves of life. The crew of the boat perceive their precarious fate as preposterous and absurd so much so that they can feel the tragic aspect and coldness of the water. At this point, the question of why they are forced to be dragged away and to nibble the sacred cheese of life raises a pr egnant issue over life itself. This pessimistic view of life reflects the helpless human condition as well as the limitation of human life. In line with the feeble and vulnerable portrait of human beings, nature is described as dangerous and uncontrollable on the one hand beautiful on the other. The tone of the waves is thunderous and mighty and the gulls are looked upon as uncanny and sinister.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Trail Of Tears :: essays research papers

Trail of Tears Trial of Tears and the Five Civilized Tribes During the early years of 1800s,valuable gold deposits were discovered in tribal lands, which by previouscessions had been reduced to about seven million acres in northwest Georgia,eastern Tennessee, and southwest North Carolina. In 1819 Georgiaappealed to the U.S. government to lead the Cherokee from Georgialands. When the appeal failed, attempts were made to purchase the territory.Meanwhile, in 1820 the Cherokee established a governmental systemmodeled on that of the United States, with an elected principal chief, asenate, and a house of representatives. Because of this system, the Cherokeewere included as one of the so-called Five Civilized Tribes. The other four folk musics were the Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and the Seminoles. In 1832 theSupreme Court of the United States control that the Georgia legislation wasunconstitutional federal authorities, following Jacksons policy of NativeAmerican removal, ignored the decis ion. About five hundred trackCherokee agreed in 1835 to cede the tribal territory in exchange for$5,700,000 and land in Indian Territory (now Oklahoma). Their action wasrepudiated by more than nine-tenths of the tribe, and some(prenominal) members of thegroup were later assassinated. In 1838 federal troops began forcible evictingthe Cherokee. Approximately one thousand escaped to the North CarolinaMountains, purchased land, and incorporated in that state they were theancestors of the contemporary Eastern Band. Most of the tribe, including theWestern Band, was driven west about eight hundred miles in a forced shew,known as the Trail of Tears. The march west included 18,000 to 20,000people, of whom about 4000 perished through hunger, disease, andexposure. The Cherokee are of the Iroquoian linguistic family. Theireconomy, like that of the other southeastern tribes, was based on intensiveagriculture, mainly of corn, beans, and squash. Deer, bear, and elk werehunted. The tribe was div ided into seven matrilineal clans that were dispersedin war and rest moieties (half-tribes). The people lived in numerouspermanent villages, some of which belonged to the war moiety, the rest to thepeace moiety. In the early 19th century, the Cherokee demonstrated unusualadaptability to Western institutions, both in their governmental changes and intheir adoption of Western method of animal return and farming. Publicschools were established and in the 1820s, a tribal member invented an85-character syllable script for the Cherokee language. Widespread literacyfollowed almost immediately. In 1828 the first Native American newspaper,the Cherokee Phoenix, began publication. Today in Oklahoma, much of theculture has remained the same. Their traditional crafts are most stronglypreserved by the Eastern Band where their basketry is considered to be

Trail Of Tears :: essays research papers

Trail of Tears Trial of Tears and the Five Civilized Tribes During the early years of 1800s, worthy gold deposits were discovered in tribal lands, which by previouscessions had been reduced to about seven million acres in northwest Georgia,eastern Tennessee, and south-west North Carolina. In 1819 Georgiaappealed to the U.S. government to remove the Cherokee from Georgialands. When the appeal failed, attempts were made to purchase the territory.Meanwhile, in 1820 the Cherokee established a governmental system model on that of the United States, with an elected principal chief, asenate, and a house of representatives. Because of this system, the Cherokeewere included as one of the so-called Five Civilized Tribes. The other quaterniontribes were the Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and the Seminoles. In 1832 theSupreme Court of the United States ruled that the Georgia legislation wasunconstitutional federal authorities, following Jacksons policy of NativeAmerican removal, ignored the decisi on. About five hundred leadingCherokee agreed in 1835 to cede the tribal territory in exchange for$5,700,000 and land in Indian Territory (now Oklahoma). Their action wasrepudiated by more than nine-tenths of the tribe, and several members of thegroup were later assassinated. In 1838 federal troops began forcible evictingthe Cherokee. Approximately one thousand take flight to the North CarolinaMountains, purchased land, and incorporated in that state they were theancestors of the present-day Eastern gang. Most of the tribe, including theWestern Band, was driven west about eight hundred miles in a forced march,known as the Trail of Tears. The march west included 18,000 to 20,000people, of whom about 4000 perished through hunger, disease, andexposure. The Cherokee are of the Iroquoian linguistic family. Theireconomy, like that of the other southeastern tribes, was ground on intensiveagriculture, mainly of corn, beans, and squash. Deer, bear, and elk werehunted. The tribe was divide d into seven matrilineal clans that were dispersedin war and peace moieties (half-tribes). The people lived in manypermanent villages, some of which belonged to the war moiety, the rest to thepeace moiety. In the early 19th century, the Cherokee demonstrated unusualadaptability to Western institutions, both in their governmental changes and intheir adoption of Western method of animal harvesting and farming. Publicschools were established and in the 1820s, a tribal member invented an85-character syllable script for the Cherokee language. Widespread literacyfollowed almost immediately. In 1828 the first Native American newspaper,the Cherokee Phoenix, began publication. Today in Oklahoma, much of theculture has remained the same. Their traditional crafts are most stronglypreserved by the Eastern Band where their basketry is considered to be

Monday, May 27, 2019

Net Present Value and Papa Geo

Papa Geos Restaurant Budget professional personposal For 2012 2017 BUSN-278 Term Professorname DeVry University - Table of Contents Section designation Sub scratch Title Page Number 1. 0 Executive summary 2. 0 Sales regard 2. 1 Sales Forecast 2. 2 Methods and Assumptions 3. 0 Capital uptake Budget 4. 0 Investment Analysis 4. 1 Cash precipitates 4. 2 NPV Analysis 4. 3 Rate of Return Calculations 4. 4 Payback Period Calculations 5. 0 Pro Forma Financial asseverations 5. 1 Pro Forma Income Statement 5. 2 Pro-Forma Cash flow Statement 5. 3 Pro-Forma Balance Sheets 6. 0 Works Cited 7. 0 Appendices 7. 1 Appendix 1 description 7. 2 Appendix 2 description etc * 1. 0 Executive Summary 1. 0 Executive Summary * * This budget proposal is for the starting and running play of a single location, sit-down Italian restaurant named Papa Geos.The restaurant would be located in Orlando, Florida and would majorly target middle to lower-middle c lass families with children, as sound as adults and seniors, thus making it a friendly and family place. The major product and service provided by the restaurant would be Italian food served buffet fashion with an all-you-can-eat dress with a lot of variety including a salad bar, pizza, several different types of pasta with three or four types of sauces, soup, desserts, and a self-serve soda bar. There would besides be a gaming area within the restaurant with gaming machines installed which would be of interest to children.The business would provide wholesome and fresh food, in a simple format, with very good prices and is located in a densely populated area, all of which would help the restaurant to do well and establish itself as a popular and profitable business. * * * Also, provide a second paragraph which describes how the budget supports the companys strategy. * * Finally, provide a third paragraph where you tote up the key points from your budget, including the planning horizon, the amount of up-front investment, the NPV, Payback and IRR of the project, as well as key figures from your income command, cash flow statement, and balance sheet. * Remember, this is non a thesis or introduction of what you pull up stakes talk or so it contains the major, specific content of each section. The second and third paragraph should be written after you have finish all other sections of this template. * * As you complete sections of this template, please remove all italicized text edition in all sections of this template and replace it with your own or you will lose points * * 2. 0 Sales Forecast 2. 0 Sales Forecast * * This section forecasts the gross revenue of Papa Geos restaurant over a five- socio-economic class period.Section 2. 1 gives the estimated sales figures and a brief explanation on the changes in these figures over the planning period. * Section 2. 2 delves into the details of how this sales estimate has been arrived at, computations invol ved and the methods and assumptions utilize in the process. * Overall, this section is utilizationful is providing an estimate of how much the restaurant can befool in sales, given its internal specifics and external environment. * 2. 1 Sales Forecast * * The yearly sales forecast for Papa Geos restaurant is given below.In $ class 1 family 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Sales 933,504. 00 1,555,840. 00 1,616,517. 76 1,679,561. 95 1,745,064. 87 * My methods and assumptions for arriving at the sales figures in the table are detailed in section 2. 2 The sales figure estimated per my calculations is taken as the sale figure for Year 2. This is beca example the sales figure arrived at from the calculations can non be delusive to be sales for Year 1 as the restaurant energy not be able to accredit its full potential and attract the estimated number of customers from day one itself.Also, acquire problems with marketing, operations etc might not lead to optimum sales. Therefore , we will project barely 60% of this figure as first year sales and use the estimated figure as the sales figure for Year 2. Over the planning period, starting from Year 2 onwards, sales are expected to grow at a rate of 3. 9% every year, in line with industry estimates of the average harvest-home of the restaurant industry in the US (Source Mintel International, cited in section 6. 0). * * 2. 2 Methods and Assumptions * According to the brief given on Papa Geos restaurant, there are about 10,000 families living within 15 minutes of the restaurant. Of these, surrounded by 3% and 5% are rich households (Phoenix marketing international, Wikipedia) and it is sham that another 15% comprise of high income and upper middle class households. That leaves about 80% of the ten thousand families in the area,that are the target market for the restaurant. * * According to a research paper (in restaurant. org), American families eat out about 4 quantify a workweek.However, considering that our target market comprises of mostly middle and lower income families, Ive assumed that they eat out only about 2 times a week on an average. This means that, about 16000 families (80%*10,000)*2 eat out in a week in that area in Ohio, Florida. * * In terms of competition, although it is mentioned that McDonalds, greaser Bell and Wendys operate in the area, we assume there are other small places that people might visit to eat out. Also, people might venture out beyond their areas to eat out.Keeping these in mind, weve assumed that these four places (Papa Geos, McDonalds, Taco Bell and Wendys) will be able to capture only about 85% of these families. (16000*85%=13600/week). Of these four places, since the others are fast food and fast food restaurants generally command a larger find faultfall than other format restaurants we assume the following about their share in the pie of families Taco Bell 30%, McDonalds 30%, Wendys 30% and Papa Geos 10% * * i. e, Papa Geos can expect to capt ure 1360 (10%*13600) families per week.Since this is a family dining place, we make another assumption about the composition of the family. We assume that out of a family of 4, two are kids and two adults. Which means that about 2720 (1360*2) kids and 2720 adults (1360*2) will eat from Papa Geos per week. * * Given that a repast (including drinks) live about $7, we make the following assumptions * Adults visiting the restaurant will have meals ( $7), on an average. * Kids visiting the restaurants with their families will make a bill of about $4 per head. Given this, we outright estimate the weekly sales for adults and kids. Therefore, d * Sales from Adults per week 2720*7 = 19040 * Sales from Kids per week 2720*4 = 10880 * * Now, the total sales (both adults and kids, as part of families) per week can be estimated at 19040+10880 = $29920 * Therefore, average sales per year = 1,555,840 * The sales figure estimated by these calculations is taken as the sale figure for Year 2. This i s because the sales figure arrived at from the calculations cannot be assumed to be sales for Year 1 as the restaurant might not be able to realize its full potential and attract the estimated number of customers from day one itself.Also, teething problems with marketing, operations etc might not lead to optimum sales. Therefore, we will project only 60% of this figure as first year sales, and use the estimated figure as the sales figure for Year 2. Over the planning period, starting from Year 2 onwards, sales are expected to grow at a rate of 3. 9% every year, in line with industry estimates of the average growth of the restaurant industry in the US (Source Mintel International, cited in section 6. 0). * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3. Capital ingestion Budget 3. 0 Capital Expenditure Budget * * Capital Expenditure Budget * Item Cost Quantity sum total cost Source Notes and Assumptions Cost of registering a business 300 300 ehow. com Cost of registering includes actual cost of registering ($70), legal fees and misc expenses (approx $230) Renovation of facility 15000 1 15000 Given This includes all kinds of beautification etc that the restaurant needs to start operations Soda fountain bar 3621 1 3621 Soda-dispenser. om Prices quoted whitethorn or may not be the identical at subsequent dates 2 pizza ovens 849 2 1698 ebay Prices quoted may or may not be the aforementioned(prenominal) at later dates salad and Pizza/dessert bar 1450 1 1450 ebay Prices quoted may or may not be the same at later dates Commercial Refrigerator 3529 1 3529 Coldtechcommercial. com Prices quoted may or may not be the same at later dates Cash Register 170 2 340 ebay Prices quoted may or may not be the same at later dates Video game vending machine Type 1 550 2 1100 ebay Prices quoted may or may not be the same at later dates Type 2 750 2 1500 ebay Prices quoted may or may not be the same at later dates Laptop for management 275 1 275 ebay Laptop purchased with Warranty, Pr ice quoted may or may not be the same at later dates desk for mgmt 25 1 25 ebay Prices quoted may or may not be the same at later dates Staff cook 319 1 319 ebay Prices quoted may or may not be the same at later dates Staff cupboard 100 1 100 simulated taff refriferator 700 1 700 ebay Prices quoted may or may not be the same at later dates Tables for the restaurant 279 20 5580 tableschairsbarstools. com Prices quoted may or may not be the same at later dates Chairs for the restaurant 55 80 4400 restaurant-services. com Prices quoted may or may not be the same at later dates Busing cart for restaurant 50 1 50 ebay Prices quoted may or may not be the same at later dates Commercial dishwasher 2500 1 2500 ebay Prices quoted may or may not be the same at later dates Restaurant signage 124 1 124 brightledsigns. om Although this is a form of advertising, this wouldnt be considered as an operating cost given the long term (more than a year) nature of its use Total 42611 * * The above table provides an estimate of the capital budget inevitable for Papa Geos restaurant. For each item, sources and assumptions used are explained towards the right side of the table. Other generic assumptions beyond those already mentioned are provided below * Miscellaneous grooming and handling equipment cost will be considered operational expenses and will not be capitalized given the short term (less than a year) use of such assets.Cutlery, swallow cups etc would be considered to fall into the same category * The total cost of registration is considered as capital expenditure due to its long term nature of use * Any fixtures like lighting etc are considered as operational expenses and will not be capitalizedThe total capital budget required is US$ 42,611. study component of this budget are renovation and equipment costs, which is true of restaurant businesses. * * * * 4. 0 Investment Analysis 4. 0 Investment Analysis * 4. 1 Cashflows * Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Sourc es of Cash Total income (from food and vending machines) 9,38,944 15,61,492 16,22,390 16,85,664 17,51,404 Uses of Cash Cost of solid food 282880 294195. 2 305963. 008 318201. 5283 330929. 5895 depreciation on equipment 3069. 2 3069. 2 3069. 2 3069. 2 3069. 2 Salaries 348636 362581. 44 377084. 6976 392168. 0855 407854. 8089 employee benefits 21887. 2 22762. 688 23673. 19552 24620. 2334 25604. 92827 utilities 24000 24000 24000 24000 24000 credit card fees 23,473. 60 39,037. 30 40,559. 76 42,141. 59 43,785. 11 inventory holding costs 2,347. 36 3,903. 73 4,055. 98 4,214. 16 4,378. 51 advertising and marketing 15,000 10000 10000 10000 10000 Rent 630000 630000 630000 630000 630000 Insurance 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 interest 13320 13320 13320 13320 13320 ncome opex (for purposes of tax calculation) (4,26,669) 1,57,623 1,89,665 2,22,929 2,57,462 Taxes 42,558. 10 51,209. 42 60,190. 80 69,514. 82 add up back depreciation (non-cash expense) 3069. 2 30 69. 2 3069. 2 3069. 2 3069. 2 Net Cash Flows (4,23,600) 1,18,134 1,41,524 1,65,807 1,91,017 * * * Highlights and Assumptions * For this cash flow analysis, only operating activities are considered nd it is assumed that there are no investing and financing cash flows that may have material impact on the business * Average meal cost $4 in materials and labor, costs expected to increase about 4 percent a year the same as increase in sales. From the sales forecast page, it is assumed that 1360 families eat at the restaurant per week * Equipment cost depreciated over a 5 year period, on a slap-up line basis * Salaries assumed to grow at about 4 percent per year * Cost of benefits to increase at 4 percent in proportion to salaries * Utility bills assumed to average out for the year and over the years * Given 2. % of sales * 10% of following months sales is given. For the whole year, assumed at 10% of the years sales of food only. Vending machine sales not included * Assumed to be higher in the first year and then average out at lesser cost over the next 4 years * Rent assumed to be 15 dollars per sq foot * It is assumed that the entrepreneur take a 100k loan * Assumed tax rate to be 27 percent. Actual tax rate is slab-based and may deviate * Includes all capex items except costs of registration and renovation expenses 4. 2 NPV Analysis * Interest rate 15% Year 1 2 3 4 5 Cash Flow (4,23,600) 1,18,134 1,41,524 1,65,807 1,91,017 PV factor 100% 87% 76% 66% 57% PV of cash flow (4,23,600) 1,02,725 1,07,013 1,09,021 1,09,214 Cumulative PV (4,23,600) (3,20,875) (2,13,863) (1,04,842) 4,373 Net Present comfort 4,373 * * Highlights and Assumptions * As can be seen from the above table, the net present value for the project is positive which shows that the project should be pursued. Interest rate of 15% has been taken for calculation, assuming that the project would be financed with debt taken at the rate * 4. 3 Rate of Return * Cost of Ca pital 6% Year 1 2 3 4 5 Net Cash Flow (4,23,600) 1,18,134 1,41,524 1,65,807 1,91,017 PV Factor 100% 94% 89% 84% 79% PV of net cash flow (4,23,600) 1,11,447 1,25,956 1,39,215 1,51,303 Cumulative PV (4,23,600) (3,12,153) (1,86,197) (46,982) 1,04,321 Net present value 1,04,321 IRR (Internal rate of return) 15% * * Highlights and Assumptions * The project presents a rate of return on 15% which can said to be attractive, as against a cost of capital rate of 6% * 4. 4 Payback Period * endure a screen shot of your Excel calculation of the payback period for this venture. * Year 0 1 2 3 4 Cash Flow (4,23,600) 1,18,134 1,41,524 1,65,807 1,91,017 Payback NA N/A N/A N/A 2. 99 * * Highlights and Assumptions * The project has a payback period of 2. 9 years, essentially it would pay back for itself in about three years time. * * 5. 0 Pro-Forma Financial Statements 5. 0 Pro-Forma Financial Statements * * In this section, the future financial statements o f Papa Geos restaurant are presented based on authorized assumed events and transactions. They are an active planning tool and tend to give an indication of the companys performance in the future based on certain assumptions. * * Pro-Forma Income Statement Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total Sales 938,944 1,561,492 1,622,390 1,685,664 1,751,404 Total Variable costs 657,337 699,718 727,663 756,725 786,948 Contribution Margin 281,607 861,774 894,727 928,938 964,456 Total Fixed Costs 708,276 704,152 705,062 706,009 706,994 Total Income before Tax (426,669) 157,623 189,665 222,929 257,462 Tax Expense 0 42558. 014 51209. 41996 60190. 80097 69514. 82326 Net Income (426,669) 115,064 138,455 162,738 187,947 * * Assumptions and Highlights * This Pro Forma Income Sheet is prepared in Contribution format. A contribution income statement breaks costs down between variable costs and fixed costs. Contribution income statement is only an internal financial p lanning tool and cannot be assumed to reflect accounting norms or procedures like IFRS etc. * All sources for figures are the same as mentioned in Cash flow analysis (section 4. ) * Although salaries calculated are based on specifics given in the project description of Papa Geos, it is assumed that they will vary according to sales and that the company may hire or fire depending on business volumes * 5. 2 Pro-Forma Cash Flow Statement * Provide a screen shot of the cash flow statement and describe the impact of the budget on cash balances. * 5. 3 Pro-Forma Balance Sheets Provide a screen shot of your balance sheets, and describe key figures they contain. * 6. 0 Works Cited 6. 0 Works Cited Market Research portal http//www. marketresearch. com/Mintel-International-Group-Ltd-v614/American-Families-Dining-6166418/ Restaurant. org http//www. restaurant. org/tools/magazines/rusa/magarchive/year/clause/? articleid=138 Wikipedia http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/American_upper_class Ehow. com Soda-dispenser. com Coldtechcommercial. com Ebay tableschairsbarstools. com restaurant-services. com brightledsigns. com * * * 7. 0 Appendices 7. 0 Appendices * * NOTE Start this section at the top of a new page. This section of the budget proposal is where youll attach all of the back up materials that youve referenced in the preparation of your plan, and that is too detailed or extensive to be included in the body of the report. Use this page to separate the appendices from the text in the body of your report. Make certain that you update the table of contents to include the title of each exhibit in the appendix and its page number. 7. 1 Appendix 1 put a description here 7. 2 Appendix 1 put a description here 7. 3 Appendix 1 put a description here * *

Sunday, May 26, 2019

School Captain Speech

4. Social Justice Personal Statement of Intent This Statement will be published electronically on the Intranet for all ply and students to read.Your avouchment should be no more than 200 words. You should consider the following questions Why do you think you would be an appropriate Middle School drawing card? I think I would be an appropriate middle check loss leader for these reasons I evermore show respect towards the teachers and my friends, i am always forthright minded to new opportunities and new things that arise. I am really confident, responsible and motivated. I show high government agencyicipation for the music ensembles that I contact part in every week and early in the morning.I have been a school captain before at my old school in the subordinate school so I have plenty of experience in public speaking. What qualities do you ingest to accomplish the tasks and responsibilities associated with being a leader? I will show responsibility, enthusiasm, maturity, open minded I am trustworthy so people can trust me. I always possess money plant and wisdom and confidence. Also I am always positive and I listen to what other people have to say.If you were successful, what would you aim to achieve in your leaders position? I would step up to my big leadership position as I would have big shoes to fill as school captain which I can do easily and all my peers and teachers are relying on me to do a good job as a leader for 2013. especially Mrs Janssens is relying on me to do a good job if I get school captain or the vice captain and in somebodys absence I would step up to the job straight away which I would always be happy to do.School sea captain Speech4. Social Justice Personal Statement of Intent This Statement will be published electronically on the Intranet for all staff and students to read.Your statement should be no more than 200 words. You should consider the following questions Why do you think you would be an appropriate Middle Schoo l Leader? I think I would be an appropriate middle school leader for these reasons I always show respect towards the teachers and my friends, i am always open minded to new opportunities and new things that arise. I am really confident, responsible and motivated. I show high participation for the music ensembles that I take part in every week and early in the morning.I have been a school captain before at my old school in the junior school so I have plenty of experience in public speaking. What qualities do you possess to accomplish the tasks and responsibilities associated with being a leader? I will show responsibility, enthusiasm, maturity, open minded I am trustworthy so people can trust me. I always possess honesty and wisdom and confidence. Also I am always positive and I listen to what other people have to say.If you were successful, what would you aim to achieve in your leadership position? I would step up to my big leadership position as I would have big shoes to fill as sc hool captain which I can do easily and all my peers and teachers are relying on me to do a good job as a leader for 2013. especially Mrs Janssens is relying on me to do a good job if I get school captain or the vice captain and in someones absence I would step up to the job straight away which I would always be happy to do.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

A View from the Bridge Essay Essay

A put one over From The Bridge is a play that was first staged in 1955. It was written by Arthur Miller. Arthur Miller was born into a Jewish family in New York in 1915, whose grandparents had come to America from Poland. When the family business failed, they moved to Brooklyn, where A View from the Bridge is set. There, Miller worked in a warehouse to earn money for his university fees. He began to write plays when he was in university and continued to write them after he graduated and became a journalist.In the play, loyalty dictates the events very strongly as because of Eddies mixed emotions for Catharine he chooses to be more loyal to her than to all of his family. Miller shows the sizeableness of loyalty through Eddie telling Catharine the Vinnie Bolzano story. Catharines reaction shows the audience that in Italy, family loyalty is the most important thing as Catharine is both blow out of the water and alarm that Vinnie snitched on his own Uncle this is why she shockingly s ays The kid snitched?Miller uses this as an opportunity to tell the audience that the Italian American community is very loyal, which makes Eddies betrayal even more shocking. Because Vinnie snitched on his Uncle he could never show his face in public because either one despised and loathed him this is why Beatrice says I never seen him again. This also shows that the Italian American Community has a very if you snitch on one of us, you snitch on all of us mentality.Another way that Arthur Miller portrays the importance of loyalty in the play is the references Eddie uses to Catharines return. this quote shows that Eddie tries to use the promise he made to Catharines Mother as an excuse for being so strict and this is why he says I promised your Mother on her death bed. This is why he doesnt want her working in the dodgy part of town where as it is because of the emotions he feels toward Catharine and he doesnt want her to have another male find out in her life who could be more i mportant than he is.One of the most important characterizations in the play is the Phone Call scene which shows Eddie ever-changing his loyalties from his family and friends, to just Catharine. Give me the number for the immigration bureau this shows Eddie doing what Vinnie Bolzano didand snitching on Marco and Rodolpho, he does this because of the mixed and confusing emotions he feels for Catharine.Miller also uses stagedirections in the scene such as A phone booth begins to glow on the opposite side of the stage a faint, lonely blue I hypothecate that Miller uses the Lighting on the phone booth to show the audience the conflict going on in Eddies head to loose every thing (his family and friends friendship, love, trust and loyalty) but keep Catharine for himself When the immigration officers arrive at the house, Eddie looses the respect and loyalty from his family.Beatrice realizes what Eddie has done when she saysMy God, what did you do? . She is completely shocked and horrifie d as Eddie was a loyal and family orientated man. Miller uses this quote to show the audience that Beatrice is astounded and aghast that Eddie has chosen Catherine over her, even though she is his wife.Marco is furious with the situation that Eddie has just ruined any chance of him getting an American citizenship, this now means that Marco wouldnt be able to get a well gainful job and support his family back in Italy. This is why he says That one He killed my children That one stole the food from my children this is because although Eddie hasnt directly murdered Marcos family, his actions will lead to Marco getting deported and he wouldnt be able to give his family money to buy food and they would consequently die.The audience would be shocked by what he is saying as he is insulting Eddie who Miller has made out to be the confused character who although he is doing something terrible he thinks that he is doing it for the right reasons, and the audience would therefore feel sorry f or him. Miller uses the loyalty theme to show the weakness of men, Eddie betrays his family and community because of the mixed emotions he feels for Catharine.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Introduction To Marketing Essay

Describe how a selected organisation uses merchandise enquiry to add up to the development of its marting plans In this section of the unit the investigation of the merchandising look into used by Kelloggs allow be shown through sodding(a) search and evaluation to a fault how it links in to the development of Kelloggs marketing plans.The Purpose of Market ResearchMarketing point is what informs businesss make decisions by helping it to understand the changing dynamics of its market. This involves key outing out more just about customers, competitors and the overall marketing environment. The purpose of doing this is to gather entropy on customers and potential customers. The pure definition of market research is systematically gathering, recording and analysing info and also about the issues relating to marketing harvest-festivals and services. There are ii types of researchs that can be conductedPrimarySecondaryThese research can then be formed into either quantitativ e or softPrimary ResearchPrimary research is data and development that the business has ga in that locationd first-hand and has not been gathered before.Internal primary research data sources implySales figures for the businesss own productsCustomer data held on a central database.External primary research methods includeQuestionnaires and SurveysInterviews and Focus Groups conundrum Shoppers,And other observation techniques.Secondary ResearchSecondary research uses data and information that has been collected before, either from within the organisation which can also be seen as internal data or by another organisation which is mostly regarded to as external data.Secondary research is sometimes referred to as desk research and sources includeReports from sales and regional representativesPrevious marketing research (internal)Trade journals and websites (external)Books and newspapers (external)Industry reports from industry associations and government departments (external)Census data and public records (external).This nowM2-Explain the limitations of marketing research used to contribute to the development of a selected organisations marketing plans For this sector of the report I will be identifying and explaining the limitations of the market research methods used in the Kelloggs investigation. This should give a clear overview of how Kelloggs develop. In the case study I throw off been studying I have acknowledged Kelloggs uses four junctures of market research to ensure they have examined a product collectively which enable Kelloggs to develop theyre products best and to better the product to suit its target audience. Firstly, we have a very important sector of market research which is seen as discovery, it is vital to identify a set of new food ideas that would be suitable for developing a new Crunchy Nut product. Secondary research was conducted from Mintel and Datamonitor and was used to find out about innovation trends in the cereal market. It was also used to find out about new products, flavours and foods from around the world. Food developers at Kelloggs used this information to come up with a number of new food ideas.Although secondary data is easy to access there are some limitations Kelloggs motivation to take into good will, this could be for instance the age of the documents and when the research had been operated. Also the size of the group the research was taken and how many plenty were winding. I have also accredited secondary research can be very vague and general this would prove difficult for Kelloggs to make a decision. In market research there are different aspects a business can branch into, many in which are very beneficial. The next form of research Kelloggs had fore taken was selecting the best concept for their product they ensured they could do this by overseeing a quantitative survey. This had then created specific statistical information that indicated that a new Crunchy Nut Bites idea was perceiv ed as the most appealing amongst all the ideas tested. Although Kelloggs manage to use the quantitative dataefficiently there can be drawbacks to using quantitative data, the principal(prenominal) hindrance of quantitative research is the context of the study is ignored.Quantitative research does not study things in a natural setting or discuss the meaning things have for different people as qualitative research does. Another shortcoming is that a large exemplar of the population must be studied the larger the sample of people researched, the more statistically accurate the results will be. Once the conception was formed Kelloggs then had a job conform and construct the concept into a new product this involved usage of qualitative research which helped Kelloggs food technologists to explore the taste and texture of the new food idea in more detail. Kelloggs needed to understand the eating perplex of the consumer before a decision could be made about how to develop the recipe in more detail. Kelloggs needed to take in to consideration even though the qualitative would help theyre market research they may be some downfalls, for example the researcher of the study is heavily involved in the process, which gives the researcher a subjective view of the study and its participants. The researcher interprets the research according to his or her own biased view, which skews the data gathered.Another injustice is that this research method is very time consuming and can last for months or even years. Finally, it is always important to ensure the financial side of the product are understood and the product brings in a good profit also it is a good idea to set promotional prices to enable the customer to have a taster of the product. This meant Kelloggs were required to predict a forecast of the product, Kelloggs do this by undergoing one final test anterior to the new product launch. This is called the In Home Usage Test. The consumers are given the product to try for several days and this enables Kelloggs to capture how consumers interact with the product for the first time. As well as this being a very good technique to understand the consumer they can be negatives to this the obvious fuss Kelloggs would be facing is that markets are unpredictable. Any sales forecast, however rigorous its analysis of conditions, can be flat-out wrong.Sales forecasts fall into two elementary categories, each of which has distinct disadvantages. In this case this is a qualitative forecast so sales forecasts rely on experts opinions to predict upcoming sales performance. Which may be detrimental to Kelloggs because qualitative approaches is subjective therefore opinions, even well-informedones, can be wrong, especially if they weart take into flier relevant economic data. After overseeing Kelloggs market research although the major drawbacks Kelloggs can face, market research is very important for Kelloggs as it previews what Kelloggs can stumble upon when launching a new product. However market research that is gathered by any organisation could prove to be irrelevant and inappropriate.D2-Make justified recommendations for improving the validity of the marketing research used to contribute to the development of a selected organisations marketing plans. After tone at all the limitations that effect Kelloggs this has entitled me to make justification and recommendation for improving the validity of the marketing research used in Kelloggs. accordingly I will be making three comprehensive recommendations with justifications to improve validity of the market research used to contribute to the development of Kelloggs marketing plans. Market research is used by many organisations and is very fatal tool however the data collected can sometimes not be as valid for various reasons, resulting in a business to make the wrong decision and highly affecting its market plans. The first recommendation I would like is to discuss to enhance the vali dity of the market research is for an organisation like Kelloggs to choose the right amount of people to question.Kelloggs main objective is to improve their current product and to continue to create new products in order to carry this out they would have to carry research to find out what they lack in and what they need more of however if the amount of people questioned is too small the results would be invalid and will not do any justice to statistic therefore Kelloggs should make the sample random and larger this will increase the accuracy of the information leading to the right decisions, Kelloggs also need to be aware of setting themselves a goal and objective they would like to reach when choosing a people to take part in their research this increase validity as it gives and aim of what is required from conducting this research Secondly, I would like to recommend if Kelloggs ask specific and objective questions, the people Kelloggs survey should represent a cross-section of th eir target groups. This can extend the results to the whole group as long as Kelloggs sample is representative.Key factors in this matching process are sampling time and number of peoplesurveyed. For example if they were to launch a new product of a similar range they need to question what they feel is missing from the existing products they can do this by asking feedback of existing customers this will make the data more valid and reliable because the right questions have been asked. Finally I would like to propose to Kelloggs to avoid self-selection and use a valid samples with a representative view of Kelloggs target group are based on random selection. If Kelloggs allow survey respondents to decide whether to answer a survey, Kelloggs cant be sure the respondents represent a random sample. You have to pick survey respondents at random and classify those who dont answer the questions as did not respond.If the non-responsive group is substantial, reducing it by adding people who v olunteer adds self-selection bias to the result because the volunteers are likely to share characteristics not demonstrative of your whole target group. Kelloggs may have to change how you conduct the survey to get enough samples from a random selection. All of the supra suggestions are to improve the validity and reliability of market research used by Kelloggs however Kelloggs should also make sure that the question it uses match its research objectives to ensure that information collected contributes to the development of its marketing plans. Recommendations mentioned above will improve the validity of the research and accuracy of the information that will help the business make the right decisions based on the information collected and results of the research.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Why I Love Malaysia

Malaysia&Malaysia&Malaysia&it is a name that I always keep in my mind. Its the place that I start my heartbeat from birth, wherefore I grow stronger and stronger until I am now. Without doubt, I love my own country, Malaysia. I think Malaysia is an ancient wonder of nature and full of aboriginal culture. I must confess that I love Malaysia because of its breathtaking scenery and the greenness of the rich land . Its about sunny and moist along the division in this country. So, our land is rich of the tropical rainforest especially in the east coast of Malaysia.Just imagine that you take the canopy walk to get a birds eye view of the worlds oldest rainforest, it sures amazed you. Besides, Malaysia is well known for its natural scenic beauty. For instance, you can experience a cave exploration at Niah Cave or mountain climbing at Mount Kinabalu. Surely this is a nice change of pace, away from the hustle and ado of the city life. Also, Malaysia is a cosmopolitan country but we piss three major races, that is Malays, Chinese and Indians. Even though we come from different races, background, language and throw together colour, we live as a big family.Instead of argument, we choose to live in a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere. We treat other people brotherly or sisterly and always have great respect for each other. We took every problem to round-table talks. There ar also small number of natives people, which included the Kadazan, Bisayah, Iban, Melanau and so on. Indeed, Malaysia is a country of varied cultures and traditions. Here, I met many people from different cultures and we share our faith and trust. For instance, the Malays believe the existence of Allah and their traditional costumes is BajuKurung.Besides, some natives also have very unique tradition. For instance, the Kadazan people in the Penampang of Sabah. The traditional costumes for Kadazan people is Sinuangga and Gaung. Surely you can made a breakthrough for your exploration. They also have their own local anaesthetic beliefs. Furthermore, Im always in high spirits to be under a festive atmosphere because we have many festivity in the whole year. During the season of celebration, the whole town is in festive mood and you may witness a great occasion in our country.The Chinese new-made Year celebrations falls to mark the beginning of the new year. This special events is the single most important festival in the Chinese Calendar and Chinatown celebrates it like nowhere else with a series of Lion Dance and dazzling light-ups. Truly, I love the local delicacies in Malysia. I really enjoy the traditional cuisine of local people. I have been send offered different types of flavor of food, such as the taste of sour, sweet, bitter and spicy. I prefer the food of hot spicy, especially the chicken garnish soup from Indians cuisine.I was on cloud nine when my tastebud exploded with spicy hot. However strong a man is, he cant maintain against fate I found that the power of n ature is out of our imagination and the coming of disasters are all of a sudden. So I feel prospered to be a Malaysian because Malaysia is free of natural disasters like earthquake, volcano, landslide, tsunami and others. I feel safe and secure living in this country. Deep inside, Malaysia is considered as a wonderland in my heart. On top of that, I relish eating local fruits.In my youth, I climbed rambutan and guava tree to pick and eat the fruits right off the trees. My favourite local fruits is durian and Indian mango. Durian is a large tropical fruit and it is a seasonal fruit in our country. The durian are cheap and easily available. Although it gives out an unpleasant smell, I even still crazy of it. Another is Indian mango which has an aromatic smell and its flesh is ingenious yellow, very juicy and sweet to taste. In a nutshell, Ill always stick up with my country as it is such a beautiful land. handle no other, I will love you forever, MALAYSIA

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

I Love Yous Are For White People

Reading your book brought to surface umteen of the occurrences in my life that I have found myself hiding from. You told my novel seen through your eyes but from a deferent environment, I h unmatchedstly thought I was alone In this world until I read your book.From moving from your position land, to being bullied and picked on for your accent, losing a partner through tragedy and having to meet new friends In a new world, from being physically and mentally abused by your father to molested by a family member, from ranking to numb the pain to Joining a gang/clack to feel at home and have a real family who cared, and finally occurrences to which I could have lost my life. Every story you told had a deeper meaning to me and my stories, you have helped me shine a open on the past which has held a strong grip on me for so long.Growing up in another country brought to light In my eyes the immensity of family, having respect for your elders, and to speak when spoken to along with not speaking out of turn. I grew up Belize with an abusive/ alcoholic father, in a way he was similar o what you described he was strict on me getting good grades and staying out of trouble in any way I attaint or disobeyed his orders he would be waiting my arrival home, his glare which literally made me weak in the knees and most of the time made me cry, but the heterogeneous objects he would hold to give me my beatings never made me budge in a way I was ready it was a routine.My mother I house say was in a way similar to the mother you described, she was always quiet and never intervened in anything my dad was involved in she could never book or protect e, she had to stay quiet, and had to make sure my father was satisfied whenever he was around. The phrase you used on chapter fourteen l realized one thing- I am my father really caught my attention. I found myself in life trying my hardest to run away from the thought of becoming my father not realizing that every action I partic ipated in brought me closer to being him.At the age of eight I started stealing money from my parents and sneaking alcoholic beverages to drink so I could numb myself from my surroundings and the pain I was feeling, then it became worst as mime progressed. I dont usually talk about my best friend because it brings back painful memories and the feeling of hate and revenge, he was my big brother older than me by close to a year but he was in addition young to lose his life.I was eight when we loaned the family gang which Included friends and family members, at the age of 10 during a drug deal he was gunned down by a rival gang during their Initiation phase. Seeing my only brother lifeless In a coffin drove me to a dark place and I felt I had to do something about it. When I turned 10 years old my mother who feared for my life took me from my father and we left Belize to come to the States she sine qua noned to give me a new start, a better life and a future to live for.In Tampa, Flo rida the elementary school my mother enrolled me In I didnt feel alone the children were nice and friendly although I had my heavy Caribbean accent, then It changed when I graduated and went to a different middle school from the little touch of friend I had befriended the bullies and never was I picked on again instead I was protected. My other received a better Job in a different location and I had to switch schools.The second middle school I was enrolled in became my worst nightmare I was called names, physically picked on by the students and couldnt make friends, I was an outsider and found myself roaming the school yard alone. I became depressed, found myself eating away my pain, and started stealing drinks from my mothers wine bottles and from her boyfriends liquor collection. I pleaded with my florists chrysanthemum for a new change, as a result we locomote to Long Beach, California after I graduated middle school before arriving I swore to myself I would never stand for get ting bullied ever again.In High school I started working out and turned all my fat into muscles and I as well as found myself getting in too much fights, about close to 70 in the first two years, then I switched schools to a predominated washcloth upper-class high school in which I joined the wrestling team and took the varsity position at asss my first year, ever since I moved to the new environment my life has changed. I am in college now pursuing a career in the Fire Service I want to help people not cause harm to them.I never wanted to be a violent person, I was driven into it because at the time I felt in that location were no other possible solutions. Today I strongly believe the person I grew up to be does not mannikin my future, its my choice I can either stay and dwell in the past or move forward and strive for my future. You helped me enforce this idea and thats why I am grateful to have had the opportunity to read your novel l Love Hoys Are For White People.You can ch ange the lives of many individuals Just by being able to elate, a lot of people feel they have to bottle up their emotions because no one out thither would be able to relate and understand. I would and will recommend this novel for all my friends and family to read. I have come to witness that am still here in this world for a reason, I believe in the phrase you used and that is Eve come across a couple of angels in my age here on earth. I want to say thank you once again for speaking to me through your story and I really appraise the words you wrote. Sincerely Clifford Usher

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

American Response to Revolutionary Nationalism in Asia

In the result of World War II revolutionary nationalism emerged as a muscular force in Asia. As a response to this, the American foreign policy evoked three principal(prenominal) images that identified the join States with the power it had everyplace other states. The first image was that of a firefighter. America was seen as firefighting machinery that moved forward to put out the military and political blazes. The United States after the back up World War was seen as the missionary who came to save the souls for democracy in Asia. The last type of image that America presented was that of an accountant.As an accountant, America intervened in Asian countries to work up the equilibrate sheets as well as warning the individuals who the scotchal policies considered to be unfair to the United States. The rise of nationalism in Asia was seen as the while of decolonization and a principle of self-determination. Particularly the issues that involved Japan and the World War II had exploded the myths of western supremacy and America was ready to reconstruct the tattered perception. Asia had so much contact with the western culture and their allied technology which had almost taken up the societies in the Asian states.Some factors enabled the emergence of India to fetch a state and to make Asia be for Asians. Perhaps it can be identified that the society propaganda together with the British labor party played a pivotal role in the enabling revolutionary nationalism that became a powerful force in Asia. The revolutionary nationalism took three major phases maturement where the first phase took place as early as 1885 to 1905. During this period, the Indian National Congress was mainly dominated by the moderates. During the first phase, the Indians who were taught in slope had strong beliefs that the British would lead the country into self-governance.The second phase ensured after the first phase and lasted for thirteen years from 1906 to 1919. Here, the extr emists emerged shaking the faith of the Indians in salient Britain. The key architect for this swindle was the Rouwlatt Bill, the repressive methods that were adopted by the British government and the Bagh massacre which led to the death of several people as the British troops closed the only fire exit without giving any warning. The third phase was mainly characterized by the Indian father, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi from 1920-1947.Gandhi offered to bring India out of scathe and ensured that India attained its emancipation. The third phase experienced a lot of transformation in the entire Asian continent when activists rose up to fight for their rights to be free. The success of Gandhi was mainly due to his six main principles which he followed during his mission and in his entire life. The truth, vegetarianism, non-violence, faith, simplicity and brahmacharya were the main principals that Gandhi lived by in his life and became a father and a man to emulate in the entire Asia.Th e phase marked the end of the struggles of nationalism and after the World War II, India attained independence in 1947. The purpose of America in fulfilling its roles was perceived to be invariably successful although they were played in a simultaneous manner. The United States emerged as an imperial beard power during the World War I and after the postwar period, the America came in posing as a missionary, accountant and more of a firefighter. The main instrument after the World War II was Bill Knowland who was one of the ten most influential members of the Congress.William F. Knowland was named as a man who hardened the United States policy towards the Asian communism. He was also recognized as a man whose convictions spoilt his mission as a leader. As it was expected, in the aftermath of the second world war, almost the entire Asia was very fragile with a number of pressures which helped move towards the order of authoritarian as that to provide the rapid economic growth directed by the state and stability. The United States provided an authoritarian order which came in the form of one party system of authoritarian.Another form of machinery was communism which was seen to be very dynamic. The mass mobilization using communism capacity combined with the skilful application of the visionary promises and the military powers resulted to a major challenge to the individuals who wished to relate and create an open system. The American goal was in Asian continent was to set up security structure in China which could not break off any further communism expansion. The communism expansion was characterized by the rising Chinese and Soviet powers.In this effort, a major disagreement resulted whether the United States commitments should be hold in to the island chain away from the extensive continent of Asia or the commitments should also involve the individual needing some assistance. At a very great cost, the United States se up a strategic balance in the Asia pac ific that centered upon the bilateral ties with the ROK and Japan. The bilateral ties were also established with the Philippines as well as Thailand.This balance was greatly assisted by the split between the Soviet Union and the Peoples Republic of China. This led to a critically important amour between the PRC and the US. The plan was also supported by the increasing economic growth of the market economies of the East Asia where Japan served as a sharpen and a forerunner. It may not be said that the United States succeeded in its response towards the powerful force in Asia brought by the revolutionary nationalism.As it can be seen of today, the Asian societies argon facing great economic hurdles and the Americas effort to act as a missionary and accountant have not been seen to be successful. There are problems related to excessive exuberance and insufficiency in regulatory measures together with the unhealthy ties between the government and the corporate sector. These problems have been outshined by the new and complex problem of globalization. It is expected that majority of Asian states will start the recovery process shortly with the hope of a more improve economic sector.There is one strong lesson which can be learned from the intervention of the United States into the revolutionary nationalism in Asia. The economic strategies, however successful they may look like, cannot be exhaustive and entirely good for all times. This typical scenario can be seen in Japan. At the same time, it should be recognized that the changes that are required in states go beyond the economic circles and touch deeply into the cultural spheres. Bibliography Chen Jan. 1997.The Myth of Americas Lost Chance in China A Chine Perspective in Light of New Evidence. Diplomatic History, Vol21 77-86 Hershberg James. 1996. The frigidness War in Asia. London DIANE Publishing Jian Chen. 2001. Maos China and the Cold War. University of North Carolina Press. Newman, Robert. 1961. Recogni tion of Communist China? A Study in Argument. New York Macmillan Offner, Arnold. 2002. Another Such Victory President Truman and the Cold War 1945-1953. Stanford University Press

Monday, May 20, 2019


In the era of information and technology, there is a great lack for individuals to convey and master the side wrangle. Nowadays the English words is of the essence(predicate) to bum around a bloodline easily. English is excessively used for assorted purposes much(prenominal) as news and information, business, diplomacy, throw intainment and others, back up by Kitao as cited in (Kasuma, 2002). According to Travil as cited in (Kasuma, 2002) knowing the lyric enkindle armed service us to express our opinions, hopes, and even our dreams. In Malaysia every school uses English as the speech communication for teaching method subjects such as Mathematics and Science, and a lot of people learn English at school, where English dustup is used as a common subject. Learning the language is of the essence(p) and people learn to convey and write in English to make sure they arouse communicate with other people. However, there ar still some people who whitethorn non read and plow in the English language fluently. In the primary and secondary schools English is taught as a second language. By probeing English, students send word prep ar themselves to improve their thinking and communication skills. Based on Rosli Talif as cited in (Kasuma, 2002), English could 2contribute to knowledge, go outing and skills of students, who compulsion to be equipped with such skills in order to be inclined(p) for more than complex problems in the future. As we any know English is important but there are still people who dont want to take the opportunity to learn the English language because of their lack of pauperism. Motivation is suggested to be an important constituent to start development English. Motivation is defined as the extent that one strives to acquire the language because of the desire to do so and satisfaction derived from it supported by Gardner as cited in (Wimolmas, 2001). For students to achieve their success they need to pass water a str ong want for themselves. Motivation can bring the students information results.Motivation is the biggest single factor affecting a language learners success. According to Tuan L as cited in (Jafari, 2013) one of the factors influencing the success of the learners in knowledge English is the persons want. Students who ready low penury leave alone non attend the line, or enter the class late, that is why indigence is needed to make the students more likely to enter the class and want to learn English or other subjects. Motivation is one of the factors or keys to success in anything. When they lack motivation the students alike get poorer results. Every student has his own goal and target. most of the students render the motivation to learn and some students learn by working harder in understanding the subject. They will draw different results, as some students whitethorn have good results and some student may non even though they have worked harder, because the student t hat have a higher motivation will get the credits and have better results. 31.1. Background of StudyThis research is done in important College of Technology (ACT) which is one of the Private Colleges in Malaysia. The population of this college is just slightly 1143 students. The topic that has been choose by the investigator is the factors that warp Intensive Bahasa Inggeris (IBI) students motivation towards training English at important College of Technology in Seremban 2. In this research the respondents that have been chosen is students from Alpha College of Technology, who are from Semester 1 to Semester 6. In this research students can be motivated by many factors, and the police detective will focus on four independent versatiles to visit the factors that influence students motivation in learning English. Intensive Bahasa Inggeris (IBI) is a programme that takes devil month for the students to complete. Students who enter this program will gain a lot of knowledge.Th e objective in this IBI programme is after deuce months the students, they should be able address English employ correct grammar and they should be able have a confidence when blab outing and communication with others. In this IBI programme, the students will learn everything in English excessively speak in English with the lecturers. It is because Alpha College of Technology has decided to take lecturers from the other countries so that they cant speak our language which is Bahasa Malaysia. With this method, the students will non have an option to communicate in Bahasa Malaysia. They need to speak English to communicate with the lecturers. So the students will be able to have a confidence in themselves to speak with others.The college also has provided good facilities to learn the language in two month. The students will have a comfortable classroom. Other than that the students will also do some activities in the class such as presentations, public speaking, acting, and many more. All of these activities will be in the English language. Some of the students will do the activities individually and in groups so this will make the students have more confidence in communicating with others using the English language. Other than that, the IBI programme also uses technology in the lessons, such as using a projector which teaching in class. This will make the students understand the lectures. The lecturers may use the projector in teaching grammar using presentations. The college also provides good audio systems in every classroom to make sure the students can hear the lecturers during lecture. The audio system also will be used in the listening activities. With all these facilities, the collage hopes to make the students have high motivation in learning English in the two months. Although after the two months, if the student still cant have good grammar skills, at to the lowest degree they have confidence in communication and can speak with everyone.1.2. Pr oblem StatementEnglish is important nowadays, because it is used in all our daily activities. English is the fourth most widely spoken language in the world. It is the most spoken official language in the world. In Malaysia English is known as a second language which is used every day and it is an international language. English language can help create many opportunities in international markets because English is used as an international language and it will be easy to communicate with others from different countries. Many of the worlds top films, books and harmony are published and produced in English. Therefore by learning English you will have access code to great entertainment and have a greater cultural understanding. Other than that, most of the content produced on the internet is in English. So, by knowing English will allow you to access and get more information easily. There are several factors that motivate IBI students in learning English. Learning will not happen wit hout good motivation, some students may have a good motivation but when it comes to learning English they will lose their motivation because they have a negative view to learning English.So, inthis research the detective will view the factors that influence IBI students to learn English. There are four factors that influence IBI students motivation in learning English which are the activities, facilities, the lectures cleverness and the technology. Specifically, the research explored that with suitable activities, it will help students motivation in learning English. Learning English will not be effective if the students moreover learn theory without activities, because students will have betterunderstanding of the language and have the courage to speak in front of others. As we notice, most of students who learn English do not fully understand and cant speak and communicate well with others. This is because they do not have the motivation to do so. In Malaysia, some of the insti tutes dont have effective activities for the students to moderate them motivation to learn English. The colleges moldiness know what activities can be used to make the students want to learn more English. They can give activities such as public speaking, poem recitations, and spelling contests. With correct activities, the students will have good motivation to learn English, because they will not face any stress in learning English. Next the researcher also examined the facilities of the college to see if they are suitable for the students to learn English. The college must provide good facilities to make their students learn English. A college which does not have good facilities will not influence students motivation in learning English.The facilities will include whether the college provides a good class, which has air-conditioning or not, enough tables and chairs for memorize, and has a whiteboard or not. Good facilities are most important to make the students have motivation i n learning English. Some of students dont want to enter the class because they are not satisfied with the facilities that are provided by the college. In this case the students will not come to class and will study at the hostel. This fate that the students have poor motivation because they dont have the desire to learn and may be they will stop leaning in the college. The lecturers ability is also important in determining the students motivation in learning the English language. The lecturers need to have a willingness to teach the students and if the lecturers dont have the willingness to give lectures to the students7than the students will not have the motivation to learning English. Lecturers play an important piece in developing students minds and motivation in learning the English language. Some colleges may have all foreign lecturers to give a lesson to the students so that the students will have to speak in English to communicate well with the lecturers because the lecture rs only understand English. With a good lecturers ability, the students will be able to learning English with a higher motivation. Also some students may not be liked by the lecturers.This is normally because they are biased, and some students may refuse to enter a class because they do not like the lecturers, either personally or professionally. Other than that, technology also may be a factor that influences students to study the English language. The college needs to update their technology for the advancement of the students. Technology that may be used by the college like projectors, for lectures can make students understand more clearly. Also with the use of technology, the lecturers can give a lecture to the students windy. For some students they can learn faster when using a technology because they enjoy themselves during the lectures and get the main point in the lecture easily. The lecturers also do not need to worry most insufficient time to give lectures to the stude nts. 81.3. seek QuestionThis research focuses on factors that influence IBI students motivation towards learning English. The research questions are 1.3.1. Are activities a factor that influence IBI students motivation towards learning English? 1.3.2. Are facilities a factor that influence IBI students motivation towards learning English? 1.3.3. Is the lecturers ability a factor that influences IBI students motivation towards learning English? 1.3.4. Is technology a factor that influences IBI students motivation towards learning English? 1.4. Research ObjectiveThe specific objective for this research is the factors that influence IBI students motivation towards learning English. The research objectives are 1.4.1. To identify whether activities are a factor that influence IBIstudents motivation towards learning English. 1.4.2. To identify whether facilities are a factor that influence IBI students motivation towards learning English. 1.4.3. To identify whether the lecturers ability is a factor that influences IBI students motivation toward learning English. 1.4.4. To identify whether technology is a factor that influences IBI students motivation towards learning English. 91.5. Significance of StudyThe significance of this study is to find the factors that influence IBI students motivation towards learning English at Alpha College of Technology in Seremban 2, Negeri Sembilan. It is believed that those students that have motivation in themselves will want to occur learning English and take the IBI programme. 1.5.1. ResearcherThis research, can be used by other researchers as their references. The researcher will also get more knowledge and get more information about the factors that influence IBI students motivation towards learning English at Alpha College of Technology in Seremban 2, Negeri Sembilan. Other researchers may use the information that is obtained in this study and apply it in other neighborhoods by using different or more samples. With this resea rch also the researcher may increase his self-confidence and communication skills when traffic with other people in the future. 1.5.2. Intensive Bahasa Inggeris (IBI) studentsThrough this research, the student will get the knowledge about the factors that influence IBI students motivation towards learning English in more detail. In addition, with this research, the researcher can also help the students to identify the factors that influence them to learn English. 101.5.3. ReadersThis research is important and very beneficial to the commentator because it can be used as information in understanding the factors that influence IBI students motivation towards learning English. 1.5.4. Future researcherThis research will be able to help others in their future research. It isimportant because future researchers can use this research as a guide for a new area of research with similar topics. The researcher also will be able to use this research as a reference to gain more knowledge about the factors that influence IBI students motivation towards learning English at Alpha College of Technology in Seremban 2, Negeri Sembilan. 1.6. Scope of the StudyStudent motivation for learning something is the factor for the students to continue studying. For the purpose of this research, the study will focus on factors that influence Intensif Bahasa Inggeris (IBI) students towards learning English at Alpha College of Technology. 111.6.1. SubjectThis research focuses on factors that influence IBI students motivation towards learning English at Alpha College of Technology. In this research, the researcher will know what are the factors that will influence the students motivation. For this research it focuses on four motivation factors that have been identified. They are activities, facilities, lecturers ability, and technology. 1.6.2. RespondentsThe respondents in this study were selected from students who have taken an IBI programme at Alpha Collage of Technology, Seremban 2. As ma ny as blow respondents were selected to answer the questionnaire that was already prepared. The questionnaire is based on the factors that influence IBI students motivation towards learning English based on the independent variables. 1.6.3. LocationThe location of the study that was chosen by the researcher is at Alpha College of Technology, Seremban 2, Negeri Sembilan. This place was selected because it is close to the researchers residence, and it is faster for the researcher to distribute and collect the questionnaire from the students. The researcher also selected this place because it is easy to get permission from the governance to do the research. It is also suitable for 12the researcher to get the respondents because it is easy to find respondents as they are in the IBI programme at Alpha College of Technology. 1.7.Limitation of the Study1.7.1. The respondentThis research focuses on 100 respondents who had entered the Intensif Bahasa Inggeris (IBI) programme, which is a tw o month programme. The researcher had difficulties when distributing the questionnaire because the researcher needed to give the questionnaire to persons who have entered the IBI programme only. The researcher will get late feedback from the respondents because the researcher may need to rationalise the questions to them. Also some respondents did not answer the entire questionnaire and gave false information while filling in the questionnaire. Other than that there were a few respondents who did not give their cooperation to the researcher. 1.7.2. The locationThis study was done at Alpha College of Technology which has an Intensif Bahasa Inggeris (IBI) programme. This study was only conducted in a specific area which is at Alpha Collage of Technology in Seremban 2, Negeri Sembilan.1.7.3. Limitation of dataThe researcher found that the data needed was available only in Alpha College of Technology. Therefore the data may not be very accurate because it is only from the students of A lpha College of Technology. 1.8. Chapter synopsisAs a summary, this chapter explains the overview and background of the study. In addition, this chapter also explains about the problem statement of this research which explain about the problem that make the researcher make this research. Next the researcher will create a research question and research objective which will be used as an independent variable in this research. The dependent variable of this research is motivation and Intensive Bahasa Inggeris (IBI). After that the researcher will need to explain about the significance of the study which contain researcher, IBI students, and for the future researcher. Beside that the researcher will explain about the scope of the study which is subject, respondents, and location. Lastly the researcher will explain about the limitation that the researcher have during completed this research.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Edgar Allan Poe Analaysis

Isaiah Mutakabbir Dille Senior position 2 23, March, 2013 Edgar Allan Poe Literary Analysis Edgar Allan Poe was born on January 19, 1809, Massachusetts. Poe died at the age of 40. The cause of his death is indeterminate and has been attributed to alcohol, drugs, cholera, rabies, and other agents. He is most known for his poems and short stories such as The Raven, Tell-Tale Heart, and The Black Cat. Poe was bingle of the untimely American practitioners of the short story and a progenitor of detective fiction and crime fiction.Poe used many another(prenominal) different forms of figurative language in his poems but the one I find as his shell and most used is his use of symbolic representationism. Poes use of this literary element is seen all throughout his flora. In one of his greatest poems, The Raven, symbolisation is used very many times. Such as the main symbol in the poem which is a raven. It symbolizes never ending and mournful remembrance. Many others too agree that sym bolism is Poes greatest form of figurative language is his use of symbolism. Such as Tyler G. who said that Poe master it in his every work. He also said that in The Pit and the Pendulum, the whole story symbolizes the puritanic and rough time in the torture chambers. Another critic named Christoffer Hallqvist agrees and says that Poe uses several symbols to take the poem to a higher level. In his online essay written about Poes use of figurative elements he is also quoted saying that Poes way of interpreting signs that do not bear a real meaning, is one of the most profound impulses of human nature. Though many believe that symbolism is Poes greatest literary element others believe that it is his use of foreshadowing that should be known as his best element.In an article on 123helpme. com it was written that Poes most common literary element used throughout many of his works is foreshadowing. The article also stated that When Fortunato states, I shall not die of a mere cough, Monstressor sky-high agrees with him. If you read into this meaning behind this it is direct foreshadowing that he exit not die of a mere cough, but starvation and dehydration caused by Monstressor burying him in a wall will be what kills him. Though this is a good example of Poes use of figurative language I still believe that it s his use of symbolism that should be accredited with being his most and greatest used literary element. Poe overall is one of the post modern pioneers of symbolism. plant life Cited Magills Survey of American Literature, Revised Edition, September 2006, p1, 10p Edgar Allan Poe and His Use of Literary Devices. Teen Ink. N. p. , n. d. Web. 23 Mar. 2013. Edgar Allan Poe. A Brief Biography of including Selected Works to Read Online. N. p. , n. d. Web. 23 Mar. 2013. Literary Elements Used by Poe Essays enquiry Papers. Literary Elements Used by Poe Essays Research Papers. N. p. , n. d. Web. 23 Mar. 2013.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Health Care Associated Infections Essay

Did you know that healthc atomic number 18 associated infections atomic number 18 in the top ten leading causes of death in the United States? According to Agency for health c ar Research and Quality (2010), healthc atomic number 18-associated infections, similarly known as HAIs are the most commonality complication of hospital care, resulting in 1.7 million infections and ninety-nine green deaths apiece year. It is unfortunate that so galore(postnominal) people suffer each year from infections that could be easily precludeed.Slide2 straightaway my goal is to share some information with you about health care associated infections and hopefully together we lot either make a difference by reducing these alarming statistics. To start off Im going to explain what Healthcare Associated Infections are and then I will go over the polar types. Next I am going to go over a couple of the more common pathogens in healthcare associated infections. Following that I would like to talk about the preventive measure that every last(predicate) health care workers should be following to prevent future Healthcare associated infections.(Slide 3)According to Wilkinson and Treas (2011), A Healthcare Associated Infection is an infection related to healthcare given in any setting such as a hospital, during home-care, long-term care, and ambulatory settings. Infections may be spread from integrity patient to some other righteous now because the healthcare provider discovered to wash out their hold or wear the proper personal protective equipment. Infections are also commonly spread by devises used during a medical exam procedure and anything else the patient may come in contact with that has not been properly cleaned such as a c only gong or side rail. For instance say you support a patient with MRSA and one of their family members leave the fashion failing to wash their manpower, goes to the front desk to ask for a glass of water for the patient in the besot ted time she placed her contaminated hands on the desk.Following that a nurse stops by the front desk also placing her hands on the desk then goes in to see a patient and fails to wash her hands prior to patient contact. Now we have just spread the infection and sadly another patient has acquired a healthcare associated infections. Patients whom acquire healthcare associated infections typic everyy have longer duration of retrieval time and medical cost are increased drastically. on that point are many different types of Healthcare Associated Infections, there is operative Site Infection (SSI), primaeval Line Associated kindred waterway Infections (CLABSI), catheter associated infection (UTI), and ventilator associated phenomena (VAP).(Slide 4)Surgical Site InfectionA surgical site infection, also known as SSI, is an infection that occurs afterwards surgery in whatever part of a persons embody that the surgery took place. There are three main types of SSIs. There is superficia l incision SSI, which transpires between the integument and subcutaneous tissue. Next is sibylline incision SSI, taking place at deep tissues such as muscles. The third type is called electric organ/space SSI, which occurs inside the body at an organ or the open space inside the body around the surgical site. All Surgical infections typically occur within thirty days of the surgical procedure expect in cases of im purposets, which then surgical site infections can take place with in one year. According to the Center of Disease Control (2012), infections develop in about 1 to 3 out of every 100 patients who have surgery. These infections are not only lengthening hospital stays, and adding unnecessary medical expenses, and are also responsible for unnecessary deaths and long-term disabilities.(Slide 5)CLABSIAnother type of Healthcare associated infection occurs at a central line also known as a catheter line, which is a tube used to draw blood, give medication or fluids through a l arge venous blood vessel such as the jugular vein or subcalavian vein. A central line associated blood stream infection is caused when bacteria, or any type of germ enters the blood from the central line, which then causes an infection in the blood stream. Slide 6- According to The American Surgeon (2011) Nosocomial blood stream infections are one of the leading causes of death in United States hospitals. As stated in the U.S. Department of Health and benevolent Services (2012), In 2011 there were thirty-seven central line associated blood stream infections reported at Halifax Health Medical Center.(Slide 7)CA-UTIA different type of Healthcare related infection is a catheter associated urinary track infection. This type of infection occurs when the patient has a urinary catheter in place and bacteria or fungus travel up the tubing. The infection can take place any where in the urinary constitution from the urethra to the kidneys. The longer the patient has the catheter in place t he more they are at risk for getting a UTI. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported that one in ever two thousand patients who were cared for at Bert Fish Memorial in New Smyrna Beach acquired a catheter associated infection.(Slide 8)VAPThen there are the ventilator-associated phenomenas, which is an infection that occurs in the lungs due to contaminated ventilation equipment. Patients who are on ventilators are already washed-out due to another form of illness and their immune systems are typically compromised making it difficult for their bodies to fill out with trying to fight yet another issue. According to Wilkinson and Treas (2011), ventilator associated infection are associated with high mortality rate. Last year alone there were approximately thirty-six thousand reported cases of ventilator-associated infections.(Slide 9)PathogensTwo of the more common types of pathogens in nosocomial infections are Coagulase-negative staphylococci also known as CoNS and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus also known at MRSA. CoNS typically causes catheter related ifections since catheters are not easly outback(a) and cleaned it often makes it complicated to treat. CoNS are also known to be resistant to most forms of antibiotics. According to the European Journal Of Clinical Microbiology & infective Diseases (2011), CoNS infection prolongs treatment with antibiotics and hospital stay by approximately twelve days or up to two and a half weeks. MRSA is a staph germ that is difficult to cure. If MRSA enters the blood stream it can spread any where through out the body, including bones, and organs. According to Clinical Infectious Disease (2012) MRSA infections kill xix thousand hospitalized American patients annually. Out of all the MRSA cases, 86% of them are healthcare aquired.(Slide 10)Preventive measuresAll of these infections could be prevented if we take initiative to follow the proper protocol. One the simplest and most important prev entive measures is washing your hands before and after entering a clients room. Sadly many health providers fail to do this. These infections could be prevented as long as the healthcare team uses proper aseptic techniques. In 2010 Floridas Department of Health started up a program called the HAI prevention program. One of their main goals is to prevent and decrease the healthcare related infection rates in Floridas hospitals and long-term care facilities.With in a five-year period the US Department of Health and Human Services plans on reducing Blood stream infections in Florida by 50-70%. Thats a good start, but I believe we should all strive to eliminate all healthcare related infections. A few preventive measures are, if a medical supply accidentally becomes contaminated through it out and start fresh, as soon as our patients are well enough to have catheters removed notify the doctor so that they can be removed promptly, and always wash your hands before and after patient conta ct and remind others to wash their hands as well.(Slide 11)ConclusionIn closing I am sad to say it, but many healthcare providers are in violation of the first rule of health care, Do No Harm. Our patients are coming to us to be relieved of their illnesses not to acquire new ones. So if we could all just follow the simple preventive measures such as washing our hands before and after assisting our patients we all can make a difference. Just think that fifteen seconds it took you to wash your hands may have just saved a life.ReferencesAgency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2010) Ending healthcare-associated infections. Retrieved from http//, H. & Corey, R. (2008). Epidemiology of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Oxford Journals. 46(5), 344-349. Retrieved from http//cid.oxfordjournals.orgFlorida state plan to address healthcare-associated infections. (n.d.). Retrieved from http//, A. (201 1). Concentrations of procalcitonin and C-reactive protein, white blood cell count, and the immature-to-total neutrophil ratio in the blood of neonates with nosocomial infections negative bacilli vs coagulase-negative staphylococci. European Journal Of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases Official Publication Of The European Society Of Clinical Microbiology, 30(3), 455-457. Retrieved from http//, J., Egger, M., Franklin, G., Harbrecht, B., & Richardson, J. (2011). Central line- associated blood stream infection in the critically ill trauma patient. The American Surgeon, 77(8), 1038-1042. Retrieved from http// & Treas. (2011). Fundamentals Of Nursing. Philadelphia, PA F.A. Davis.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Looking Glass Self Essay

Good poster What is acceptable in one group is not always acceptable in another. Therefore, you change your demeanor based on what you what others to think about you. The others perceived judgment about your tendency makes you change your style depending upon the group.Directions Answer the Pre-Reading questions using Chapter 5 Section 2 Guided Reading Notes. When finished, read the article The smell folderol Self Who Holds Our Reflections. Read the short article and answer the Guided Reading questions. Finally, write a response to the journal activity.Pre-Reading 1. According to Charles Horton Cooley, how do people develop their spirit?People develop their personality by imaging how people see self. 2. What are the steps in this process?Looking-Glass Self how we be to others, other reactions toward you and finally you be possessed of to conceder such perspective from otherThe Looking Glass Self Who Holds Our Reflections?An interest discussion is about the theory of the Look ing Glass Self by Charles Horton Cooley. Cooley thought that an individual and participation do not exist separately, but rather the individual is the harvesting society and society is the product of the individual. There are three parts to the concept how a person thinks the other(s) perceives him, how the person thinks the other(s) judges that perception, and the reaction of the person to the assumed perceptions and judgments.I bathroom imagine what a group of diverse people sit around discussing this may argue, both for and against the theory. What a lively debate it could be, mixing young and old, liberal and conservative, and undergo and inexperienced into the kindred group. Ah, how many of those individuals, I wonder, would have dressed to convey an image to the others, would enunciate in certain manners in order to impress or distress, or would consider what the importance of their statements would have upon the other group members?At first, the theory seems to explain that each person is no more than a reflection of society. More realistically, the theory means we are products of our cultures, our physical marchings, and the human beings with whom we associate. Generally, I think it tin can be agreed, most people want to fit into society in some manner. And to fit in means to obey some of the rules of the group to which we belong, or want to belong.Considering everyone wants to fit in somewhere, people we surround ourselves with have a great influence on who we become. The type of people that we associate with differs through the assorted stages of our lives the drinking buddies we may have had in our early twenties may not be the same people we want as godparents for our children. The people from Church are probably not the people we would collect to a bachelor party.And so, as we grow older, what type of people should we associate with? What reflections of ourselves do we want to call forth? It depends on how each of us view the process o f aging, what and when is old age to each of us, do we curriculum to go gently into the night or will we remain active in and throughout the put and latter stages of life, just as we did in our physical youth? There are no ill-use answers, merely different ways for different people. Simply being aware of the influences others have on us is important. In that way, we can more actively choose those from whom we are reflected, and be mindful of how we react to others, as reflections of who they are.Guided Reading1. What are three examples given of step one at the end of the act paragraph? Or, how do people project their image to be judged? Dress up to convey others image, speak in certain way and what is the importance of their statement.2. How do we become members of a group? We should adapt the tender member.3. While our surroundings shape us, what choice do we have as individuals upon our personality development? We can choice people or group that we should be affected by. For example, if I want to be healthy, I should not hang out with people who drink alcohols.Post-Reading Journal Response Below explain a personal example about a time in your life where you experienced the Looking Glass Self. What was your imagined appearance? What were peoples reactions? How did the perceived reactions make you feel about yourself?I have both nationalities when I was born because my parents are Japanese (my father) and Thai (my mother). That means I have international family, so that I have more opportunities to interact among different nationality. When I dress up or peg down my hairstyle like Japanese which I think very cool style, my Thai relative, such as gramps and grandma, looks me strangely because they does know Japanese style. It is not just only my relative but also my friends sometimes. Since in that location are different perspective between Japanese and Thai, I have to adapt my looks due to who I meet.